Chereads / The Sound of Secrets / Chapter 7 - CHAPTER VII LOUIS


Louis abruptly woke up from the continuing dream that troubled his nights. He woke up on the couch, still feeling the effects of a restless night's sleep. Glancing downstairs, he noticed Oliver peacefully asleep, undisturbed by the gentle morning glow. Louis stood up towards bathroom and splashed cold water on his face, trying to rid himself of the lingering effects of his disturbing dream. He took the hair tie off his wrist and started to gather his sleek black hair, his reflection in the mirror gazing back with a mysterious, inscrutable look. Louis kept his thoughts to himself, hidden away from prying eyes. Louis approached Oliver, giving him a swift kick as he always did to wake him up. Oliver groaned, grumbling as he slowly stirred from his sleep.

"Hey, you said you had to get up early Oliver"

"ugh? Isn't it still 7 in the morning? Give me another hour." Oliver with red eyes drooping and his blonde hair still messy.

"It's 10 now hey, if you disappoint Mrs. Harvey, don't complain to me if you get fired," Louis smiled.

"huh? What?! You idiot, why didn't you wake me up earlier, ughhh" Oliver suddenly stood up as if he had been shocked by a high voltage electric current.

"Hahaha, strange, You yourself asked me to drink last night and now you're blaming me" Louis sat down and lit his cigarette.

"Ugh, damn" Oliver ran towards the bathroom.

"Oh, yes, I put the flowers you ordered on the front shelf. also prayed for me too Louis," Oliver spoke to Louis while he was in the bathroom in a slightly shouting voice.

"Okay, thanks, then I'll go first, Oliver, I'll put bread for you for breakfast on the table." Louis put on his jacket and scarf and went out.

"Yes, yes"

Louis stepped out, carrying a blank note and a bouquet of Forget-Me-Nots, and headed towards De Nieuwe Ooster cemetery. He made a quick stop at a local shop to buy Mr. Jourgen's favorite whiskey and a pack of cigarettes, items that held sentimental value. The journey was serene, the snow-covered streets glistening under the warm winter sun that highlighted the amber hues in Louis's brown eyes. Entering the grand gates of De Nieuwe Ooster, Louis was enveloped by the serene beauty of the cemetery. The tree-lined paths and carefully tended gardens provided a tranquil setting, a stark contrast to the bustling city of Amsterdam just beyond its boundaries. As he walked towards Mr. Jourgen's grave, the only sounds were the soft crunch of snow beneath his feet and the gentle rustling of leaves, creating a haunted, peaceful atmosphere.

"Hey Mr Jourgen, this is your favorite whiskey" Louis stood in front of the tombstone of a man named Jourgen, who died 2 years ago.

"And also, Oliver gave me these flowers to accompany you too, he can't come here because of his work."

"He has changed drastically compared to 2 years ago when I met you, hahaha" Louis smiled.

"And also sorry if I still haven't kept my promise," Louis showed him his blank note.

"I'm still confused about what note to write that satisfies" Louis shook his head.

"Maybe I'm just a coward in front of you, Mr Jourgen, haha" while pouring whiskey on the tombstone and drinking half of it.

"Okay Mr Jourgen, it's time for me to go to the orphanage to accompany the elderly with your music" Louis smiled and lit a cigarette.

"It turns out that this cigarette is still bitter... see you again tomorrow, Mr. Jourgen."

Perhaps only in the presence of Mr. Jourgen, Louis could truly express his true self. Mr. Jourgen was the only person who provided assistance to Louis and Oliver during their fierce escape from Belgium. The aged piano that Louis treasured held a special place in his heart, a cherished present from Mr. Jourgen who tragically passed away in an accident two years ago. As Louis stood by the grave, a deep sense of connection washed over him, reminding him of the man who had played a paternal role in his life. As he prepared to depart, he was taken aback by the presence of a middle-aged man whose face seemed oddly familiar, sparking a mixture of recognition and curiosity.

"Hmm, is it this cold in the morning that you've already drunk a bottle of whiskey, young man?" the man spoke looking at Louis who was holding an empty whiskey bottle.

"oh this? No, sir, this is for the person I visited at this funeral."

"Hahaha, this is the first time I've seen someone on a pilgrimage bringing whiskey, besides that, it's a good choice of whiskey, young man"

"Thank you, sir, I take that as a compliment," Louis returned with his mysterious smile.

"haha interesting kid, hmm if I look have I ever met you young man?" This man saw Louis with the charisma of his face.

"It's impossible, sir. I'm just an ordinary person. I am honored to speak with you, Mr. Hendrik Van Whiteloe, a very influential person in the Netherlands," Louis replied with a smile.

