Chereads / Return Of The Heiress For Revenge / Chapter 24 - Arrested?

Chapter 24 - Arrested?

"Would you listen to me now?" Sophia added more pressure to her hands. She had no intention of killing Nora. She only wanted to scare the girl. "If you think that the doctor would put his life in danger to save you, then you are a fool. You are bound to die from my hands." her eyes glinted with a treacherous light as she loosened her grip to let Nora take a breath before tightening again, so that she struggled for a long time but did not die. Nora's face turned red. She was coughing hard and struggling. But it only made Sophia thrilled. 

That was right. This wench should suffer more. 

"Did you learn your lesson or not?" She asked after thirty seconds. But before Nora could reply. The door burst open, making her flinch.

She let Nora go and took a step away. But it was already too late. Max was standing there with a nurse and two police officers?!!

She did not understand how the police officers came to the scene so fast. She had only spent fifteen minutes here. 

Her face ashened when they entered the room and it took her a few seconds to find her voice back.

"What.. What is happening here? Why are there police officers in this room?" her voice quivered in the start but with time, she calmed down. It might have nothing to do with her.

It must be a coincidence. They must be here to take her statement because of the news or it could be a normal procedure for patients. 

"If you are here to take her statement.." 

"Mrs Stone, you are under arrest under the charge of attempt to murder under section 410. You have the right to stay silent. Every word you speak here could be used against you in the court. Once at the bureau, you would be given the chance to call your lawyer. I hope you will cooperate with us." Two men dressed in uniform stood in front of her with handcuffs in her hands.

Sophia broke into cold sweat. How! She had paid attention to every detail. She was not even trying to kill her.

"This is a misunderstanding. Who would I try to kill?" she shook her head only for them to handcuff her with force and drag her out of the room.

Max walked toward Nora with an anxious look and touched his neck.

"You should have screamed, Nora. you knew we were at the door all this time." 

Two hours earlier, 

"I do not think it will be allowed, Nora. patients change their clothes in their room or feed their newly born child. The director had never allowed us this." the nurse shook her head. "I understand that you are afraid after the last time. But this time, we will pay more attention, alright?" the nurse assured but Nora covered her face with her hands. 

Fear was so evident in her eyes that the maid sighed and bit her lips.

"Alright, I will see what I can do. But do not count on me." she warned before leaving the room. When Nora removed her hand from her face, there were traces of guilt there. She was using them when they were so kind to her. But she knew she had no other choice. And they would not believe her, if she told them the truth.

"One day, i will return all this favor." Nora closed her eyes and promised herself.

It was only an hour later when Max came for rounds with the same nurse and looked at her questioningly that she flinched.

"You asked the nurse to fit a camera in your room?" his voice did not show any of his emotions. "May I know why you want that?" he sat on the chair and looked at her reports.

"Have you read the newspaper of today?" she asked in exchange, earning a raised brow from him. "They would come to meet me today. As long as…" she lowered her head. Max noticed how her hands clenched into a tight fist and her voice shook badly, "as long as they did not kill me. I do not care what they did to me. But if they kill me here, i want to leave proof so that you would not be blamed for my death." 

"....." the nurse gasped and Max blinked. His face darkened at once. She felt the drop in the temperature and closed her eyes. What she said was not far from the truth. In the past, she had submissively submitted herself to Benard and her uncle had gotten the shares he wanted. That was why they let her live.

Later, she became pregnant and her child was used as a threat against her to control her life. She was nothing but a plaything of Benard. And the cash cow of her family. If she could not bring that profit, they would kill her without remorse.

"No one will hurt you nora." Nora stiffened when she felt the warmth of his hands on her hand. She raised her head only to see him looking at her with eyes burning from rage and justice. She sighed, the man had not changed a bit. He could have a great life but he was so stick to helping others.

How many lives had he saved already? But in the end, he was going to get betrayed by his wife and left alone with a child to take care of.

I will save you too, Max. she promised to herself. 

"No, you will be their target too. And dragged in the mud. As long as there would be a camera, the security would be able to monitor their actions when they visit me. As long as I will be saved, I do not care." she repeated with a stubborn look making Max frown.

He did not understand why a child was ready to put her life in danger when she should hide behind them. 

 "It will serve as proof too." the nurse muttered after a pause, earning a sigh from Max.

"Fine, I will arrange one. But you must scream hard if they will hurt you." he warned before leaving the room with a dark face

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