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The Time Of Adventure

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I keep seeing abunch of adventure time jjk art and this book is heavily inspired by them. expect brainrot of the finest caliber and infrequent updates so far apart you think I left to get milk PS there will be a Yandere or two but that's because they are peak fiction I'll try to release 3 chapters a week at least 1 Enjoy

Chapter 1 - Ch 1. We end in a wimper

With WW3 of the horizon everyone thought the world would end in bang. Just like how babies are born into the world screaming we would leave it the same. That wasn't the case. Humanity ended not in a bang but in a wimper. The last exhale of an old man, who lived long, and seen to much.

Humanity in all its vastness fell not to a great foe or evil. It did not crumble under the weight of its ambitions. No humanity fell to its mother, the very planet itself silenced humanity. It sentenced humanity into a deep slumber so the world could fix itself.

It started small. A few people went to bed and they never woke up. Those slumbering could not awaken no matter what. Their skin grew cold and tough, breath almost ceased.

It caused wide spread confusion to medical professionals. They had never seen such illness before. They studied the bodies, but nothing showed. They even attempted surgery but found the skin was to tough to cut or pierce. It was as if the person was frozen in time. It was a small phenomenon, but uninteresting in the grand scheme of things. Soon almost all began to forget about it. Well they did, until it spread.

The sickness spread faster and soon what was a small group of people turned into piles of bodies. People feared going to sleep for their was no promise of tomorrow. As less and less people remained, the world began to decay. Plants conquered the skeletal lifeless halls of buildings built so high they scrapped the heavens, animals freed themselves from their cages, and all that was left was a small group of people. Those still awake were helpless in the face of rapid change and would have most certainly died if not for our mother showing up.

Our mother was the planet. The very earth itself, saddened by the plight of humanity and knowing of our self destruction put an end to it. The remaining humans were gathered by the spirit of the earth and were the best of us. She gathed the most kindness, the wisest, the most brave and courageous she gathered the best that humanity could offer and ordered the to build the world anew.

She did not just leave us without guidance. Each remaining human was bound by a geas so as to not repeat our forebeerers mistakes. The more evil a person acted the more the geas affected him. It began with nightmares which would depict foul results of our actions. If the dreams weren't headed, it soon became night terrors. If the night terrors weren't enought they would soon haunt them in the waking world. Then as mercy they would be put into a merciful slumber for their rebellion.

The mother did this with the most noblest intentions but failed to account for humanities pentant for discord. The human mind is not so easily contained and any attempt would breed rage and discontent with in the heart of each human. This created a vicious cycle where the more geas activated the more humanity raged, causing more geas to be activated. The cycle was going to wipe out the remnants of humanity. Until a man managed to master the geas.

See this man managed to quite his mind to a point where not even the geas could read his conscious thought. The mother seeing this act allowed him to teach the skill to others. She naively believed this would help bring peace to her children. Little did the mother know it was all a facade. While it is true the outer mind was quiet the inner mind grew and plotted.

This allowed a human to plot rebellion, but one man alone is not enought to drive off the mother. Over the course of time the humans began to develop a second language that was subtlety interwoven with casual conversations. A seemingly innocent conversation about the trees could also be a codded message to share thoughts of revolution and plans of insurrection. All the while the mother was woefully unaware.

Seeing her children no longer resisting her she began to loosen her grip. Not a lot, but just enough to overlook the occasional odd behavior. The freedom was enough for humanity to stretch its legs. Our ancestors began it's very first gamble at freedom. A select group of them were going to splice there DNA

The plan was sound in theory, at least to the humans. By mixing DNA with animals the humans my be able to free themselves from the geas. They thought the geas was bound to the physical body, so by changing the DNA they would be free from the geas. They didn't realize that was not the case. The geas was not bound to the body, but to the mind, however humanity couldn't have known better.

The fallout was immediate. The mother feeling the change in some of her children began a meticulous investigation. She would interrogate each and every person searching for the truth, but she found nothing. Despite using all her power she could find nothing wrong with the geas and the no human spoke of any disobedience. With no proof of mal intent she sent the spliced humans into slumber, and tightened her watch. She knew something was wrong, but wasn't sure what.

The remainder of humanity was then split amongst each other. Some wanted to give up and others became even more emboldened to free themselves. The rift would soon spread wider and wider to a point were they began to scwabble amongst each other. Those that sidded with the mother began to rat out the treacherous nature of the others in hopes of favor. The rebels began to further deepen the practice of the mind. The rest remained neutral.

The rift began to grow further and further as more children were sired into the new world. The favored ones got the boon youth allowing for a longer life span and thus began to have less children while the masses and the rebels intermingled. Those born to the favored also carried the boon of youth, living longer and slowing their population growth. Those born to the rebels and neutrals raged at the injustice. The mother unknowingly created a class divide causing inserectionist ideology to spread.

