Chereads / Hel and the Emerald Sky City / Chapter 120 - CXXI ||| A Beauty, Oh, So Vicious

Chapter 120 - CXXI ||| A Beauty, Oh, So Vicious

"One more thing," he held my hand. "Did you see your mom?"

"In the lair?"

"Yes," he clenched his jaw. "Did you see her?"

A soft nod, "I did. She was killed there, her spirit is still in there," I squeeze his hand softly, knowing how he must be feeling. "She already knew I would be going under your wing way before it all happened. And she was overjoyed that it was you who raised me and trained me, and no one else," his entire body shook a bit. "The weapons and bracelet I just gave you, I wasn't joking when I told you I have feeling they were made to be yours."

"What… what does she wish for?"

"Revenge. She made me promise I would get revenge," and I will.

Sigh, "You were already going to do that either way," he knows me too well. "We'll make them pay. I'll do my best to get out of there as fast as I can, without raising suspicious. I'll find a way to help you more freely and I'll help you get your revenge. Our revenge, in fact. I'm feeling very, very murderous right now. I'm not letting that go slide!"

Wait. I almost forgot. "There's something I want to know."

His eyes narrowed, "What is it?"

"Do you know what she's doing with the Grand Duke and Duchess of the Black Panther Tribe of shifters from Spain?" I promised I would try to see if he knows anything on this. "Is this elixir of nothingness related to me?" He blinked, surprised by my question.

"How do you know that?"

"Their daughter asked me for help, after I told her I'm against the Queen," let's make it short. "She told me and Oliver that she was scared for her parents, and that she saw a sketch of this elixir in their office when she was home in the end of last year."

A shadow descended his face and he got suddenly serious, "The Queen is trying to make some time of chemical weapon with your venom. I don't know much, but yes, kid, this Elixir of Nothingness is called that, because your kind has that name. She's trying to make sub-weapons of her secret weapon," he pointed at me. "My affairs are usually more related to dealing with the other Courts for her, and applying some punishment here and there, plus being the General of her Dragon Army, since Russell is pretty useless now, given his state of mind."

Before he could say it, I knew what he meant by that. "So, the one who's on pair with those horrible plans is Philippa!"

"Yes. She knows what you can do to someone, because she has been studying what the Queen got from you for a while. Again, I don't know much, I only know it's not good at all. There is also no antidote for your venom. That's why Philippa is terrified of you," he flashed me a grin. "The Queen thinks she's tamed you, but Philippa knows you only supposedly listen to the Queen, and me, and you wouldn't hold yourself against her."

Oh? I can use that. "Does Meredith knows this?"

A nod, "She only cares if you don't do anything to her. That's the truth. She only cares about her own safety and her power."

Weird. "Oliver told me she'll come with Russell for the opening ceremony of the Lunar Starfall Festival. Why would Meredith let them come, if she knows that I may do something against her, and that Russell might recognize me because I look like my mom but silver-haired? What the hell is she planning? She doesn't seem the type to instigate a Royal scandal!"

"I wish I knew, darling. I wish I knew. She must have a plan in mind. Some kind of power play involving the legendary winged-serpent, the first in millenniums," ugh. "For now, as long as you take the first place in the tournament, no matter how, it'll get her off of you for a while. She wants you to show the others that the Dragon Court will stay on top."

I clicked my tongue, "So, kicking my mate's arse."

He grinned, "Precisely. As long as you take 1st place, you'll be fine. She is too busy with other affairs, plus the fact that many people are complaining that she hid you for so long. That has consequences, but she's ready to deal with them, because to her, your power is worthy."

Fucking bitch. I'll have to ask Mia for a way to block her from tracking me through our bloodline, and to allow me to leave the Academy grounds, and make so she believes I'm still in here. And do the same for Agost and Nicolette, if they are coming with us. Plus Felix, just to be sure, she might have a way to track him too. "We'll get through this!"

"Whatever it takes," he winked.

"Whatever it takes." Closing my eyes, I undid the time magic and unfroze everyone. He walked back to the seat in front of me and I turned to face him, feeling overwhelmed by everything.

{"Did you just freeze time?"} Oli's voice came into my mind.

Yes. For quite some time, actually. "Feels better?"

"Yes," he winked softly. "It was good to let it all out."

"Oh, I get it," I chuckled softly. "And you're still looking pretty."

That made him grin, "I always look pretty."

You two kind of look alike. I bit my bottom lip.

{"Me and him? Where? How? I don't see it!"} He groaned.

Oh, but you do. "So, want to meet the kids now?"

Scowling, he side-glared to the three tables where they all were. "I already know these little pests, darling. All of them, unfortunately."

"Well, but you don't know them as my father," I pouted.

"Are you telling me to behave?" He arched his eyebrows is a dare.

"Me? I would never. I know it's impossible. Besides, they are used to my passive-aggressive personality by now. Act the way you normally do, it's not like our personalities are different anyways," I mocked.

{"You should keep him on the leash."}

Me? Why would I? He's not that scary, you know? Not at all.

"You're lucky to have gotten such an amazing personality like mine here, darling," he played with his hair condescendingly again. "There's no one better than me. I'm the best there are."

I leaned closer, "I am better than you, father," I winked. "We both know that. I'm more amazing than you are!"

That got him giggling loud, "Cute."

"I'm not cute!"

"So, so, so, so cute," he grinned mischievously. "Baby little cute serpent. You are so, so, so cute it make me want to pinch your cheeks. Like a baby trying to look fearsome. Aye, so cute."

I gasped offended, "If you keep that up, I'll kick your arse."

"Look at you, so kind to your father," he clicked his tongue. "How lovely you are, darling. If you keep that up, I'm going to kick your arse again," he narrowed his eyes. "If we go at it, we'll end up destroying this bloody cafeteria."

{"Not scary, you said."}

We're just playing, dumbarse. "Sounds good to me, in fact, I've destroyed all windows in here once."

He chuckled, "I know. Old witch called me to tell me. She said you were acting like I used to, and that we were frighteningly identical. Going around fighting everyone who pissed you off. Aye, I'm proud."

{"Crone be damned, no wonder you came out like that."}

Hey, stop that. "I knew I would make you proud," I winked and got up, and when I did, everyone but Oliver flinched. "Jack, come here," I told him and he flew to us right away. "Father, this is Jack, my Wolpertinger!"

Getting up, he took him by the wings when he got close enough, "So, this is your dog, uh? Cool," then he looked from him to me. "Oh, yes, I see the similarities. He does look like you. Does his wings grow back?"

["Ugh. He's scarier than you!"] Jack cried.

"He said he's glad to meet you, father. And that you're handsome for a dragon. Also that our personalities are alike," I lied and he beamed.

["Hey! I did not said that!"]

He might actually tuck your wings off, Jack.

"Aye, so he's a cute dog," he grinned wickedly. "Look at these little antlers," he played with it and Jack let out an annoyed cry. "What? Is he annoyed or something?"

I mirrored his grin, "Oh, no. That's the sound he makes when he's deeply pleased. He loves when we mess with his antlers and take him by the wings like that!"

["HE IS GOING TO KILL ME!"] Jack cried.

"He said he likes you a lot," I lied again.

{"So, so, so beautifully vicious."} Oliver purred.