Chapter 6 - One Billion

Before her meeting with Maximus...


The auction house was buzzing with guests who wore masks to hide their identities for the sake of their safety, and Valerie was one of them. She strolled through the entrance in her black dress and black mask and got a reasonable amount of attention as she was what they call, a walking piece of art.

Her elegant yet strong and imposing aura could not be overlooked simply because she wore a mask. Anyone could tell she was an extraordinary lady even with the mask on.

This setting was actually great. With the mask on, no one would bother her for being Valerie and she could get the bracelet without issues. She was prepared to pay any amount.

"Miss, your seat is that way." Frankie said to her and they both made their way to their seats.

Once seated, Valerie crossed her legs and fixed her gaze on the stage where the items would be presented. She rested her elbow on the arm of the chair, and then dropped her chin on her palm, thinking.

'Uncle must've gone to a great length just so I wouldn't find out it's being auctioned here.' She thought. 'But he's a fool, as always. But I guess he's only a fool when it comes to petty tricks since he has been able to keep Ross Corp at number two till today. But I bet I'll be able to make it number one once I take charge.'

Valerie's thoughts danced about the place as she sat still, waiting for the auction to begin.

But just then, a noticeable presence walked past her seat and she was compelled to turn her head to see who it was, but whoever it was, he succeeded in hiding his presence in the crowd of people who were exchanging pleasantries.

"That's strange." She muttered. 'I don't usually care about other people.'

"Is something wrong?" Frankie asked but Valerie shook her head and said,

"It's nothing."

The auction began and the first few items found their owners rather quickly. It was like that because what most of them were there for, was the bracelet with the legacy of the great artisan.

"Now, before further ado," the host announced, parading around the last item. "I present to you, the legacy of the famous artisan," he uncovered the item and announced, "Valerie." As soon as he said that, Valerie flinched.

The bracelet looked so beautiful and was just as she remembered. Her memory about it was faint but seeing it now, it was like it had been with her the whole time.

And knowing this, she got angry. It was named after her because it was hers. Couldn't these people understand that simple logic? She clenched the arm of the chair, passing her frustration on to the poor thing.

She had to get that bracelet by all means.

"The starting price for the bid is... One million." The host announced and the competitors began to raise their bidding stick, calling numbers like it was some child game.

Valerie patiently waited for the right time, letting the others bid like their lives were on the line.

The bidders soon settled down to two competitors and one of them called a superior price to the other.

"Five hundred million." The host announced. "This young man has decided to have this beautiful piece for five hundred million. Do we have anyone to beat this price?"

The hall went silent. But just then, Frankie raised her bidding stick and called the amount her master had called.

"One billion."

It was better to call high and stay high to avoid more unnecessary competition.

Everyone turned in shock to see who this bidder was. Who would go so far? It wasn't even confirmed if the artisan really left her entire legacy in the bracelet so why go so far?

'Fools.' Valerie could read their minds that were as clear as a white sheet of paper. 'To you, this might be a mere piece of art with a few crafting techniques, but to me, it's my entire world.'

"One Billion." The host called out excitedly. "Did I hear that right? This bidder wants to have this item for a billion, is there anyone else who wants to top that? I doubt it but just for formalities, I'll call it. Going once, going twice..."

"One Billion and a million." Someone else called and Valerie's eyes widened in disbelief as well as irritation. Who dared to fight with her for her stuff?

She turned her head towards the VIP booth to see it was an assistant holding up a bidding stick for his master. And his master was sitting calmly with his legs crossed and a smirk on his lips.

Valerie got a sense of familiarity from him but it did not stop her fists from trembling with anger. How dare he fight with her for what was hers?

She looked at Frankie and nodded her head. Frankie nodded in understanding and raised her bidding stick once more.

"One Billion and two million."

The bidding got serious as Valerie's competitor kept raising the price by a million and she made Frankie do the same. She was mad. Why was he trying to get what was hers so badly?

She gritted her teeth but kept her composure. This time... If they called a higher number, they wouldn't fight for it, right?

She was just about to raise her bid to two billion when the extremely overwhelmed host got a call.

"Ah, alright." He answered the call from his earpiece and turned to the guests. "My apologies but this item has been officially canceled from the auction."

Valerie's eyes widened.


"My apologies for any inconvenience." The host apologized with sweat dripping down his forehead from the pressure he was feeling from Valerie's glare.

'Who is it? Who is it that bought it with underhanded methods?' She gritted her teeth while clenching harder on the arm of the chair. It was to the extent that she almost broke the poor thing.

"Miss, I believe someone bought the 'item' from the company directly." Frankie said and Valerie looked up, her gaze immediately traveling to the VIP booth.

He was the only suspect since he seemed so desperate to have it. But to think he would use an underhanded method to get it, instead of facing her fair and square...

"Miss, what do we do now? Do you want me to get Intel on who the buyer is?" Frankie asked but Valerie raised her hand, halting her plans.

"Don't worry. I already know who it is." She said, glaring at the VIP booth and Frankie came to understand that the one on the VIP booth was the buyer. "Frankie, send a request to that 'gentleman'. I would like to negotiate for the right to own the bracelet."


And that was how they came to a face-off.

...Continuation of Chapter 5