After she took her seat, The teacher in the middle asked her to introduce herself. Ariah replied," My name is Ariah Johne. I come from the middle-class family, and I have a younger brother who is three years younger than me. I studied in Abby School from the childhood to till now."She said only the simple thing and when the teacher asked her," Why should we give you scholarship? one on the left teacher asked.She kept her eye contact and said," My father cannot afford for this school fees."Her teacher asked again," They why didn't you say low-class but middle-class?" As other teacher heard his question, they looked at him shocked and signal him to not questioned a child this heavy question. As it may affect the mental health of the child. But the teacher ignored them and looked at silent Ariah with a serious question. Ariah thought for a while and answered," Low-class and middle class are the category distributed by us and till we have a roof in our house and can have our two meals with happiness I considered it as middle-class." All the teacher presents didn't expect this answer from the child who hasn't even seen the world. They looked shocked and even the questioning teacher was so shocked that he opened his mouth wide. Then the teacher looked at another teacher present who looked equally shocked. He waited for a minute and said, "You get your scholarship as well as other expenses for the stationary such as book, copy, pen etc. will be covered by school." When Ariah heard this, she smiled at the teacher who announced and she suddenly looked at the camera and said," Thank you Teacher." and saluted. After she casually said thank you for other teacher, she went out without waiting for other instruction. Other teacher also looked shocked and surprised at the behavior of Ariah and looked at the left teacher with question in their eyes. The teacher was surprised at the Ariah's behavior and knew he was domed but he thanked God that this was the last interview for this session. He slowly took out the earpiece and showed then and they also shoed knowing expression as they saw his earpiece. They said," Principle let's have a meeting." Principle voice came," Oh, I am at my home and cannot be there for meeting, so you guys have meeting." he hang up his earpiece. They knew their principal habits who was playful, but he was the serious and one of the intelligent people. They had different thought and suddenly they heard the sound of the gate opening, they kept quiet knowing it was their principle. Then, one of teacher remember they forgot to give the admission card for Ariah and said," Oh, I forgot to give her."Other two teacher looked at him as if he was the idiot and said," Do you think Principal won't inform the guard to inform her?"Another teacher said, "I guess he have already made plan for her."All the teachers thought that Ariah was the most pitiful as they are sure the principle will take as a disciple. And the meaning of disciple is different from student as disciple means having the closed relation to the teacher and greeting Infront of the god with the oath form both sides. So, they were really worried that Principal character will be in Ariah. Both will cause them trouble but what can they do as they knew none can change the thing Principle wanted.