Wwwwwwwwwwwelcome to my second fic I've been brewing inside my head for awhile, thank you for stopping by. Here is a warning now so you don't get disappointed!
I am a new writer, my writing won't be perfect so don't have any high hopes. I will make many mistakes grammar wise and story wise. Though if you see any mistakes on my end please let me know, I'll go back and do my best to fix it!
This fic was made for fun, I am not a serious person nor writer so if your here for a hardcore fic with a hardcore edgy serious MCs then this is not the place for you. Will there be serious moments? Of course but not always.
If you're going to be rude because you don't like a way a character is acting or should be acting and you're just offering no helpful feedback other than being an overall dick, I will just ignore you. Go read another story. I'm okay with advice to help improve but if your just gonna be rude for the sake of being rude then expect to be ignored:p
With that out the way onto the story!
"Is this a bad time to mention that there is a stalker flanking you guys?" Said Henry as his helldiver character raised his Flamethrower to spew fire upon a hoard of bugs that was heading his way. "A what is flanking us?"
Asked Jospeh in the discord call with Henry and another friend, Joseph was one of Herny close friends and he was playing helldivers with him. There other friend, Rex was in the party with them. As of now they was playing on sucide difficulty for the fun of it.
Joseph character would turn around as he asked his question, there was indeed a stalker heading straight towards him. So he simply aimed his breaker incendiary and started blasting, in the background Rex helldiver character watched in massive disappointment and great annoyance as his 500KG bomb killed 3 bugs out of the large group heading his way. "Bro why is the bomb so ASS?! Yet so good! Why is the range so damn scuffed! You think a bomb would have good range but apparently not!"
Rex ranted, venting his annoyance to his two friends as he called in the sentry gun stratagem to help him deal with the bugs. His ranting would make Joseph and Henry chuckle, Joseph helldiver making his way to Rex now that he was able to kill the stalker with minor difficulty.
Henry was a bit far from them, but he was making their way to them as Joseph checked the map. "Quit your whining we got a job to do, we should find that stalker lair. Those annoying fucks are gonna harass us to no end. Pretty sure they'll chase us forever so it'll be best to destroy the lair"
Suggested Jospeh, Herny was in agreement considering stalkers was one of the more annoying enemies to face when fighting the Terminids. The most annoying in his opinion was the flying ones. Rex voiced his agreement on destroying the stalker lair.
For the next twenty minutes the three friends would travel across the map, killing bugs left and right. A few times having friendly fire incidents. Just your usual typical helldivers tomfoolery as they went out their way to clear the side objectives and then the main mission.
Which was to launch the ICBM/big freaking rocket that causes a large explosion wherever it was launched. Mission was completed, samples collected, democracy was spred. A perfect match, until things went wrong as all three of them was then kicked out of helldivers due to a server maintenance.
Rex would let out a groan, he was very much looking forward to doing another match with his friends. In helldivers specifically since that was what he was in the mood to play at the moment. "You guys wanna play anything else? Still got some hours to kill where I am"
He said to his two friends, unfortunately for him. His friends had things to do, "sorry man, I gotta get some groceries" said Joseph, as Henry replied soon after.
"Yeah sorry, I got a job interview in the morning so I gotta sleep right about now" said Herny in a apologetic tone to Rex, Rex shrugged his shoulders to himself not at all upset at the responses he got. He can't really complain much, they had things to do and responsibilities. He was happy at the fact they was able to game at all, he cherished these moments. "It's cool, have a good nught Herny. Drive safe Joseph."
Rex said honestly to his friends, which they gave their own replies of 'see you soon'. Which was followed by the sound of a person leaving a discord call. Left to his own devices, Rex would boot up warframe. No longer having the mood to play Helldivers he would play warframe a bit and check on any new updates and farm for a bit.
He got off warframe after thirty minutes because he got bored.
-meanwhile an hour later-
Joseph was sitting in his car, waiting for a red light to turn green. He just finished getting his groceries and now just wanted to head home, pack everything away and relax. once the light turned green after what felt like a year long wait he would begin to start the car.
Only to be surprised when a truck came speeding around the corner with no driver and high beam lights on and rammed into Joseph car hard, sending it tumbling across the road until it landed upside down.
Miraculously Joseph was perfectly fine with no injuries of any kind, not even a single scratch on him. He was shaken greatly and quickly raised his hands to feel upon his face and body, not finding any damage upon himself he sighed in relief. he would start laughing while he was upside in his seat, at the same time he began unbuckling his seat belt so he could try to get out his damaged vehicle just in case it would explode.
"Thank god I'm invincib- *KABOOOOM*"
His car did in fact explode
he did not survive the car suddenly exploding as a rocket was released by the truck with no driver. With its task over with the truck went through a portal to find its next target. Leaving behind a flaming wreckage of a vehicle.
-somewhere else-
Henry was having a hard time sleeping, it was for the fact that some asshole was beeping their car horn none stop. What's worse it sounded like it was coming out of his window, unable to handle it anymore he would angerily get out of bed and march to the window, getting ready to shout at the dick head that was being so loud and inconsiderate at this time of night.
He would open his blinds quickly, his hands reaching out to open his window shout out as loud he to the inconsiderate prick outside but froze in complete surprise and shock when he saw a truck on his roof with twin mounted chain guns attached to each side of the truck.
"What the fu-" he never got to finish his sentence as the chain guns spun rapidly and everything became white.
Once the chain guns stopped firing the truck would enter another portal, leaving behind a once human being who now looked like a simple red stain on the bedroom wall with nothing of him left behind.
-with our finale protagonist-
Truck Kun decided to make this next kill unique, while his next victim was asleep he left a big gift box wrapped up neatly somehow in Rex living room. There was a loud bang which woke up Rex, foolishly with no sense of self preservation he would go down stairs into his living room to see the gift box.
Rex upon seeing this large present in his living room was left confused and suspious, he definitely does not remember today being Christmas. He also lived alone which only confused him more on how this present got in his living room. But his curiosity got the better of him in that moment. He would approach the gift box and opened it, ripping away the wrapping and opening the box that housed his 'gift' . Only to have his brain cease all forms of critical thinking as it needed to reboot on what exactly he saw in the box.
"Huh…..that looks like a nuke" he said to himself, his brain finally catching up with what he saw. he didn't get to process anything further as the nuke went off vaporizing Rex on the spot and his house. The nuke also proceed to of course vaporize Rex neighborhood and everything in a large radius.
Rex didn't feel a single thing, considering he was right in front of it at the center of it all. When all three friends awake they was going to be in for a big surprise. Each one changed and given a new form. For the better or worse will be up to them.
Oh and as for the consequence for the Nuke going off? Truck Kun might've jumped started a war by accident from that nuke, but he didn't care too much. He got his targets and now was off to continue the cycle.
Author here! Thank you for reading my second fic, Ik the first chapter ain't much but I just wanted to get things set up. Second chapter will hopefully be better, have a great day and stay safe ^^