Chereads / Spinsters by choice: A bridgerton Fanfic! / Chapter 23 - In music, the passions enjoy themselves.

Chapter 23 - In music, the passions enjoy themselves.

As Clara and Wolfgang were busy cleaning in the kitchen, Safa and James sat together in the drawing room.

Denver the dog was still soundly asleep on the sofa right where Wolfgang usually sits.

"You used to call the drawing room 'The parlor'? Why did you start calling it a drawing room and Isn't 'Parlor' more of an American term?" James asked, "Does it matter if it is a drawing room or parlor?

It should be called a sitting room to be honest, since all we do here is sit and talk." Safa replied.

James glanced at her wheelchair, "You seem rather comfortable in it...the chair I mean."

"Do not remind me, I am only putting a brave face at the moment for Wolfie's sake, I hate every second I spend in this chair, I cannot wait to get back on my feet." She replied.

"Wait until Lady Danbury hears that she has stressed you so much you had to use a wheelchair again, you can use this fact against her to make her feel guilty so she would keep her distance from you." James said.

"Hmm, not a bad idea actually, although I doubt it would work." Safa replied.

"Isn't funny that you were right?"

"About what?"

"About her, Danbury!"

"You mean about her trying to find me a husband?"

"Yes! How did you even know that she would take interest in you upon meeting you to a point where she would try to marry you off?" James asked.

"It was just a gut feeling at first, mainly because of the Queen." Safa said.

"Queen Charlotte? You think this is her doing?"

"I can only assume this was her wish, I heard the Queen has a real knack for matchmaking especially matchmaking for people she seems to take great deal of interest in, and she often enlists the help of lady Danbury to do so.

Not to mention, she would probably benefit from one more wealthy person joining her esteemed Ton."

"I see, and since the Queen herself took interest in you, you think she asked Danbury to help her." James said earning a nod from Safa.

"That puppy, the biggest evidence to that, poor thing was an obvious gift from the queen that she sent to Lady Danbury so she can use him to win my trust." Safa replied.

"Sharp as always, dear Safa." James said smiling.

"Speaking of which, these past few days were hectic, we did not even continue our experiment!" Safa replied.

"The tea experiment, right!"

"Although we only tried for a little while You were doing well, it seems the tea was improving your muscles quite significantly."

"That's nice to hear..." James replied, he was still acting strange even though it was just him and Safa now.

"You do not seem too happy...did something happen between you and Wolfgang before you joined us for dinner?" Safa asked.


"I hope you are not lying to me."

"I'm not lying, if anything...things are great between us...which is why I'm worried." James replied.

"Well we have the night to talk about it, and I am all ears, so tell me...what seems to be the problem." Safa said.

"A quick question before that, why did you invite us to stay tonight? Won't your other servants be returning tomorrow's morning?" James asked.

"No, I have actually granted them a day off for tomorrow, while you and Wolfie were snuggling in bed, I had sent for the modiste to come by tomorrow, I plan on making myself a new gown and gifting Clara a gown of her own as well." Safa replied.

Surprised, "That's quite generous of you! You really like Clara, don't you!" James said

"I do, she is quite lovable." Safa replied smiling, "She is also quite honest even with her expressions, I can tell that whatever is bothering you was bothering her as well, she was worried about you the whole time we were having our dinner."

Sighing, "It wasn't my intention to worry anyone, really...I just..." James said.

"Is your problem with Clara herself?" Safa asked.

"How about we change the subject!" James smiled nervously, "I see that you wish to avoid my question...fine, what should we talk about?" Safa asked.

"Fabian, perhaps?" James said.

"Fabian? What about him?"

"Do you find him interesting? You befriended him almost immediately."

"With what intentions are you asking this question?" Safa asked, "I mean, this was my first time and probably yours too, seeing a person with such rare features! You must be curious." James replied.

"You mean his appearance! Oh why yes! That was quite interesting to see in person, my brother once told me about a little girl he met in his travels that had really pale skin and white hair even though she was young, the surprise was that she was African." Safa said enthusiastically.

"You mean this condition doesn't only effect white folks?" James asked.

"No! And I believe it has nothing to do with race but rather something else...

I actually asked Fabian when we spoke together whether he was born that way, and he said yes..."

"Must be something that effect the babies in the womb."

"My thoughts exactly!" Safa replied, "And Fabian wasn't bothered by your question, knowing how curious you are, you must've treated it the poor man like a scientific research." James asked smirking.

"No, he was strangely alright with it...although he might have been embarrassed and did not wish to tell me, he kept turning red every now and then, even during the burial day, whenever we spoke his face would just flush, the red on his cheeks looks stronger due the fact his skin is so pale.

Although when I asked him, Fabian said that he was blushing because he was not used to people caring for him aside from his aunt, I assume he was he was feeling grateful for my visit." Safa replied.

James let out a laugh, "Sound to me like you have charmed a man." He said.

