Chapter 10 - Mr. Frosty

Eileen quickly dressed and took a deep breath, steeling herself for whatever awaited her downstairs.

She descended the grand staircase, her heart pounding with each step. As she reached the bottom, she found Cillian waiting for her, a curious and somewhat skeptical look on his face.

"I said we need to talk," he repeated, gesturing for her to sit in one of the luxurious chairs in the parlor.

Eileen sat down cautiously, her mind racing as she tried to figure out how to explain her presence in his house.

Cillian paced in front of her, studying her intently. "You're not what I expected," he said, his voice carrying a hint of amusement.

"What do you mean?" Eileen asked, trying to sound as innocent as possible.

Cillian stopped and faced her, crossing his arms. "You're the doll, aren't you? The fleshy doll my brother ordered for me?"

Eileen's eyes widened in surprise. "The...the doll?" she stammered, quickly realizing what he meant. She decided to go along with it, hoping to buy herself some time. "Yes, I am."

He raised an eyebrow. "But how can you take a bath? How are you...alive?"

Thinking quickly, Eileen put on her best performance.

"I was designed to be as lifelike as possible," she explained, her voice steadying. "Part of my programming allows me to perform basic human functions, like taking a bath, to maintain my appearance."

Cillian seemed intrigued but not entirely convinced. "And why did you activate yourself? No one turned you on."

Eileen hesitated for a moment before continuing her act.

"I have an advanced self-activation feature. It's meant to ensure I'm always ready to serve. I detected the mess in the kitchen and decided to clean it up."

Cillian narrowed his eyes, still skeptical. "And why were you in my bath?"

Eileen forced a smile. "My sensors detected that I needed to clean myself. I was just performing maintenance."

He stared at her for a long moment, his expression unreadable.

"You sound very convincing for a doll," he finally said, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. "But I'm not entirely sure I believe you."

Eileen swallowed hard, maintaining her composure. "I assure you, I am the doll your brother ordered."

Cillian leaned in closer, his eyes locked onto hers. "Then prove it. Do something only a doll could do."

Eileen's mind raced. What could she do to prove she was a doll?

She decided to rely on her quick thinking. "I can recite any information you need, provide companionship, and even assist with household tasks," she said, trying to sound mechanical. "What would you like me to do?"

He studied her for a moment longer before stepping back. "Alright. We'll see how well you perform. But know this – if you're lying, I'll find out."

Eileen nodded, her heart still racing. "Understood. How can I assist you now?"

Cillian finally seemed satisfied, though still cautious. "For now, just follow me. We'll see how you handle a few tasks."

Eileen stood up, following him out of the parlor, her mind still racing. She needed to keep up this charade until she could find a way out of this situation.

As they walked, she silently vowed to herself that she would find a way to escape before her lie was discovered.

He walked briskly towards his car, then paused and turned back to look at Eileen, his gaze sweeping from head to toe.

"Aren't you supposed to be... more than just a robot doll?" he asked, his tone probing. "Why are you called a fleshy doll?" He emphasized the word 'fleshy' with a curious tilt of his head.

Eileen felt a surge of panic. She hadn't anticipated questions like this. She wasn't even sure herself; she had never heard of a lifelike doll before.

Caught off guard, she remained silent, her mind racing for an explanation.

Cillian's suspicion grew as she hesitated. "Do you need me to activate something in you?" he asked, his voice softer now.

He reached out and gently touched her cheek, causing Eileen to blush deeply.

"Yes... yes, you have to initiate it," she stammered, trying to maintain her robotic facade. "Mr. Frosty."

Cillian's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Frosty? Is that what you're programmed to call me?"

Eileen nodded quickly, trying to think on her feet. "We... we have to give each other names," she improvised, attempting to hide a smug smile. "So I thought of Frosty."

Cillian chuckled softly, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Okay then, I'll give you a name. But that can wait." With that, he turned and got into his car.

Eileen watched him drive away, relief flooding through her. She couldn't believe she had managed to talk her way through that encounter.

As she stood there, she knew she had bought herself a bit more time, but she also realized how precarious her situation was. She needed to find a way out of this house and back to her original plan – whatever it took.

Feeling uneasy and vulnerable, Eileen walked briskly away from Cillian's house, trying to put as much distance as possible between herself and the unsettling encounter.

The surroundings were unfamiliar, and the silence was eerie. There were no signs of human activity, no passersby or cars in sight.

She continued down the road, her thoughts racing. She needed to find a more populated area, a place where she could blend in and figure out her next move.

The landscape was sparse, with occasional clusters of trees and fields stretching into the distance. The afternoon sun beat down on her, making her feel exposed and anxious.

As she walked, she kept her senses alert, listening for any sounds of approaching vehicles or voices.

"Shit!" She cursed herself for not paying more attention to her surroundings earlier.

After what felt like an eternity of walking, Eileen finally spotted a narrow path leading off the main road.

She hesitated for a moment, then decided to take it, hoping it would lead her to a more inhabited area. The path wound through a dense thicket, the foliage providing some relief from the relentless sun.