Chereads / Spinsters by choice: A bridgerton Fanfic! / Chapter 16 - Some memories never heal, even with time.

Chapter 16 - Some memories never heal, even with time.

It's been already an hour or so since Safa has requested some privacy with Fabian, Wolfgang was getting anxious, "I should go see if she needs me!" He said attempting to leave but James grabbed him by the arm.

"For the 6 thousand time, let the woman be! She should be back when she's done!" James replied.

Annoyed, "Let go of my arm!" Wolfgang said.


"I said let me go!"

"Safa will be back, be patient."

"No I refuse!"


"James I swear I'm going to shove you away, let me go!"

"Do it, I dare you!"

"James this isn't funny I will shove you."

"Do you think you scare me Wolf?!"

Gertrude and Colin watched from the side as the two fought in words back and forth repeatedly for like the hundred time.

"They seem close since they all use each others first name." Colin pointed out, "Well lady Vega says these two are best of friends.

It is nice to see more nobles befriending commoners like myself." Gertrude replied.

"Friends?" Colin scoffed, "More like siblings, they Bicker and argue like me and my brothers would." He added.

"To be honest I don't know much about lord Teaton and it has been years since I've seen both lady Vega and Wolfgang, so I don't know them quite personally however, Wolfgang doesn't seem to have changed his character much but Lady Vega did change drastically...She couldn't even walk on two feet when I met her, i was quite surprised when she asked for the cane." Gertrude replied.

"You know...I was wondering about that! When I saw the wheelchair I believed she was bound to it, I did not expect her to be able to walk.

And the cane also bothered me a little...if she is talking with Fabian I would assume that she would be seated, so why would she need a walking stick if she plans to sit?" Colin questioned.

"Well She is crippled not paralyzed, although I heard it's quite painful and agonizing for people in her condition to learn how to walk on their own, which is why I believe she used the wheelchair since she was a child...The cane however...I believe it's something that gives her more than stability in her walk but also gives her a great deal of proudness in herself.

I can assume she would feel insecure without it." Gertrude said.

Nodding, "Hmm that actually makes good sense.

You are quite smart, Ma'am." Colin replied smiling.

Smiling back, "Thank you, I take pride in that." Gertrude said then she glanced once more at Wolfgang and James.

"Wolf, take a deep're worrying yourself too much." James said, "Can you blame me?! She fainted yesterday! Like you said she seemed dead in Clara's arms! How am I supposed to calm down? What if that man is treating her horribly?! I am going to get Safa whether you like it or not!" Wolfgang replied.

Sighing, "Those two are still at it." Gertrude said, "I wonder if they are always like this, must be a headache for Lady Vega to deal with their tantrums." Colin replied.

Whispering, "You either calm down right now, or I will hug you in front of everyone here Wolf!" James threatened the manservant.

With wide eyes, "What kind of threat is this!" Wolfgang asked.

"I swear I'll do it!"

"You're insane and I don't believe you!"

"Try me! I dare you!" James said glaring.

Defeated, "Alright! Fine! You win I will stay!" Wolfgang replied.

Gertrude giggled at the two men, "Friendship is a beautiful thing." She said, "Indeed, although...I am not quite sure we are witnessing a friendship, they seem to dislike each other genuinely." Colin replied.

"Oh trust me, these two would cry blood for each other...I can tell, a woman's intuition is never wrong." Gertrude continued giggling at them.


Unbeknownst to everyone else, Fabian and Safa have actually left the study room, they walked side by side until they made it to the carpentry workshop, "Oh my! You were speaking the truth! He did turn your room into a workshop!" A baffled Safa said.

"Yes... Although I do not feel as angry as I should about it.

To be fair the man gave me this room, he had the right to do whatever he wants with it...and when Gertie told me the story behind the room, I thought it was actually quite adorable." Fabian replied.

"I thought you disliked romance, but you seem to be quite the romantic." Safa commented as she walked around in the room, her curious eyes inspecting everything.

"To be honest...I do not mind marriage if it was a love marriage, however and as I said the Will dictates that I should find me a suitable wife of similar background as the Struats, possibly a member of the Ton." Fabian said making Safa laugh.

"Haha! I see! You believe you will not be able to fall in love with someone of the Ton.

After all they are people enjoying a wealth they hardly worked for, while you are a man who believes in forging his own destiny." Safa replied.

Fabian couldn't be more amazed of Safa's deductions, "Yes! I believe them at least most of them, to be shallow self-centered and arrogant snobs, men and women alike.

They do not need to work a day in their lives, just eat, dance and inherite money on a silver platter from their Papas." He said.

With a sly smirk, "Well, I apologize for inheriting my Papa's money, unfortunately I had no other choice, although if it is any consolation, I am not a member of the Ton actually, I come from Spain...and I never danced but I do eat! It is rather essential for a human to eat!" Safa said sarcastically.

