Characters so far:
We finally concluded the first arc of the story, and there were multiple characters that were introduced in this story. By now, it would be confusing to remember who and what each character is, and therefore I decided that after each arc, I'll make a list of all the characters and their current standing in the story.
Ergo, here we go!
Servants of Gods:
1. Gil
Servant of Anubis
Mythos: Egyptian
Domain: Death
Title: Leader of Servants; Guardian of Scales
2. Sakurai
Servant of Kore
Mythos: Greek
Domain: Spring + Underworld
Title: Pale Princess; Queen of Underworld
3. Shikith
Servant of Frinia
Mythos: Genesis
Domain: Nurture
Title: Everhealing Spirit
4. Clara
Servant of Minerva
Mythos: Roman
Domain: Wisdom
Title: Wartime Advisor; Fiancé of Rain
5. Adoren
Servant of Ishtar
Mythos: Mesopotamian
Domain: Love
Title: Mischievous Comrade; Queen of Notority
6. Arjun
Servant of Surya
Mythos: Hinduism
Domain: Sun
Title: Constant Protector
7. Nanami
Servant of Benzaitan
Mythos: Japanese
Domain: Knowledge
Title: Sensei
8. Egoister
Servant of Tlaloc
Mythos: Aztec
Domain: Rain and Thunder
Title: One who Tamed the War; Flashiest Prince
9. Ramiel
Servant of Archangel Ramiel
Mythos: Abrahamic
Domain: Oracles and Prophecies
Title: Angel; One who Foretold; The One Dead Conquered
10. Wellester
Servant of Veritia
Mythos: Neobrimin
Domain: Truth + Balance
Title: Guardian of Justice; Keeper of Balance; Allastor's Smile
11. Bharaj
Servant of Njord
Mythos: Norse
Domain: Wind + Oceans
Title: ???
12. ???
Servant of ???
Mythos: ???
Domain: Hunting
Title: ???
Avatars of Demons and Devils:
1. Nanami
Avatar of Paimonia
Book: ARS
Domain: Loyalty
Title: Sensei; Leader of Factions
2. Kars-Nas
Avatar of Astoroth
Book: ARS
Domain: Bonds
Title: Protector of Bonds; Untimely Guardian; Right Hand of Factions
3. Larnia
Avatar of Asmodeus
Book: ARS
Domain: Lust
Title: One who Conquered Love
4. Allastor
Avatar of Bael
Book: ARS
Domain: Visibility
Title: Ruler of the ARS; King of Sadism; Wellester's Blade
The Narrator:
Name: Des-Yeux
Mythos: Primordial
Domain: Narrating every event taking place or written by the writer
The Writer:
Name: ???
Mythos: ???
Domain: Control of Reality + ???