Chapter 23 - Chapter 23.

Over the next few days, Sophia continued her sessions with Lana, trying to unlock the memories buried deep within her mind. Each session brought her back to the lake, to the boy with the necklace, and the man's angry voice calling for Luca. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get past that scene. It was as if there was a missing piece, something crucial she was afraid to uncover.

"You're doing well, Sophia," Lana reassured her at the end of another session. "Sometimes, our minds protect us from memories that are too painful to face all at once."

Sophia nodded, though frustration gnawed at her. "I just feel like I'm so close, but there's something blocking me. I need to know what happened."

Lana gave her a sympathetic look. "We'll get there. It just takes time."

The past few days had been somewhat peaceful for Sophia. Luca hadn't summoned her since that last tense encounter in his room. She was glad for the reprieve, though a part of her wondered what he was up to.

One afternoon, Sophia was in the garden, tending to the flowers. The work was soothing, a welcome distraction from her troubled thoughts. Kim joined her, carrying a watering can.

"How's it going?"

Sophia shrugged. "Same as always. But at least Luca hasn't been around."

Kim nodded, a smile tugging at her lips. "Yeah, it's been quiet. Almost too quiet."

"Let's not jinx it," Sophia joked, managing a small laugh.

They worked in comfortable silence for a while, the only sounds being the rustle of leaves and the gentle trickle of water.

"Hey, do you want to take a break?" Kim suggested after a while. "We could sit by the fountain."

Sophia agreed, and they made their way to the stone fountain at the center of the garden. They sat down, the cool mist from the water refreshing against their skin.

"Do you think I'll ever get out of here?" Sophia whispered.

Kim looked at her with a smile. "You will. One way or another, you'll find a way out."

Sophia nodded, taking strength from her words "Thank you, Kim. For everything."

As they sat there, Sophia's mind wandered back to the sessions with Lana. The boy by the lake, the man's voice, the feeling of dread. She closed her eyes, trying to push past the barrier that blocked her memories.

"Sophia?" Kim's voice broke through her thoughts. "You okay?"

Sophia opened her eyes, nodding. "Yeah, just thinking."

"About the sessions?"

Sophia sighed. "Yeah. I feel like there's something I'm missing. Something important."

"Maybe it'll come to you when you're ready," Kim said. "Don't push yourself too hard."

Sophia gave a small smile. "Thanks, Kim. I just... I need to know."

They sat in silence for a few moments longer, then a sudden commotion from the house drew their attention. They turned to see one of the maids approaching them, looking slightly breathless and excited. "You won't believe it," she said, eyes wide. "We have a new maid, and she's gorgeous!"

Kim scoffed, a hint of jealousy flashing in her eyes. "Gorgeous, huh? Let's go see for ourselves."

Sophia nodded in agreement, and they followed the maid back to the kitchen. They entered, and saw Carla standing with the new maid in front of the other staff members.

"Everyone, this is Meg," Carla announced. "She'll be joining us from now on. Make her feel welcome."

Meg smiled warmly at the gathered staff. "Hi, I'm Meg. It's nice to meet you all."

Kim leaned closer to Sophia, muttering, "She's not that pretty."

Sophia's eyes widened as recognition dawned on her. "I know her," she exclaimed excitedly. "Fuck, it's that girl!"

Kim furrowed her brows. "What girl?"

But Sophia was too focused on Meg to answer. She watched as Carla finished the introductions and walked away. Almost immediately, Diego walked into the kitchen.

"Thank you so much," Meg said, flashing Diego a smile.

Diego returned the smile before heading out, a rare sight that left Kim gaping. "Did you see that?" she whispered to Sophia. "He smiled at her. He's never smiled at me before."

"Kim, she's the girl I told you about."

Kim's eyes widened in realization. "The one from the cage? How did she end up here?"

"I don't know," she whispered.

As the staff dispersed, Meg approached Sophia and Kim, squealing with excitement. "Hi, do you remember me?"

"Yes, I do actually, Meg," Sophia replied with a smile. "My name is Sophia by the way, and this is Kim."

Meg looked at Kim, who kept a straight face. "Hi, Kim."

"How do you know Diego?" Kim asked bluntly.

"What?" Meg looked taken aback.

"You heard me."

Meg chuckled, a bit taken aback by Kim's rudeness. "Nothing serious, we're just friends"

"But why are you here?" Sophia wanted to know.

"I had no place to go, so I begged Diego to help me find a job here," Meg explained.

"And he did," Kim scoffed, looking away dismissively, but Meg ignored her.

"We have lots to discuss, but I'll see you later," Meg told Sophia before disappearing out of the kitchen.

"I don't like her," Kim said firmly.

"Come on, Kim, she's nice."

"Don't let her fool you, I know her type," Kim insisted.

Sophia sighed. "Maybe you're right, but let's give her a chance. People can surprise you."

Kim shook her head. "I've seen too many like her, Sophia. Just be careful, okay?"

