Chereads / The Epics Of Vestia / Chapter 24 - Chapter 24: War Of Havens VII. Finale.

Chapter 24 - Chapter 24: War Of Havens VII. Finale.

Valmus slashed his sword dispelling the Half Giants blood, he felt it was unworthy for his sword which only feasted upon the blood of the Gods to taste a players blood.

All around him were corpses of Gods, he had half the mind to gently throw away the beasts within a hundred meters of him.

He smiled lightly as he stored away the corpses and focussed his attention on his three partners.

Kaiser had witnessed Valmus brief fight, he was impressed by the little humans comprehension of the sword which reminded him of his old days.

He was however caught up in a rather peculiar fight, the God he was fighting was sadly his natural counter.

A Light God, who treaded a hybrid path of a warrior mage. He had the perfect synergy of the two unlike him who had walked each path separately.

He however had deeper insights on both paths and could finely tune his attack to whichever melody he wanted.

He wasn't even fighting seriously yet, yes the light God was his natural counter element wise but that was it nothing more nothing less.

He was waiting for something else, the so called God King who personally conducted the horrid experimentations on his son. Even this light God before him was a result of his son's suffering.

He looked down and noticed the Chimera venting out it's suppressed wrath on the architect of the plan to make the Divine Haven.

The God Of War, Technology and Progress. The Chimera was holding out fine for a peak Immortal beast.

Just then the air in the battlefield changed, an overbearing sense of danger enveloped all the participants of the war.

Kaiser was quick to move as he was familiar with what was happening, the rest not so much.

Valmus acted swiftly the moment his danger sense tingled, his priority was M''oieri, he teleported towards the beast and grabbed it by its tail, he then activated the runic sorcery written in Kaisers blood and teleported them towards the God.

He them vanished once more and saved the Black dragon before continuing to hide beneath the domain of the God.

All these actions happened in the spam of seconds not giving the saved and saviour any breathing room or time.

"WHOOO?!!" The chimera bellowed as he turned around manically ready to pounce on whoever dared to touch his tail and teleport him away but before he could rage.

"Calm yourself, the boy just saved your lives." Kaiser spoke evenly, his eyes were dangerously staring at the chimera.

"Your a rather resourceful human aren't you?" Kaiser question despite how light his voice was there was a heavy seriousness to his tone.

"I do what I can." Valmus replied evenly.

"I ignored it when you stored a portion of my blood away, I also ignored it when you used it to infiltrate the Vaults of the Gods, I'm also going to ignore it this time for using it to save our allies. There will not be a fourth time, understood?" He asked his voice was cold and emotionless.

"Understood, but a friendly head's up I will either devour the remaining portion or feed it to my sword. I'm formerly informing you so you can't ignore it." He smiled thinly.

The Dark God waved his hand as his domain was undone, the three of them stood before a scorched battlefield where nothing more than a  desert remained.

"The Havens are really fickle, they saw an opportunity to rid itself of all it's worries and took it without restraint." Kaiser chuckled as he was keenly aware of the workings of the Havens.

But the sad reality was that the Havens could only Kill using a tribulation, therefore it's sad attempt to come out the sole winner actually condemned a majority of the beasts to the their deaths.

"They're not dead, your forgetting that beasts are the chosen heirs of the havens." The Black dragon growled.

Beneath the sand, he could see movements. Movement of surviving beasts protected by the havens.

The Gods who had been reduced to bone were now healing, their bodies were being reforged and in a minute or two they would be whole once more.

"Beasts of The Gar Haven! Kill The Gods! Avenge Our Fallen! For Nirvana!!" The Chimera Bellowed to which the beasts bellowed back


An army of beasts marched forward finishing off whatever remained of the Gods, The Chimera and Dragon joined im while Kaiser.

"There's matters I would also need to deal with, I hope we don't cross paths again Valmus." The God stated.

"I'll miss you too." Valmus chuckled as the darkness faded away.

"The Converging Desert of Sahara, may I make a request?" He asked as he licked his dry lips, after all weren't all these corpses going to his.

*** *** ***

Kaiser vanished into the Skies where he encountered am Injured God King.

For a while neither spoke a word, outside of the Gar haven was an immense stretch of darkness illuminated by numerous twinkling stars.

In this deep darkness of Space Kaiser was truly at his prime, today he would make right his wrongs and bathe in the blood of a God king.

*** *** ***

After Valmus made his deal with Sahara, he obtained the bodies of thousands of gods which he stored away, he didn't even count the number of beasts he had gathered either.

The war was nearly over with the beasts honoring their dead in their own way.

The black dragon came up to Valmus who was sitting on a sand dune, a young one formed after the great Flare which purged the desert.

He was wounded, but still standing strong. He still had several years within him.

He smiled at Valmus as he sat next to the human friend he made. But before he couls speak Valmus beat him to it.

"He's already left hasnt he?"

"Indeed he has, he's gone to see if Ursala has survived. He said you were smart enough to survive on your own now." The dragon sighed as he ditested the way his friend says goodbye.

"That's understandable, what about you?"

"Who me? I'm now mearly a father. My Black dragon clan was wiped out clean of the phase of this Haven. Unless I migrate to another haven it'll be just me and my daughter." He replied his voice still had the sadness of loss but now he was at peace.

"This is our last chat Valmus, you were a fine human ally. M''oieri left claws for you, his words were 'May this serve as a tether between us.' Talk about cringey lines." The dragon laughed to which Valmus chuckled.

"I on the other hand don't have the luxury of shedding my claws or Scales, I will however impart you with my bloodline. May your progeny remember their ancestor eho earned the good will of a Dragon King, Fallen Clan or not I am still of Royal Blood." The Dragon smiled as he willed a single drop of his Blood to flow towards Valmus.

"Are you sure about this, what if my descendants became hunters of your kind?" Valmus asked.

"Never blame the faults of the child on their ancestry, it was their choices. Whatever comes out of my gift, I know i picked well."

Valmus could feel his body lightening, as his body was being assaulted by various forces. He lifted his hand and with the sorcery he had keenly become adept in he weaved the sorces to make a momento in his image.

"I'll remember that Vrag." He smiled as he turned into a flash of golden pixels.