Chereads / Nine-year-old Magic Doctor / Chapter 7 - Chapter 7 Sensing Yin Energy

Chapter 7 - Chapter 7 Sensing Yin Energy

"What do we do?" Lin Shao asked gravely, displaying not a hint of impatience toward Ouyang Zhiyan's orders. He even harbored an inexplicable trust in her, assured that she would never harm Young Master Ouyang Peng.

"Undo Father's collar and belt, lay him flat, and someone, support his shoulders so his head tilts back…" While giving orders, Ouyang Zhiyan tried to press on Ouyang Peng's chest, then decided to kneel by his side, pinched her father's nostrils shut with one hand, and moved her lips close to perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

"Gasp!" The crowd gasped in unison. One second she was commanding with certainty, and the next she was performing an act that shocked and appalled society. Ouyang Feng froze, Ouyang Jin stared, Lin Shao stiffened, watching the scene unfold as if petrified, and everyone present widened their eyes, as if unwilling to believe what was happening.

"Quick, punch here twice with force!" Zhiyan pointed to the area over the heart, speaking urgently.

"Ah, okay!" Coming back to his senses, Lin Shao followed Zhiyan's instructions, and as soon as he put down his fists, he saw Zhiyan place her left hand flat over the lower section of Ouyang Peng's sternum, pressing down with her right hand atop her left, pushing up and down in vertical compressions.

After several compressions, Ouyang Zhiyan's forehead oozed with sweat, and the pain from her injuries became excruciating after this exertion.

"Ah, he's awake, he's awake!" On the fifth compression, Ouyang Peng awakened from his coma. Though his breath was still faint, it had stabilized for the moment.

"Phew!" The crowd exhaled deeply, looking at the girl they once considered a waste with shock and admiration. They hadn't expected such a simple act to be so effective in saving him. It was fortunate he was revived; if not, none of them present would be spared from consequences. In that moment, everyone's emotions were mixed.

"Take Father to his room to rest, and you, carry me to the medicine room!" Zhiyan leaned weakly against Lin Shao's shoulder; her injuries were severe and had worsened after what she had just done, but she needed to make a trip to the medicine room for Ouyang Peng's sake.

"Are you all right?" Lin Shao looked at Zhiyan with concern, his brows knitted in a frown. She was the one who looked like she needed rest the most.

"I'm fine, take me there!" Zhiyan's voice softened as she saw the worry and care in his eyes. She smiled reassuringly at him, her face so pale from the blood loss it was nearly translucent, causing Lin Shao's heart to tremble fiercely.

"Alright, I'll take you. Get some rest first, and I'll call you when we arrive," Lin Shao nodded, his usually stern and indifferent voice now filled with an unprecedented tenderness. Disregarding everyone's stares, he carried her out and headed straight out of the room.

The Ouyang Residence's medicine room was located in the northern courtyard, and fifteen minutes later, the two reached the medicine room!

"This one, this one, and this one, take half an ounce of each, one twig of cassia, two Lingluo…" Nested within Lin Shao's embrace, Ouyang Zhiyan directed the medicine room administrator, measuring herbs, grinding powders, removing roots… After an hour, over fifty different herbs were finally prepared, leaving the decoction to be handled by the servants.

"Instruct the servants to use half a bowl of rainwater and half a bowl of warm water, simmer over gentle heat until the herbs dissolve completely, then add another half bowl of water and bring to a boil!" Zhiyan waved her hand, signaling Lin Shao to step back.

The medicine room was large, with the front courtyard used for drying and the back courtyard for storage. She was currently in the annex of the storage room in the back courtyard, which had a simple cot for use by on-duty personnel. However, due to its small size and poor ventilation, it was rarely used by anyone.

Ever since she was expelled from the Leng Family to her soul transmigrating, it had been a long time since she last touched medicinal herbs. With such a good opportunity at hand, she naturally wouldn't leave easily, so she planned to use this ear chamber as a temporary shelter.

"Girl, circulate your Yang Energy to heal yourself," Master Fei sighed resignedly, reminding her that this was how the world worked, survival of the fittest, with power commanding respect. To not be bullied, one had to grow strong enough.

Zhiyan lay on the bed, her mind gradually sinking into a deep focus. Under the control of her will, the Yang Energy inside her body meandered like white silk threads. After about three cycles, the scorching energy collectively moved toward her buttocks. A sizzling sound echoed in the silent chamber as Zhiyan felt warmth all over, with a tingling sensation in her buttocks.

Through the fabric, those buttocks, brutalized by a heavy stick, recovered at a visible speed. With each increment of recovery, the Yang Energy inside her weakened by a notch. After half an hour, Ouyang Zhiyan lay drenched in sweat and weakly collapsed on the bed.

"It's already gone?" Ouyang Zhiyan widened her eyes, unwilling to accept it as she checked again, but there was not a trace of Yang Energy left.

"Be content, with your current achievement, it's already defying the heavens!" Master Fei couldn't help but be frustrated. Did this girl know what kind of treasure she had been given? He had spent a good half-month to gather energy into threads, yet this girl reached such a result in just three days and she was still unsatisfied.

"One's situation is not always within one's control. Who knows if something like today's event could happen again? If it weren't for the Yang Energy relieving the pain, would I still be alive to lie here?" Zhiyan scoffed, a dark gleam crossing her black pupils. Had she not had the Yang Energy to protect her, she might have been dead before Ouyang Peng barged in.

"In that case, we'll have to start using the Qiankun Bracelet ahead of schedule!" Master Fei's voice deepened, seriously making the decision.

The Qiankun Bracelet was rich in Spiritual Energy and supplemented both Yin and Yang. Zhiyan had so far absorbed only Yang Energy. Normally, it was not suitable to immediately activate a Yin and Yang attribute like the Qiankun Bracelet, but considering her situation in the family, Master Fei decided to give her a hand.

"Listen, later I will use my Soul Body to set up an array and gather Yin Energy for you to absorb. Once you have a breakthrough, you can officially activate the Qiankun Bracelet, and then you won't have to fear those who use their power to bully others," Master Fei's Soul Body floated out from the Qiankun Bracelet and said with narrowed eyes. Being her benefactor, he naturally couldn't stand by and watch her be bullied.

Zhiyan's eyes lit up, and she immediately got up from the bed and sat cross-legged, ready!

With a single thought from Master Fei, the hovering Soul Body instantly turned into a white shadow and vanished in an instant. The air in the room trembled slightly, and a dense wave of Yin Energy rolled in, covering everything.

The previously depleted Yang Energy inside Zhiyan faintly stirred, but was eventually subdued by the overwhelming Yin Energy, allowing it to penetrate through the pores of her skin. Her body felt cool, and every cell in her body opened up, allowing the Yin Energy to roam wildly within her, darting here and there without any discernible pattern!

"Use your will to control it, follow the meridians as you move it, and eventually lead it into the abdomen..." As Master Fei instructed, he manipulated the surrounding Yin Energy, pressing it toward Zhiyan. Under the Yin breeze, Zhiyan's hair became disheveled and her clothes flapped wildly...

Even though she was seated, she felt as if she was floating in the clouds. The wind was strong, and the pressure was so intense it made her skin ache. The Yin Energy roaming inside her body was like a wild storm, assaulting the fragile meridians! Forced comprehension, utilizing the vast energy to forcibly unlock Zhiyan's cognitive memory, allowed her to become accustomed to this energy and to gain enlightenment from it.

This energy, different from Yang Energy, was both cold and violent, so the same techniques to absorb Yang Energy couldn't be used; therefore, she had no choice but to drive it forcefully!

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