Scoffing, "Charmed? Huh? What a joke! We only met twice, it is impossible." She replied.

"Not at all you silly woman."

"What do you mean?"

"As a man, I can assure you Safa dear, we are easy creatures, a smile can captivate our hearts, especially if that heart had suffered from neglect."

"Are men really that easy?" She asked.

"Haha! Forgive my language, but you are bloody funny right now! Do you honestly not believe in love at first sight?" James said laughing.

"Unfortunately I have poor eyesight, so no.

And even if hypothetically speaking, I did charm Fabian which I do believe I did not, I had already warned him not to pursue me, should he think he can.

So I do not care if he ends up worshipping me, I shall pay him no mind concerning that matter." Safa replied.

Intrigued, James let his eyes examine Safa a little.

During the three years he known her, he noticed how her dresses were fashioned differently than most wealthy ladies he met, for starters, she dressed modestly compared to them.

During this period of time, rich ladies dressed in these form fitting gowns that would show a bit and sometimes a lot of bosom, It was often an attempt to brag about being plump and well fed and to catch the attention of possible suitors, but Safa's gowns were always covering her chest and seemed a size or two bigger than her actual size.

"Forgive my utter indecency, but why do you dress the way you do? I'm always finding myself curious about your choice of you even wear a corset?" James said.

"A corset? not anymore...i did once, it hurt like hell and if your are wondering about my gown's size, I dress this way because it is comfortable, I can barely walk, must I also be out of breath?" Safa replied.

"Have you ever worn anything your actual size before?"

"Why are you curious about such a thing?"

"I think you should try a gown that fits you Safa, and I might should be crimson red."

"Crimson Red?! I never wore such a bold color in my life!"

"Exactly, this is what you need at the moment." James smiled, "I heard a new gown can bring amazing things out of a lady that she herself didn't knew she possessed."

"Is this your attempt to charm me?" Safa asked.

"No, I can never charm you." James said winking.

Frowning, "You just want to see my bosom you dirty man." Safa said making James laugh.

"Haha please! I've seen all sorts of breasts already, I'm not that desperate to trick you into showing me yours."

"I can never understand people that brag about promiscuity!"

"That's because you're a virgin, still! Haha!" James laughed some more.

"Ugh!" Safa rolled her eyes in disgust.

As James laughed at Safa's reaction, Clara who carried a tray with tea and biscuits, walked in with a smile, she was happy to see James being himself again.

"What are you two talking about?" She asked putting the tray on the table nearby.

"Nothing, just James being the whore he is." Safa replied.

"Clara dear, I'm sorry that you and wolf had to clean for us." James said, "No need, I'm still your maid, it is my job in a way even if the location has changed." Clara replied.

"Where is Wolfie?" Safa asked.

"He said something about grabbing something from the basement." Clara replied.

"By the way Clara, I told James about the modiste coming tomorrow, he suggested I get a crimson red gown, do you agree with him?" Safa inquired.

Nodding, "Oh yes! Red would suit you beautifully!" Clara replied.

Sighing, "Seriously?...I suppose I can try red." Safa said in defeat.

...Few minutes later...

Wolfgang came in with something in his hands.

"Look what I have found buried in the basement!" Wolfgang said excitedly.

As soon as the trio saw what he carried, Clara gasped.

"Is that what I think it is?!" James said looking at the musical instrument that Wolfgang brought with him.

"Safa You own a Lute! This is a rare piece nowadays! I heard it's fashioned after that Arabic instrument...what is it called? Ugh I can't remember!" James said inspecting the instrument.

Smiling as she saw her Lute, "You mean the 'Oud', Yes, Lute is the Latin version of 'Oud'.

This was actually a gift from my father, I have not played it in a long while." Safa replied.

"Safa's father loved listening to her play, because Safa couldn't dance, her father wanted her to experience the beauty of music through playing it." Wolfgang spoke-up.

"Safa You must play it for us!" Clara said, "Darling I am terrifyingly out of practice!" Safa replied, "Still! I want to listen, pleeeeeeease!" Clara begged clasping her hands together.

Sighing, "Give me that." Safa said. To Wolfgang who handed her the Lute.

Once she placed it on her lap and close to her body, Safa took a deep breath and began playing a somewhat sad and slow tune.

Clara was smiling so big the whole time, and seeing her reaction, gave Safa the confidence to play something more daring.

So after taking another deep breath, Safa changed the tune, she began playing a faster much joyful song, something that promoted Clara to get on her feet.

James and Wolfgang laughed as Clara began dancing, she twirled around and jumped few times while giggling.

"Look at her, It's like she's in a world of her own!" Wolfgang said chuckling, but then he was astonished when James got up as well.

The redhead man went to the dancing maid and joined her for a dance, he began twirling her around, jumping and laughing with her while Wolfgang watched him with the deepest blush possible, coating his cheeks.

"God, are you using this gorgeous man to torture me?!"