Mentor Ji Is Informs The Rangers That He Is Going To Another City For Important Work For One Day That Day After College Rahul Sees A Little Boy Named Dylan Who Needs Help Find His Mother So He Goes To The Park To Help Him Find His Mother Then Lord Z Send Primator A Shape-Shifting White Baboon/Ape Like Neither Monster So Primator Attacks At Them Then Rahul Is Told Dylan Run After Dylan Run Away Rahul Transform Into Red Ranger And Call His Team Members So They Are Fight But Primator Is Got Upper Hand With His Shape-Shifting Ability He Can Confuse Ranger But Tripp Find Real Primator And Finish Him With His Symbiotic Weapon Dragon Bow And Arrow Then Primator Is Become A Giant Monster So Ranger Are Call Their Zord And Combine Them Then Use Symbiotic Slash To Defeat Primator