In the heart of a dense, ancient forest, three shadowy figures darted between the trees, their movements barely perceptible in the moonlight.
Their swift and silent passage through the underbrush was pursued by a more sinister force: ten demon beasts, currently in the guise of humans, who moved with even greater speed and ferocity.
As the three shadowy figures sped through the dense forest, the taunts of the demon beasts echoed through the trees, their voices cruel and mocking.
"Run, little shadows! There's no escape from us!" one of the beasts sneered, its voice dripping with malice. "We'll rip you apart and feast on your fear!"
Ahead of the pursuing beasts, the three figures exchanged quick, urgent words as they ran.
"What's our plan?" the first figure, a woman with keen eyes, asked, her voice strained but determined.
"We need to reach the clearing by the river," the second figure, a tall man with a scar across his cheek, replied.