"Okay," Sophia agreed, though she couldn't help but feel a bit hopeful. Maybe Meg's presence could be a good thing after all.

Later that night, Sophia snuck into Lana's room for her session.

"Good evening, Sophia," Lana greeted her warmly.

"Hi, Lana," Sophia replied, settling into the chair opposite the therapist.

"Tonight, I want to focus on understanding more about you," Lana began. "Let's start with something simple. What is or was your biggest goal in life?"

Sophia thought for a moment before answering, "My biggest goal was to make my father proud."

Lana nodded thoughtfully. "And what is your biggest fear?"

Sophia hesitated, her voice barely above a whisper when she spoke. "Disappointing my father... It terrified me."

"Why is that?" Lana's voice was gentle, coaxing.

"I'm not sure," Sophia admitted, her brow furrowing in confusion. "I just fear disappointing him."

Lana took a deep breath, choosing her next words carefully. "Tell me about your childhood. What was it like?"

Sophia sat back in her chair, staring at her hands. "I don't remember much, especially after the incident at the lake," she began. "But although I loved my father, I felt a little distant towards him."

Lana tilted her head, studying Sophia's expression. "And why's that?"

Sophia sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I'm not sure, Lana. Maybe because he expected so much from me. Don't be weak, you're going to be the next leader of the DeLuca Mafia. Don't date this person, he's below you. Don't go there, don't do this or that..."

Lana's brow furrowed slightly. "It seems like he was a bit controlling."

"I... don't... know," Sophia replied slowly. "He just had so many expectations for me, and... I let him down. It terrifies me. It's the reason I need to get my memories back and get out of here. I need to get my position back."

Lana nodded. "It's clear your father had a significant influence on your life and your decisions. It's natural to feel fear when you think you've disappointed someone you love and respect."

Sophia swallowed hard. "I just... I need to remember what happened. I need to understand why things are the way they are now."

"We'll get there, Sophia. Memory recovery can be a slow process, but you're doing great. You've already remembered more than you thought you could."

Sophia managed a small, grateful smile. "Thank you, Lana. I just feel like I'm running out of time."

Lana's expression softened. "You're making progress, and that's what matters. Be patient with yourself."

Sophia nodded, taking a deep breath to steady herself. "Okay. Let's keep going."

Lana sat back, giving Sophia space to collect her thoughts. "Tell me more about your relationship with your father. How did his expectations shape your actions?"

Sophia thought for a moment, her mind drifting back to fragmented memories of her childhood. "I always felt like I was walking on eggshells around him. I wanted to make him proud, but it seemed like nothing was ever enough. He was always pushing me to be better, to be stronger. It was exhausting."

"That sounds like a lot of pressure," Lana observed.

"It was," Sophia agreed. "And the fear of failing him was always there, looming over me. That's why I need to understand what happened at the lake. Maybe then I'll understand why things turned out this way."

Lana leaned forward. "Let's try again, Sophia. Close your eyes and go back to the lake. I'll guide you."

Sophia took a deep breath, closing her eyes and letting herself sink back into the memory. The sound of water filled her ears, the sensation of being pulled under. She shivered as she felt the panic rising, but Lana's voice kept her anchored.

"You're at the lake," Lana said softly. "Focus on the details. What do you see?"

Sophia's breath hitched as she spoke. "I'm drowning... shouting. Someone helps me and pulls me out. But when I open my eyes and see him, instead of relief, I feel fear. I'm terrified."

"Can you recognize who the boy is?" Lana asked.

Sophia shook her head slightly, her eyes still closed. "I've tried, but I can't. I don't know him."

"Stay with the memory," Lana encouraged. "Focus on the boy. What happens next?"

Sophia's voice trembled. "He's asking if I'm alright, but then another voice speaks. It tells the boy to back off and stop acting as though he was the one who saved me."

Lana's interest piqued. "Another voice? There's another boy?"

"Yes," Sophia whispered, her brow furrowing as she focused harder. "The new boy asked the young boy why he pushed me into the lake. The boy's face grows angry at the question."

"Can you describe the new boy's appearance?" Lana asked.

Sophia's face contorted in concentration. "He's tall, slim, but his face is blurry."

"Try harder, Sophia," Lana urged. "Focus on his features. What does he look like?"

Sophia's breathing grew uneven as pain shot through her head. She winced but pushed through. "He's a teenager... black hair... green eyes. I think I've seen him before."

"You're doing great, Sophia," Lana said encouragingly. "What else can you see? What happens next?"

Sophia's eyes darted behind her closed lids. "The angry man begins to call his name... Luca... Luca! It's him, it's Luca!"

Her eyes sprang open, and she gasped for air. Lana watched her carefully, her expression a mix of concern and curiosity.

"Sophia," Lana said gently, "you did great. You remembered something important."

"It's Luca," Sophia repeated in confusion. "He was there. He saved me... but why? Why was he there?"

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