Chereads / Nine-year-old Magic Doctor / Chapter 16 - Chapter 16 Saving Someone on the Street

Chapter 16 - Chapter 16 Saving Someone on the Street


"No matter how many bottles, as long as the young lady is willing to continue selling, that's good. I, old Wang, am here to thank you first!" Old Wang sprang up to stand, excitedly bending over to salute in thanks, as gratefulness for a narrow escape from disaster appeared on Cang's face. He was just a minor pharmacy owner, and those who came to invite goods were well-known figures in the Imperial City, hardly those that a small fry like him could handle.

"Since it is a proactive invitation, naturally the price must be repositioned. Let's do this, from now on I'll supply fifteen bottles each month, selling each bottle for six hundred gold coins. You can take five hundred gold coins as a service fee." After thinking it over, she finally settled on the decision. With this, she would have a substantial income every month.

"Ah, ten, fifteen bottles?" Wang Sheng's body trembled, barely believing what he heard, the amount she spoke of was actually fifteen bottles? In an instant, he felt that his mind wasn't quite enough, fifteen bottles would be sufficient for him to cope with those extremely prominent families, and it was to be a monthly fixed quantity, this was nothing less than pies falling from the sky...

"Alright then, fifteen bottles it is. But I absolutely cannot accept this service fee, the young lady is willing to sell in my shop, not only saving this old life but also putting up a golden sign for the shop. How could I dare be greedy for more?" Wang Sheng quickly refused after coming to his senses. Five hundred gold coins was a lot, but it was nothing compared to the long-term value of making a connection with an alchemist. He was a businessman, after all, and he clearly understood the benefits at stake.

"Well, that's settled then. Take these five bottles of medicinal liquid for now, and I'll bring you another ten later." Zhiyan moved her thoughts, and instantly five bottles of medicinal liquid appeared in her hand, which excited old Wang tremendously.

After collecting the five types of herbs that were missing last time, Zhiyan then rushed to the blacksmith's shop.

Seeing Zhiyan's arrival, the big blacksmith's eyes brightened. He put down the tool in his hand and hastily fetched the finished items from inside.

"What do you think, young lady? Are they satisfactory?" The blacksmith looked at Zhiyan with expectation. He was dealing with these items for the first time, so he was unsure how well he had done.

Zhiyan's gaze swept over the tools, a trace of appreciation in her eyes. It was evident that the blacksmith had put a lot of effort into them; not only were the tools finely crafted, but he also made adjustments to some details, making them more in line with ergonomics. Her eyes finally rested on the neatly arranged silver needles, of varying lengths and sizes, orderly from long to short, particularly striking against the iron tools.

"Very well, I am very satisfied," Zhiyan nodded repeatedly. She bent down and carefully rolled up the cloth bag with the silver needles inside and then stuffed it into her bosom. As for the other tools, she tossed all of them into the Qiankun Bracelet, which stunned the big blacksmith beside her. His gaze towards her was filled with a bit of awe. Anyone who could use a Spatial Spiritual Device was either rich or noble, it seemed he had accidentally come across someone of status and background...

Zhiyan paid the money and strolled casually on the street. When she passed the center of the crossroads, she saw many people forming a circle, the scene was very noisy, and there were even the sounds of a woman's crying...

On closer inspection, she saw a woman holding a child of a few years old and sobbing her heart out. There was a pool of blood on the ground, and a young man in fine clothes stood next to them, a carriage abandoned aside, the horse having bolted long ago. It appeared to be a traffic accident.

"Tsk tsk, that child too, knowing the carriage was coming and still not running away," a man shook his head in pity.

"You didn't see the situation at the time. That horse charged like it was crazy, and even young master Lin could not control it, not to mention a half-grown child."

"The child was hit and thrown more than a yard away. It seems there's no hope for him..."

"My treasure, my little Bao..." The mournful crying grew hoarse and broken, and the surrounding crowd pointed and whispered, but no one stepped forward to help.

Zhiyan frowned and pushed through the people blocking her way to enter the circle under the strange glances of the onlookers.

"Give him to me." The woman's cries were heart-wrenching, yet suddenly she heard a childlike voice next to her ear, crisp and pleasant, with an irresistible tone.


"This isn't your concern, step aside," Pin Yiyun said with a cold face, impatient with the sudden appearance of Zhiyan. The situation here was already chaotic enough, and now this child had come to add to the commotion.

"Human life is of paramount importance, any further delay and it might truly be beyond salvation!" Zhiyan didn't even glance at him, her gaze locked on the woman as she urged.

"Ah, you, do you have a way to save my precious child?" Her body trembling, the woman's mournful face showed a trace of panic as if grasping at the last straw, her eyes filled with both hope and worry.

"What a joke, you believe the words of this child?"

"Indeed, the fact that this little girl didn't burst into tears at the sight of blood is already quite an achievement."

"Tsk tsk, when did children become so ill-mannered? That kid is about to take his last breath, and she's here causing a fuss."

Surrounded by a tide of mockery and derision, Zhiyan kept a cool expression as she crouched down to examine the child, unable to stand idly by due to her professional medical ethics.

"Can you truly save my precious child?" the woman asked Zhiyan, her face filled with longing.

"Don't worry, there is still hope for him!" Zhiyan's small hand reached out and gently patted the back of the woman's hand twice as a sign of comfort.

The child was only around three or four years old, frail, his face deathly pale, his lips cracked, and his chest smeared with an alarmingly conspicuous trace of blood!

Zhiyan's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly as she deftly took out a package of silver needles from her bosom, picked the smallest one, and with a thought, a barely visible flame emerged, heating the untreated silver needle.

The crowd burst into an uproar, watching in shock as the girl, whom they had mocked and looked down upon, conjured a wisp of flame at her fingertips. It twirled like light smoke but was distinctly visible before their eyes. Was this the legendary Inner Fire?

Everyone stared, their eyes widened in amazement, hardly believing what they were seeing. The external manifestation of Inner Fire was a skill only Alchemists were said to possess. Could it be that this girl was also an Alchemist?

The crowd was again shook, breathing heavily as they looked at Zhiyan with eyes fierce as tigers, wishing they could dissect her to understand her thoroughly. An Alchemist— the most esteemed profession on the Mainland, a group everyone dreamed of drawing close to—could it really be her, this unremarkable-looking young girl?

The crowd was in disarray, their minds briefly blank. Could it be that Alchemists were now so undervalued?

Pin Yiyun, who was nearest to her, trembled all over, his dark eyes narrowing as he scrutinized her with a complex expression. Though the flame was small, it contained an energy fluctuation that startled him. Even more puzzling was her cultivation base which was just at the early Mid-grade Sage level, but a true Alchemist needed at least to be a Mid-level Sage. So, what was going on with her Inner Fire?

"Relax, I'm going to use the silver needle to stimulate his acupoints, don't worry," said Zhiyan after annealing the needle. She then inserted the silver needle into the child's chest area. The blow from the carriage had caused a lot of blood to accumulate there, and it desperately needed to be released, else he would suffocate from the excess.

"Ah…" The woman screamed and covered her mouth. First, she had inexplicably trusted this young girl, and now, watching her prick her precious child with a needle, she was overtaken by fear, her heart jumped to her throat, her body trembling violently.

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