Chereads / Nine-year-old Magic Doctor / Chapter 10 - Chapter 10 Going to the Training Hall

Chapter 10 - Chapter 10 Going to the Training Hall

"Long ago, alchemy and medicine-making were equally popular, with alchemists and pharmacists of the same rank holding equal status. However, with the creation of high-grade elixirs, more people chose the path of alchemy until the art of medicine-making was completely buried!"

"Then why did you drag me around in such a big circle? Why didn't you just say so earlier?" Zhiyan rolled her eyes in annoyance. Heaven knows how bored she has been these days. Now that she had the medicinal liquid and recipes, she wouldn't need to be bored and bother certain people anymore.

That very night, Zhiyan went to the pharmacy once again, collecting three to four portions of the herbs listed on the recipe, and casually swiped the miniature medicine cauldron used for decoration from the pharmacy desk. With everything prepared except for the right opportunity, she could start the actual medicine making when the night was deep and quiet.

The night was hazy, with the silver moon hanging high in the sky. In the kitchen of Southern Gardens, Zhiyan set up the cauldron. The orange-yellow flames danced fiercely, illuminating the room as if it were daylight.

Lixi, Baizhi, Dragon Root, Huoxiao... Zhiyan carefully arranged them. As the water in the cauldron boiled, she submerged the thoroughly washed Dragon Root in its entirety into the medicine cauldron. The Dragon Root was about twenty centimeters long and as thick as a thumb, with an uneven surface and roots crowding each segment.

Upon throwing it into the cauldron, it floated on the surface of the water. Under the scalding temperature, a layer of grease-like liquid oozed out of its skin, followed by an earthy, fishy smell. Zhiyan then increased the fire a bit more, extending her spiritual sense to envelop the whole Dragon Root, constantly monitoring its condition.

Approximately twenty minutes later, the clear water turned murky, covered by a layer of sticky black colloids, and the twenty-centimeter long Dragon Root had completely softened into the bottom of the water. As the earthy, fishy smell in the air intensified, Zhiyan quickly scattered palm-sized Lixi across the surface of the water.

Lixi resembled pear blossoms, white and soft, scattering across the surface like delicate lotuses in the rain. As they undulated, they released waves of enticing fragrance, which instantly masked the unpleasant earthy smell.

As the Lixi was fumed by the heat to near transparency, Zhiyan picked up the tool prepared in advance and began to stir, ceaselessly adding marble-sized Huoxiao into the mix. Huoxiao served to invigorate the meridians and enhance the blood qi. However, in the Primordial Essence Liquid, its primary role was to adjust the interaction between Lixi and Dragon Root, acting as a buffer.

One by one, the medicines were continuously added, and after two hours, all the medicines had been incorporated into the cauldron. Ouyang Zhiyan's concentration peaked, and beads of sweat the size of soybeans appeared on her delicate forehead. Earlier, Master Fei had made it sound easy, but only at this moment did she realize that medicine-making was not so simple.

In just two hours, more than half of her Yin Yang Qi had been consumed, leaving only enough to barely control the temperature of the fire. The sizzling sounds were constant, as bubbles appeared on the surface of the medicinal liquid and the rim of the cauldron was piled with thick impurities.

"It's about time to collect the residue!" Master Fei, floating mid-air, suddenly spoke.

From the beginning until now, he witnessed every step of Zhiyan's process and technique, and he couldn't help but acknowledge that she was a natural-born pharmacist. Although the Primordial Essence Liquid was only one of the basic body-nourishing medicinal liquids, it was extremely difficult for a novice.

From initial apprehension to calmness, it took Zhiyan only about ten minutes to adapt. Even now, with her physical strength greatly depleted, there was no sign of panic in her. On the contrary, the more intense the situation became, the more apparent her calmness shone through.

Hearing Master Fei's voice, Zhiyan felt a surge of joy. Using a net-like iron ladle, she gently skimmed off the impurities that had accumulated on the edge of the medicine cauldron. After an initial collection of the residue, she then turned to retrieve the Dragon Root's branches and leaves that had been set aside.

