Chereads / Return Of The Heiress For Revenge / Chapter 19 - Caught Redhanded

Chapter 19 - Caught Redhanded

"Dr Maxmilion, I do not think that is needed." Nora stood without acting weak anymore as she felt the murderous intent coming form Alric. 

In her past life, she had read about this man in newspapers a lot. And heard so much about him through those vain women. She did not know if she was prepared to deal with him. Not now, not ever.

"Boss here was only warning me against my family and I felt like I was burdening him. I did not want any of youtube to be in trouble. My uncle is a strong man. He will come for you if you try to protect me." she held his arm as if that was the last thread to a drowning person.

Her face was red with tears and worry. Max felt bad for him and sighed.

He glared at Alric for hurting such a sweet girl. Even when she was in so much pain, she was thinking about them.

"Nora, we do not need your protection. It is you who need our protection."He held her shoulders and forced her to look into his eyes, "your family may have powers. But we hold public opinion. I am sure your uncle would not disturb us in the meanwhile. So, you only need to worry about healing and getting healthy soon. Did you get it?" his voice was so soothing, so kind as she remembered him.

That time he used to visit her with his son sometimes. So that her daughter could play with him. Even at that time, he had been so kind to her. Before she knew, she was staring at him with longing. He was like a family to her, a family that did not remember her.

"Nora! No one will hurt you, you do not need to worry so much." he whispered again when he saw her painful eyes. He knew she was not suffering from physical pain. With some hesitation. He hugged her to make her feel better. But he had not expected that she would hold his shirt tightly and cry her heart out.

Her quivering back and muffled sobs made him feel helpless. How he wanted to teach them a lesson.

Alric narrowed his eyes when he saw the girl crying. He knew the girl was acting before. But now, the tears seem to be genuine. And the look of longing she gave Max, it felt like she knew him for ages. This girl! She was not as simple as she showed herself.

"There, there. I still have to take a few rounds and meet a few patients. If you stain my clothes with your tears, they will think I am a bully." he laughed softly with a look of helplessness on his face when she flinched and let him go.

Wiping her eyes, she lowered her head.

"Thank you. I will never forget this debt." in this life, she would find a way to protect him from the clutches of her uncle and Benard. 

Max sighed. Such a young girl yet so burdened. He patted her head before glaring at Alric.

The man snickered and walked out.

"Do not mind him, Nora. Although he looked cold, he had saved many lives in the past." Nora nodded. He had not only saved many lives, but destroyed as many lives too. He had even killed his wife and destroyed her whole family until they were on roads, begging. 

"Good, let me see your wounds now." Without protection, Nora sat on the bed and Max checked the whipping marks. There were many old and new marks on her skin that made him sigh. 

"Doctor, when will I be discharged?" Nora asked in a tensed voice. He noticed how restless she looked.

"That will only take a day since you are stable. But, we will not send you back to your uncle. So, close your eyes and rest. Alright?" Max smiled when she nodded and left the room.

Her eyes dimmed as the door was closed! "I have never thought that I would need to rely on your kindness, Max but I have no choice." her words were full of pain as she scanned the room. The nurse would have reached her uncle already.

He would surely send someone to confirm her condition. She had to act fast. Nora waited as the maid came with her dinner and some medicines.

Until midnight when most of the staff started to leave and silence started to fill the empty corridors of the hospital. She slowly walked toward the door and peeked out with the small window.

The hallways were empty with only two nurses sitting behind the small counter, chatting with each other.

With a pause, she opened the door and walked out of her room and slipped into the other room. An old man was sleeping soundly in his bed. There were many medicines placed on the table. She picked up a few and read their names. 

Her eyes glinted and she took a few of them before returning to her room. Without a hint of hesitation, she ate all of them. Where a person struggles to take their own medicines, she has eaten those that belong to others and sat on her bed, waiting for them to react.

Strange pain started to fall in her abdomen. Her lips curled into a smirk as pain started to hold her tightly. With trembling hands, she pressed the help bell near her bed.

"Help me!"


In the luxurious office on the tenth floor. Alric's eyes narrowed on the screen of his computer. His lips curled into a sinister smile as he noticed the actions of a young girl on her screen.

His hands moved to click a few buttons of his mouse and soon two dialogue boxes appeared on his smart computer.

"Make a copy?" "delete the file." 

 he clicked yes on it and before he accepted deleting the file. With a click the video where Nora had slipped into another room and returned with a handful of medicines disappeared just like that. 

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