Chereads / a grand journey: gacha system / Chapter 12 - Omake 1: Plans and fools

Chapter 12 - Omake 1: Plans and fools

' what is happening. My plans are in ruins.' , thinks a old ,possibly senile, man. Dumbledore paces back and forth in his admittedly outlandish office. Trinkets, bits and baubles all cluttering around every single inch of space. Fawkes perched on his stand looks at the fool he's bound to.

' Helena Potter is in the wrong house. How is she in the house of the daft. Gryffindor would have been better. She hasn't risen to any challenge or fallen for Ron Weasley. She needs to be with him so when she falls to Voldemort the vast fortune of the potter's isn't lost. What's worse she's befriended a mudblood, a bones and a black. Oh the horror a black. Black was always a house that never seen how great it is to follow me. And the Potter house was almost lost to my light. That fucking mudblood lily potter.' thinks Dumbledore sourly,' how she almost ruined my chances when James Potter became smitten with her. I thought of using that but she was too smart for her own good. Now her daughter is lost to the light. She'll follow her mother straight to death.'

Dumbledore pauses and chews on a lemon drop,' quirrel is playing his part perfectly. The troll was supposed to be taken out by Helena but no the black interfered. Now I have the entire ministry at my neck, the law department close by in hopes of shipping me right off to Azkaban. The teachers are also against me now, well except Severus. Thankfully he's on my side still well except it's against his will since I know the skeletons in his closet.'

Dumbledore gets up and opens a secret compartment on his desk inside is three items. A silvery cloak, a blood red stone, and finally is a wand that is made of elder. Death's cloak, the philosopher stone, and the elder wand. Dumbledore grins happily. ' my quest for immortality is almost coming true only if I can find that blasted stone. As soon as I'm immortal I'll be a god to the misguided fools of the wizarding community then I'll have the last laugh as I strike that vile devil down. Oh how you never granted my wish mephisto. I'll show you that I'll be the strongest out there.'

As Dumbledore turns around never seeing the items disappear and are replaced again before the drawer shuts.

St. Ottery catchpole, United Kingdom

" I wonder should I have the traditional roses or sunflowers for my wedding with my dragon." Says a dreamy voice as one Luna lovegood writes in a journal she has, " oh the rings are going to be beautiful on each of us then again they take the shape of what we desire in a ring the wearer. Fitting for us."

" Sigh to bad I don't know what will be our future. Do we join the yokai and bring them to glory or are we allied to them but our own empire. " Says Luna," it doesn't help I don't know all the people that will be with my beloved dragon. I know of some that are clear." Luna glances at her journal.

A woman that has an angel in her soul.

A woman that has death at her knees.

A woman that is brilliant and bushy.

A woman with a fiery heart that matches her hair.

A woman that was a prisoner of her own mind.

A woman that was a prisoner of her own making.

A woman of knightly kingship.

A warrior queen of a shadowy realm.

A woman that is a saint but was burned as a witch.

A woman that sees the unseen.

A woman who wants to stand out in her large family.

" All of these are rather cryptic but I do love a good puzzle but not as much as pudding. Hmm. Can't wait to try my beloved dragon's pudding." Says Luna," I wonder if dad would be ok with making pudding tonight for dessert. I'll go ask him." As Luna leaves a small chuckle is heard from nowhere.

Rome, Italy

" They really aren't guarded very well." Says a cloaked figure walking down a Italian street with several bundles in a bag. " You would think the church would gaurd their precious Excalibur fragments. Then again the fakes are really bad." Light is thrown across her face revealing Artoria Pendragon.

" I have them all except ruler but no matter I'll find it then my master can destroy them. Or use them to his doing. I wonder how he is. His last owl described him finally making friends. Oh I'm so glad." Says Artoria happy,' maybe I'll have gelato before I leave.' and Artoria Pendragon enters a shop for gelato.


" Oh do many plans coming together. I've always loved a good game but the last time I played was ages ago. With the three brothers." Says a beautiful pale skinned woman with long silvery hair. Her outfit is a long cloak that is tied at the waist with a simple brown Cord which holds three pendants. Her feet bare as she walks across the sandy floor moving stars and planets in her wake. This is death herself. All deaths are her as she is all death's. " The infinite universe is so intriguing. So many playing their little games."

She reaches out and crushes a orb floating by her head millions upon millions of screams heard. " To bad you loose #321,453,423,276,009-12,446. I can't comprehend how you thought I would bow to you. Only one master of death has ever made me fall to my knees. And I'm so glad the path she's on is working." Death peers into a new orb just so young compared to all others. Helena Potter's face is shown smiling and laughing at a joke.

" Yes Helena, continue on the path before you, fall for the one I placed there, let yourself be loved. And maybe I'll join you. " Death chuckles knowing that the world her beloved master will soon flourish underneath the guidance of the soul she reincarnated there.

" Don't disappoint me kyros Black. Or should I say**********"

Author's Note

Hey hope you like the chapter read and review. The poll that is up Will be there till the New year 2025. So if you like the world's to be visited just comment.