Realizing what he said must've been offensive, "Oh, my apologies...I did not mean to say something unkind once again." Fabian said blushing from embarrassment.

Safa chuckled, "Worry not, It is understandable for a man like yourself to dislike the rich, I myself find most rich folks to be overly judgemental.

Too much rules, too much pretending, and God how I hate the way they use marriage as a weapon." Safa replied.

"I noticed earlier, there is no ring around your finger...was it your choice to remain unmarried?" Fabian asked.

"Absolutely...To put it quite frankly, as a crippled woman in her late twenties with poor vision, my chances are diminishingly lower than that of a healthy young girl.

However, with my inheritance I can say for certain that many gentlemen would turn a blind eye to all my physical limitations, in hopes of putting their hands on my Money." Safa said with a smile, "However I do not wish to be married.

I never did." She added.

"But Why? Is it out of fear that your husband might mistreat you?" Fabian asked.

"Well that is one reason of many, but I suppose I am not willing to give up who I am to become part of a man that could leave me at any moment.

My money, name, and freedom they are all on the line, I do not believe there is a man on earth worth giving all of these up for." Safa replied.

Nodding, "I see, Does it bother you that people call you a spinster, I assume they already do?" Fabian asked.

Chuckling, "They do...and no it does not bother me the slightest, I know it is meant as an insult but I am not ashamed of protecting my peace and solitude." Safa responded, She looked at the display shelf and noticed something that drew her attention.

"Safa, You said there is no man on earth worth sacrificing what you value for...I take it you did not experience falling in love yet?"

"..." Safa did not reply, she was staring at something, completely ignoring Fabian.

Embarrassed thinking that his question might have annoyed her, "I apologize, did I offend you again?" Fabian asked.


"Umm, Safa?"


Fabian began to realize the woman wasn't even listening to him, he looked at her and saw her gaze fixated on something so he turn to see what it was.

As he did so, Safa got closer to the shelf, she then reached with her hand to grab something, it was a wooden toy ship.

it was decent looking and the size of a hand, so Thinking Safa was interested in the late Lord's work, "My aunt's husband seemed to like crafting small objects, they would actually make good decorations." Fabian said but then noticed Safa's expression.

It was no longer lighthearted, she was Sad and heavy with burden.

Worried, "Safa, is everything alright with you?" He asked.

Sighing, "My mother died when I was a child, but my father, my brother and his wife...they died together at sea...They were traveling on a ship." She said.

"I am sorry to hear that." Fabian replied.

"You know Fabian...when they died, I wanted to leave this country...I wished to go back to Spain but..."

"I see, There is only two ways to travel to such stagecoach, basically a carriage.

Or by sea...I assume both methods do not suit you."

"Yes...A carriage trip of that sort would take many weeks and many stops along the way, not to mention that it is uncomfortable and my health would not allow it...

As for the sea, after my family perished in its deep water...I became deathly afraid of any body of water that is too deep to stand in.

I can never step inside a ship, never." Safa explained.

Suddenly, "Thank you Safa." Fabian said.

Confused, "What are you thanking me for?" She asked.

"For sharing this with me...your story, I appreciate the trust you bestowed upon me and I hope you one day overcome your fear so that you may travel to wherever you wish to go.

As a man who spent his last years traveling, I can assure you, nothing is more exciting than a journey somewhere new." He replied.

Safa raised an eyebrow, "You are a strange man." She said.

"As if you are an ordinary woman! You might be the only wealthy woman I find pleasing at the moment." Fabian replied.

"Well as long as you do not think about asking for my hand in marriage which I will definitely reject you, I suppose you also might be quite pleasing to have as a friend." Safa said making Fabian blush.

"I was not thinking of marrying you!" Fabian replied.

Seeing his face turn red, "You know, your skin is so pale, you become much redder than the average human." Safa said, "It is fascinating."

"Fascinating?" Fabian questioned, "I am a scientist, Your condition is fascinating to me! You are young yet have white hair, your skin is paler than normal and your eyes seem almost colorless!

I wonder what causes that!" She said curiously, her stares grew intense as she continued to examine the man's features, all while Fabian's face was sizzling red.

Usually he would be bothered by people staring him up and down, most people would look at him wherever he went, checking his appearance.

But for some reason, now that it was Safa the one checking him out, Fabian felt much more nervous, "Hmm, I can only assume so far that it must be something that affected you in the womb, you were born this way, correct?" Safa asked, she completely forgot what today was, as she pressured the man to fill her curiosity.

Nodding, "Yes I was born this way..." Fabian replied.

"I see...I see."

"Umm, Safa?"


"Do you think I...look ugly...because of my condition?" Fabian asked.

"No." She replied immediately, "While your looks are unusual, your condition actually suits you, you are quite handsome.

Nice hair by the way." She added, flashing a smile.