As time moved forward, more rebels were found, and put sent to the world of dreams. The rebellion deepened it's understanding of the mind. The discovered the mind had an interesting affect on the body and over time a person could physically change their body by nothing but sheer force of will. This allowed the rebels to live longer and grow physically stronger. The mother having grown complacent believed her favored and the masses had started to mingle again, oblivious to human nature. The favored scorned the masses and the masses scorned the favored they found each other repulsive only furthering the divide.

Despite the strength of the body the rebels knew they were still bound by the geas, but they at least knew where it was at. Somehow the mother found a way to psychicly connect with each and every human. Confused as to how they knew they need the knowledge of the mother. In an act of sacrifice the leaders of the rebellion offered to be martyred. They would have the rebellion turn the leaders in and allow the rest to gain the favor of the mother so they could learn more of her strange power.

The mother was overjoyed at what seemed to be the rest of the rebels being brought before her. She was completely unaware of the truth. As a gift the new favored they began to interact more with the mother, and over time she began to let slip pieces of knowledge about her great power. Slowly but surely the rebels managed to pry piece of knowledge from her lips and began to assemble like the puzzle it was.

While the mother was ignorant of the plot the favored could see the fangs of their new equals and many tried to warn her. Their pleas fell on deaf ears. The mother in her great love for humanity only saw the good. No one could blame here it had been hundreds of years since the greatest slumbering and the mother truly thought her children have grown. The poor mother was always to trusting.

The rebellion continued it's research and learned the truth. The mother found a way to spread her mind out from her physical form and enforce her will across the entire world. The rebellion shocked of this news began to come up to counter measures and realized they could only do this by doing the same. If they can enact a barrier around their bodies they should not only be able to break the geas, but enact similar powers to the mother. After all the rebels learned the technique, they collectively they shattered the mothers control and fled.

The mother was heart broken at the sight of so many of her children fleeing from her arms. She wanted nothing but the best for them and they continued to scorn her. The few that remained with the mother tried the best to comfort her, but failed. The few remaining of her loyal children morned with the mother, not at the loss of the traitors, but at the hurt of the mother.

The rebels continued to hone the art of the mind and started to gather their forces, they awoke many of the sleeping remnants of humanity, but fell into a problem. The newly awoken could not use the the art of the mind and soon slumbered once more. The rebellions soon found a solution, by tearing off small parts of their mental barrier they could gift it to the newly awoken person. This allowed the awoken to quickly master the art of the mind and stay awake.

The mother slowly recovered from her pain stayed with the few that remained with her. She spent more time caring for them. She loved them and couldn't imagine life without them. Thus the mother wounded and hurt, but healing stayed with her children. Unaware that her staying thier would lead to her children's death. The rebels still fearful of the mother, amassed an army, they were determined to kill the mother or make her flee.

The rebels marched towards the mother. In their hearts they promised death not to just the mother, but to the loyalist as well. They planned genocide. When they reached the mother the battle was swift and bloody. The loyalist were unable to stand against the rebels who could erect barriers to enforce their will on reality. Many died while the mother begged them to stop. No one listened.

I'm a desperate attempt to save the few of her children that stayed with her she threw the army away from them. Unknowingly she used to much force and killed parts of the rebel army. Despite hating her and wanting her gone, the mother still loved the rebels. The mother loved all of humanity and wanted nothing but the best for them and seeing her take the life of her children she could bare it no more. She gathed what little of remained of the loyalist and fled from the planet. Her heart broken beyond repair.

The rebels began to rebuild and life carried on, the reconstruction was faster thanks to the art of the mind. They began to codify the teachings and renamed it to jujutsu. Jujutsu became used in every day life, but a problem was soon found. When a jujutsu user dies there jujutsu is scattered into the atmosphere and while not bad in small amounts the if too much jujutsu is condensed into one area the essence will form a kaiju, a plant or animal able to use jujutsu. Thus as the old rebel leaders died the and their essence escaped into the world more kaiju were born.

This caused a war to be waged against kaiju with each death only making more kaiju, fearing exstinctions the remaining jujutsu masters found that by spreading the ashes of a dead jujutsu user significantly lowers the chance of a kaiju forming. They also found kaijus corpse can be consumed for a boost in jujutsu and be used to make weapons. The weapons made from the death of a kaiju have jujutsu inside them and became known as ego weapons as they seemed to possess a will of their own. Jujutsu users also learned by impuing jujutsu into a tool you could make a tool that grows according to the user, these became known as evo tools. The last great discover was rediscovered by a child born without a leg, by focusing jujutsu on the body they can slowly but surely alter the body.

The ability to alter the body caused a huge rift in the jujutsu community, some vehemently opposed the action as perverse and disgusting. They feared that by changing our body we would cease to be human. They were right. Time moved forward and pure humans grew scarcer and scarcer. They sacrificed their humanity to make them stronger.

I write this as one of the last remaining humans. The mother was right, we should have never rebeled. We should have stayed. I curse my ancestors for their actions. All we have left is a world filled with monsters with death around every corner. If you awake do not fall to the temptation of power remain human.


I couldn't believe the bullshit I just read.

"What type of bullshit is this?"