In Past Ancient Time Suddenly Monster Appear From Another Dimension Called Neither World And Attack Human So Some People Are Create Powerful Warrior By Using Ancient Tecnology To Use Electric Symbol Power Suit They Are Called Power Ranger And Defeat Neither Emperor
Now Present Day In A Ruin Some Archaeologist Accidently Open A Seal At Mountain On Japan So Lord Z A Neither World Creature And Human Traitor Is Now Release From His Prison So Now New Generation Ranger Have Stop Lord Z In Los Angeles On California Rahul Is Training Martial Arts From His Mentor Before Going To College At Lunch Time Suddenly Neither Soldier Called Neither Spearman Is Appears And Attack On Human So Rahul Is Go To Stop Neither Soldier Then Rahul Is Transform Into Red Symbiotic Ranger By Use Brave Lion Symbol And Fight Against Neither Soldier By Using Samurai Saber That Powerd By Symbiotic Disk And Defeat Neither Soldier So That Day Collage Got Canceled Then Rahul Is Go To Dojo And Told Mentor About What Happen In Lunch Time So Mentor Is Call Other Holder Of Symbol Power And Assemble A Team Of People Then They Are Introduc Themselves Tripp Coley Blue Dragon Ranger Of Pride Symbol,Marina Fonseca Yellow Ape Ranger Of Anger Symbol,Mayawati Chautala Pink Turtle Ranger Of Calm Symbol,Reena Joseph Green Bear Ranger Of Rage Symbol And Team Leader Rahul Wayadar Red Lion Ranger Of Brave Symbol So They Are Go To Stop Neither Soldier Lead By Neither Commander Pirantishead Then They Are Transform Into Ranger And Channels Symbol Energy Into Saber By Using Symbiotic Disk And Use Symbiotic Slash To Defeat Pirantishead And Neither Spearman So Lord Z Is US His Power To Transform Pirantishead Into A Giant Monster Then Ranger Are Summon Their Symbiotic Folder Zord Brave Red Lion Zord,Pride Blue Dragon Zord,Angry Yellow Zord,Calm Pink Turtle Zord And Rage Green Bear Zord To Combine Their Zord To Create Shogun Stell Megazord Compose Of Brave Lion Zord As The Head And Main Body,Calm Pink Turtle Zord As The Right Arm,Angry Yellow Ape Zord As The Left Arm,Rage Green Bear Zord As The Right Leg And Pride Blue Dragon Zord As The Left Leg Also Manifest A Saber With Combine Of Their Symbol And A Shogun Helmet So They Are Defeat Pirantishead By Using Symbiotic Slash