Chereads / a grand journey: gacha system / Chapter 18 - Chapter 16: talks , trial and a fight

Chapter 18 - Chapter 16: talks , trial and a fight

" So how is everyone doing after the holidays, and the first week back?" I ask everyone as we're in the room of requirement sitting around a large table drinking tea. Kuroka is perched across my shoulders as the Umbreon cream is sitting in Helena's lap eating a pastry Deek made. Ebony is laying in front of a fire place the room conjured to keep us warm.

" It went well, mom and I went to Paris and the French countryside for holidays," says Lyra drinking her tea and finishing her homework from transfiguration. She hands it over to Hermione to proofread the paper.

" Susan and I stayed at the castle but her aunt came to visit us and we had a nice chat." Says Hermione , " speaking of this topic Dumbledore has oddly been quite since the holidays. I don't like it."

" He apparently approached Helena and caused her to have a panic attack as soon as he was gone." I say surprising them," he also gave her a invisibility cloak that was laced with tracking charms and charms that would fail to hide her when certain people are around. We got rid of it and I had ebony steal her family's cloak back that he was keeping. "

" He had a family heirloom, " says Susan as she starts writing down what we are saying, " what else"

" He created a marriage contract between me and Ron Weasley the day after my parents died. Thankfully it's invalid due to another being signed by my parents and magical godfather. "

" Oh who's your betrothed " asks Susan curiously.

" Kyros is my future husband and we've agreed to follow through but he has several other marriage contracts some by life debts owed to his family." Says Helena.

All the girls look at me but I look away and say," it's a lot of marriage contracts."

I push forward the contracts that gringotts found and the original contracts of Narcissa and Bellatrix. Susan blushes and looks away while Hermione is making a face between disappointment and disgusted.

" That's barbaric" says Hermione," why is this allowed?"

" A number of different reasons," I say," one is to split power among multiple houses by the Lord taking several wives under the house names. Two blood wars between houses. The marriage is basically a unbreakable truce. Last is life debts as it is the easiest way to pay it back."

" He's correct plus the supernatural side of things is that multiple wives/ concubines are perfectly normal between someone with power," says Lyra," plus I believe this is actually beneficial with kyros and us. Just as he is now , he's high class at least in power right now. "

" Wait really?" I ask as Lyra nods," well I have something to tell you all. Over the break I found out something. I can see traces of ancient magic"

I tell them of my journey from Rookwood castle to gringotts then the restricted section atrium to the tomb and map chamber. They asked questions and I answered as honestly as I could.

" I told the keeper Rackham that I would fill you in and he agreed to share what he knows to us. But we have a problem. I encountered two death eaters and I believe Voldemort is still alive and he knows about the ancient magic, and if Voldemort knows then Dumbledore also knows." I say causing worry, " I also believe that whatever fluffy is guarding since Hagrid let it slip has to do with someone named Nicholas Flamel. I found out it is the Note worthy alchemist that is known for the philosopher stone or sorcerer stone. If Quirrel is after the stone I believe we have a big problem."

They nod agreeing with me. We leave for the map chamber taking the floo flame from the room of requirement. As we get to the map chamber I see San bakar's tower highlighted.

" Ahh your back just in time to. We the keepers believe you are ready for the first trial but you must go alone," says professor Rackham," I also see you decided to tell your friends. Good because I believe what you told us is most troubling."

I nod and let the girls talk with professor Rackham and ask questions. I go over my draws I received.


3. Common - 3 musketeers bar

4. Common - Snickers bar

5. Uncommon - Swiss army knife

6. Rare - hidden blade (assassin's creed 3)

7. Common - zippo lighter

After we leave the map chamber we part ways with me going to the trial while the girls go to the Hufflepuff common room. I use the floo to leave the castle and appear near jackdaw's tomb. I take a school broom that was in the room of requirement and fly above the trees in the night straight for San bakar's tower. As I arrive there I see several figures there so I silently get off the broom and use the disillusionment charm to hide.

" Oh isn't she a pretty one lads " says a drunk man, not a death eater, holding a girl no older than eight. Her father and mother tied together and blind folded. The others agree and one big man says," don't even think about it Rayes these three are our meal tickets. The old man is going to bring us the money and we'll set them free. In that forsaken haunted woods"

So they are muggles go figure well except the leader as I see him spread dark feathered wings. Great a fallen angel so they know of the supernatural. Probably stray exorcists or something.

" Yeah I hear you, Roland. But we can have fun with those three girls you brought. Who were they raynare, kalawarner and mittelt. You brought them all tied up real nice like." Says another man.

" Yes those three are pathetic and I believe you can have some fun with them." Says Roland, he chuckles as he looks away. I look and see a bloody and beaten raynare along with kalawarner and mittelt all tied up as well their wings look broken and various cuts litter their bodies. I slink my way to them as two of the men walk on over. As they draw close I shove orcist through one's gut and pulling it out as I shove the hidden blade into the other's throat before twisting and ripping it out as he clutches his bleeding neck. Two down a half dozen to go and a fallen angel. Hmm. His Wings would be a great wall mount.

The one with the guy wound I step on his throat hard crushing it. I use my sacred gear and Done my newest armor.

The helmet is only a mouth guard leaving my eyes exposed the material it is made out of is a mixture of beskar and vibranium. My shin and arm gaurds are the ones I got from gacha. I'm wearing two double belt scabbards,one for sting (left) and one for orcist (right). A under arm throwing knife sheathes. My chest plate is the SWAT uniform kevlar vest but I upgraded it with beskar plates. My combat boots are also from the gacha. I also used my sacred gear to make a USP .45 tactical pistol with suppressor. I sheath orcist and draw the pistol firing two shots into Three different targets. Five down three and the fallen. One guy draws a light sword and pistol but I fire two shots into his chest causing him to fall back into the fire pit scattering the stacked logs. Rayes drops the girl and draws a light pistol but I throw a throwing knife into his wrist causing him to drop it. I dodge something behind me and see a light spear go through his gut. I turn and fire my last four rounds at the fallen but they just hit his wings and a re blocked.

" Oh do we have a little hero here. To bad for you that weapon won't work. " He says gloating and laughs before he's shot with a large ball of POD (power of destruction).

" Idiot gloats before I'm done. " I say shaking my head," Deek "

Deek appears, and I order," Deek I need you to take these three muggles and drop them off over at the nearest police station in a muggle town. Don't be seen." He nods and disappears with the three muggles. I turn and undo the bindings on the three girls. When that's done I call for tizzy to take them to my home and tell me when they wake up. She nods and leaves with them. Oh this is going to be a headache to deal with especially with a trial ahead. Well out of the pan into the fire as they say.