Chapter 21 - Chapter 21.

Sophia looked at the mirror, taking deep breaths. She had just woken up from a dream or rather a recurring nightmare. Even as she stood in front of the mirror, she felt her stomach churning with anxiety she didn't even want to remember. She quickly packed her hair in a bun and walked out of the room, where she saw Kim approaching her.

"Here you are, I've been waiting for you."

"Sorry, Kim. I kind of slept off." Sophia yawned.

"I understand, you were actually tired. But come on, we don't want that grumpy woman to have our ass now, do we?"

Sophia smiled and followed Kim down the hall. The tension from her nightmare still clung to her, but she managed to wave it off.

As they made their way to the kitchen, Sophia tried to push the disturbing images out of her mind. The recurring nightmare was always the same: she was trapped in the pool, unable to move or call for help, until a faceless person helped her out . She knew it was linked to her past, to memories she couldn't quite grasp, but the specifics eluded her. Each time she woke up, the fear lingered, making it hard to focus.

"Have you eaten anything?" Kim asked, glancing at her with concern.

"No, not yet. I didn't really have an appetite," Sophia admitted.

"You should eat something. You can't work on an empty stomach," Kim said firmly. "I'll make us some toast. It won't take long."

"Thanks, Kim. I appreciate it," Sophia replied.

While Kim busied herself in the kitchen, she took a moment to gather her thoughts. The nightmare had shaken her more than usual this time. She couldn't help but wonder if it was connected to Luca and the fragmented memories of his sister. There was something she was missing, something crucial that tied it all together. But what?

Kim placed a plate of toast in front of her, breaking her reverie. "Here you go. Eat u, before Carla comes."

"Thanks," Sophia said again, picking up a piece of toast. She took a bite, hoping the food would settle her nerves.

"So, wanna talk about it?" Kim's worried eyes searched Sophia's. "Is it the nightmare again?"

Sophia nodded. "I keep having them, Kim... I don't know what to do. And the scariest part is that I think it has something to do with Luca... it has to."

"Then you have to remember."

"I'm trying to," she said, a little irritated. "I'm trying, Kim, but no matter how hard I try... I can't figure it out."

Kim was silent in thought for a few seconds before she looked up. "I think I can help you."

"Really? But how?"

"I know someone here who used to be a therapist. She can help you remember, I'm certain."

"Where is she? I wanna see her."

"Relax, Sophia. We have to be careful. If Carla finds out, she'll tell the boss."

"You're right."

"First, I'll inform her, and then I'll try to set up a meeting discreetly with the both of you."

"Thank you, Kim."

Sophia sighed in relief. She needed to find out what happened in the past so that she could get out of here. The time she was supposed to use to plot her escape she was using to worry about the past.

"You're welcome, girl. But let's just hope our therapist still has it," Kim joked, and they both laughed.

The door abruptly opened, and Carla walked in. Her jaw was set hard as usual. "Sophia, come on, let's go. You have to go clean the boss's room."

"What?" Sophia blurted out, horrified. She had thought she was going to clean the garden, not Luca's room. At this point, she'd even prefer to clean the pool if it meant she didn't have to see him.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go." Carla clapped her hands, prompting Sophia to drop the remaining toast she was eating on the plate.

Sophia looked at Kim, who gave her a sympathetic smile before following Carla out.

As they walked through the hallways, Sophia's mind raced. Cleaning Luca's room meant being in his personal space, surrounded by his presence. The very thought made her stomach churn.

Carla glanced back at her, a stern look on her face. "Hurry up, Sophia. We don't have all day."

"I'm coming," Sophia muttered, quickening her pace.

When they reached Luca's room, Carla stopped. "Get in there and make sure it's spotless. And don't touch anything you shouldn't."

Sophia watched Carla leave before facing the door. She raised her hand to knock but hesitated, overwhelmed by anxiety. The memory of Luca's hateful gaze haunted her. Taking a deep breath, she knocked and waited for a reply but got none. She knocked on the door several times, but there was no reply. She hesitated, then decided to enter.

As she stepped inside, her eyes widened at the sight in front of her. Luca was shirtless, glancing at his phone with his back to her. Unlike before while he wore a robe, she got a clear view of his back, and what she saw horrified her. There were marks, bruises, and scars all over it.

"What the fuck," his harsh voice rung heavily in the room immediately he saw her. "How dare you come in without permission."

"Your... back..." Sophia disregarded his words, eyes watering in pain. "What... happened to it?"

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