"haha I'm old so my influence isn't a big thing" Hendrick laughed at Louis' words

"Is that so, sir?"

"haha, yeah then pardon me if I suddenly asked you to chat, let me excuse myself."

"No problem sir, I'll excuse myself too" Louis shook hands and parted ways with Hendrick. Louis saw Hendrick heading towards a grave with a face showing a sadness in his smile with the name Lily Van Whiteloe.

Louis set off on his trip to Flevohuis, a highly esteemed nursing home in the bustling eastern district of Amsterdam. This visit was a regular part of Louis' schedule, as he had a contract to serenade the elderly with his beautiful piano music. Upon Louis' arrival at Flevohuis, he was greeted by the building's contemporary and inviting exterior, which perfectly mirrored the exceptional level of care offered within its premises. Step inside and feel the warm and inviting atmosphere, a stark contrast to the chilly world outside. He strolled through a meticulously maintained garden, where a group of older individuals revelled in the warm rays of sunlight, their faces lighting up as they caught sight of Louis approaching. It's evident that this place extends beyond being a mere facility—it fosters a sense of community. Louis made his way to the small hall, where a group of staff members were awaiting his arrival.

"Good afternoon Miss, sorry if I'm late" Louis asked the nurse.

"It's okay, Mr. Louis, the schedule for you to provide entertainment for the elderly still has 20 minutes left," the nurse answered Louis with a smile.

"Oh really? Haha, then can I smoke in the smoking area first?"

"Yes, please, Mr Louis"

Louis took in a smoke break within the designated smoking area, where he observed a group of elderly individuals relishing their golden years. Louis's lips curled into a faint smile as he observed their presence. He appeared to notice their gaze directed towards his deceased parents. He glanced once more at the blank piece of paper tucked away in his pocket. Louis took a drag on his cigarette and exhaled it with a sense of purpose, as if he was about to take on a musical note. However, the hand clutching the pen remained completely still. Eventually, the nurse arrived and discreetly indicated that it was time.

"Okay Miss, I'll be there as soon as I go to the bathroom." Louis stood up, not realizing that he had finished the cigarette in his hand.

"it's like this again..." Louis looked at his note and put it back in his pocket.

Once Louis exited the bathroom, he found himself in a hallway filled with elderly individuals. In the centre of the hall, a grand piano stood, waiting to be played. Louis removed his jacket, draped a scarf around his neck, and settled himself at the piano. Louis noticed the elderly individuals in the room, their faces filled with excitement and warm smiles, despite the presence of a nearby fireplace.


"So, allow me to join you this afternoon in celebrating the person we love that captures our hearts," Louis said with great enthusiasm, signalling the beginning of his performance. Louis' hands, tinged with a hint of chill, gracefully danced across the piano keys. He inhaled deeply and began to play a melodic tune.


Thuis heb ik nog een ansichtkaart

Waarop een kerk, een kar met paard

Een slagerij, J. van der Ven

Een kroeg, een juffrouw op de fiets

Het zegt u hoogstwaarschijnlijk niet

Maar het is waar ik geboren ben

Dit dorp, ik weet nog hoe het was

De boerenkind'ren in de klas

Een kar die ratelt op de keien

Het raadhuis met een pomp ervoor

Een zandweg tussen koren door

Het vee, de boerderijen


En langs het tuinpad van mijn vader

Zag ik de hoge bomen staan

Ik was een kind en wist niet beter

Dan dat het nooit voorbij zou gaan


Wat leefden ze eenvoudig toen

In simpele huizen tussen groen

Met boerenbloemen en een heg

Maar blijkbaar leefden ze verkeerd

Het dorp is gemoderniseerd

En nou zijn ze op de goeie weg

Want ziet hoe rijk het leven is

Ze zien de televisiequiz

En wonen in betonnen dozen

Met flink veel glas, dan kun je zien

Hoe of het bankstel staat bij Mien

En d'r dressoir met plastic rozen


As the soothing melodies of "Het Drop" by Wim Sonneveld filled the room, a sense of tranquility washed over him. They sit together, basking in the serenity of a gentle piano melody, savoring the simple pleasure of each other's presence. The music, with its smooth and captivating melody, seemed to perfectly capture the essence of the moment, enhancing their time together with an extra touch of magic. Every melody resonates with a collective recollection, creating a beautiful tapestry of happiness and peacefulness.

Louis restored joy to the elderly throughout the day, but had to bid them farewell in the afternoon. Bidding farewell to the elderly can sometimes leave Louis feeling a touch melancholic, but parting ways is not the end of everything. As Louis bid farewell to the cheerful staff, he donned his jacket and scarf once more.

"Is it finally time huh" Louis set off on his journey towards Kravelstraat, with the gentle snowfall of the afternoon as his companion.