The branches and leaves of the Dragon Root had a strong adsorption capacity, able to absorb the free-floating grease and impurities in the air. They acted on the surface of the Dragon Root to protect its internal essence, which is the main reason why the Dragon Root produced so much oil. To maintain the purity of the Primordial Essence Liquid, the final collection of residue was performed using branches and leaves of the Dragon Root.

The Dragon Root's branches and leaves clung to the surface of the medicinal liquid, their verdant blades quickly stained with spots. In just a moment, impurities were removed, revealing the crystal-clear liquid beneath.

"Hmm, not bad, proceed with the steaming!" Master Fei nodded, a thread of a smile appearing on his face.

Zhiyan's spirit sharpened, and with the activation of her mind, Yin Yang Energy burst forth from her body, enveloping the cauldron from above and below. With the addition of Yang Energy, the flames within the cauldron roared fiercely, and the temperature in the room rose sharply. The Yin Energy, like a barrier, covered the surface of the medicinal liquid, preventing the volatilization of its medicinal properties.

As Yin and Yang energies worked in tandem, the medicinal liquid in the cauldron boiled and roiled, with splashes exploding in pops, its volume visibly diminishing as the water was removed. The color grew increasingly concentrated, leaving behind the essence of the liquid.

When only a round puddle of medicinal liquid remained in the cauldron, the expelled Yang Energy suddenly withdrew, and the flames instantly dwindled until they extinguished.

"Whew, that was really draining!" Zhiyan, exhausted, collapsed to the ground. As the protective Yin Energy receded, a wave of pure energy surged from the cauldron, revitalizing her. She quickly got up and looked at the still Primordial Essence Liquid inside the cauldron, a strong sense of pride welling up within her.

Her delicate cheeks flushed with excitement, her small hand covering her mouth, too thrilled to speak!

Compared to the medical arts she dabbled in her previous life, alchemy was undoubtedly a giant leap in her medical history, not only in terms of knowledge but also in the techniques and the aid of Yin Yang Energy. The feeling was even more exhilarating than the first time she had healed someone...

"All right, take it now!" Seeing Zhiyan giggling foolishly, Master Fei's mouth twitched, and he was speechless. As the owner of the Demon Doctor meridians, she would encounter countless medicinal liquids and pill recipes in the future. If she giggled like this every time, would she not die from muscle spasms?

He didn't oppose her being happy, but there should be a standard, after all. Such basic medicinal liquid was practically trash in his eyes. He wouldn't have brought it out at all if not for considering her current physical condition; it would be embarrassing.

Zhiyan scooped up a small spoonful and drank it down.

The warm liquid flowed down her throat, opening her pores, warming her entire body as if soaking in a hot spring, sweeping away previous exhaustion. The nearly depleted Yin Yang Energies inside her rapidly circulated, greedily absorbing the energy from the Primordial Essence Liquid.

Standing in place, Zhiyan closed her eyes in silence, her exquisite face tinged with a tranquil smile. The warmth that reached deep into her bones made her sigh contentedly, as comfortable as if floating in the clouds.

Two hours passed, and Zhiyan remained motionless. The Primordial Essence Liquid inside her was completely absorbed by the Yin Yang Energies and then distributed throughout her body. Her previously nutrient-starved body glowed with boundless vitality under the nourishment of the liquid's energy, every part of her brimming with vigor, as if she had inexhaustible strength.

As the first rays of dawn pierced the mist, shining upon the Southern Gardens, Zhiyan had completed her cleanup and exited the kitchen. Ignoring Ouyang Jin practicing in the courtyard, she headed straight for her room.

At breakfast, the atmosphere at the dining table was very quiet. Ouyang Zhiyan buried her head in her food, not even glancing at Ouyang Jin. Since yesterday, she had decided to keep her distance from this man. It wasn't that she was afraid of him, but she didn't want to attract unnecessary trouble. Besides, she was now fully focused on alchemy and cultivation, with no surplus of energy to deal with those who deemed themselves above others.

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