Chereads / Nine-year-old Magic Doctor / Chapter 8 - Chapter 8 Brother, Save Me

Chapter 8 - Chapter 8 Brother, Save Me

Zhiyan's gaze sharpened, as a steadfast light shot through her eyes, believing firmly that if she persevered, there was nothing she could not accomplish!

She lifted her head and straightened her back, focusing her mind, attempting to control a small stream of Yin Energy with her intention. The moment it encountered Zhiyan, it was fixed in place, immovable like a nail on a board.

Joy sparked in Zhiyan's heart, that was it, one breakthrough after another!

Having completely subdued that stream of Yin Energy, Zhiyan shifted her target towards another stray current of Yin Energy, one after another. The pressure around her body rose, the Yin Energy inside her grew more formidable, and as time passed outside, the cool courtyard bore witness to a solitary and proud silhouette.

Ouyang Jin's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the firmly shut wooden door with a complex expression. The pharmacy in the northern courtyard was supposed to be tranquil, yet it was not so deserted to warrant the doors closed even during the day!

"Could it be that little devil causing trouble again?" The thought of this possibility made Ouyang Jin's gaze turn icy cold. Had it not been for his father's repeated requests, he would not have bothered about her well-being.

"Continue, it's almost a success!" Old Fei's voice was lowered, excitedly observing the scene before him, as the massive amount of Yin Energy was being controlled and absorbed by Zhiyan, then controlled and absorbed again, turning slowly into thread-like streams like liquid mercury. The pressure in the room dissipated, the sound of wind ceased, leaving only Zhiyan's harsh gasps.

Sweat beaded on her forehead like rain pouring down, Zhiyan suppressed the elation in her heart, directing the Yin Energy bit by bit towards her abdomen!

At last, the previously suppressed Yang Energy started to become active, beginning to meander slowly around her abdomen.

The Yin Energy inside her body traveled along the meridians for a full circuit, settling in a corner without movement. One minute went by, and the Yang Energy inside her grew a bit stronger; ten minutes later, the Yang Energy's circulation speed increased, but it clearly exhibited signs of rejection towards the Yin Energy nearby; after half an hour, the wary Yang Energy relaxed its vigilance, freely circulating within the abdomen.

Zhiyan's lips curled up at the corners, seizing the opportunity, and with a forceful release of her intention, she saw the long-restrained Yin Energy burst forth like a wild horse that had thrown off its reins, charging towards the Yang Energy's position. The two energies of Yin and Yang rapidly intertwined, staging a tremendous battle within Zhiyan's belly.

Ouyang Zhiyan's body jerked violently, collapsing in agony onto the bed, her petite frame shuddering incessantly, her complexion turning first green then purple. The sensation of being torn apart caused her to involuntarily groan, her fists clenched, her nails digging into her flesh?

"Ahem, well, I forgot to tell you that Yin and Yang oppose each other, with intense reactions at first; it might be somewhat painful!" Old Fei coughed guiltily. Yin and Yang opposition was an eternal truth; to possess both energies simultaneously, one must pay a corresponding price. The transition from opposition to symbiosis was sometimes just a subtle shift.

"How convenient for you to forget. If by some accident I had died, you would have been the hidden scourge, the culprit!" Zhiyan couldn't help but roll her eyes. No matter how forgiving she was, she couldn't easily let go of Old Fei's deception, claiming that he had forgotten, was utter nonsense; it was clear he was pushing her into a corner, ruthless indeed!

"Heh heh, I admit I did it on purpose, I was afraid you might give up halfway. Alright, someone's coming, just hold on a little longer, it will soon pass!" As soon as Old Fei's words fell, his figure immediately vanished into the Qiankun Bracelet.

Right after his disappearance, the door to the pharmacy was pushed open, and Ouyang Jin, in a white robe, stepped in with a frigid expression. His tall form cast a long shadow within the room, and the surrounding air seemed to drop a few degrees instantly.

Ouyang Jin scanned the room; the empty herbal pharmacy showed no sign of Zhiyan. As he extended his spiritual sense, faint cries of pain reached his ears—it was that little brat. How did she end up in the ear chamber?

In a flash, Ouyang Jin stood before Zhiyan's bed. He had imagined countless scenarios of her causing trouble, yet none shocked him more than her current state, barely clinging to life. There lay Ouyang Zhiyan, curled up on the bed, her body soaked in blood. Beneath her the chaos of bedding, her face as pale as paper, as she murmured in pain unconsciously. If not for his extraordinary hearing, he might have mistaken her for a corpse.

Her palm-sized face had lost its usual vitality; her eyes were tightly shut. Her delicate lips were bitten, deep marks marring them, and Ouyang Jin stared dumbfounded, his typically cold eyes flashing with an unwillingness to bear what he saw.

If she just died like this, wouldn't it be just as he wished? No more of that annoying face, and no need to be jealous of Ouyang Peng's care for her. As he thought this, Ouyang Jin's brow furrowed even tighter, his heart not feeling any relief, but rather, a spreading restlessness and even a sensation of suffocation in his chest.

"Brother, save me, save Yanyan!" Ouyang Zhiyan lifted her heavy eyelids and pleaded with effort; her usually curled, delicate eyelashes trembled, appearing so fragile as if they might vanish with a blink.

Ouyang Jin frowned, his deep, dark eyes flashing with inquiry, then he squatted down, roughly picking up the person from the bed, his handsome face contorted with disgust. He had never touched anything so filthy in his life!

Ouyang Zhiyan wrapped her arms around his neck automatically, her face pressed against his prominent collarbone, sensing his body stiffening palpably. The corners of her torn lips curved into a mischievous smile. From the moment he had been distant and indifferent in the Spiritual Technique Hall, she had decided not to make things easy for him, but no rush for all that now. What mattered most was regaining her strength.

The body was originally very weak; after suffering a brutal beating and a collision between Yin and Yang Qi, although the pain had now vanished, her body had become extremely weak.

Ouyang Jin, though cold in demeanor, emanated an unusual warmth from his body. Zhiyan rested in his arms, inhaling his subtle and pleasant scent, her consciousness slipping away completely!

Ouyang Zhiyan slept on the bed for a whole day and night, and when she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was a magnified face. Ouyang Peng's complexion was haggard, his eyes darkened with fatigue as he lay sweetly asleep by her side.

Zhiyan nestled quietly in his arms, keenly feeling the changes in her body. Inside, the Yin and Yang Energy coexisted harmoniously, whirling around in her abdomen. This rest had replenished her previously drained energy, leaving her feeling spirited and in a much better mood.

"Not bad, girl, with both Yin and Yang Energy gathered, next you can open the Qiankun Bracelet and absorb the spiritual energy of the space!" The voice of Elder Fei came from the depths of her heart, full of barely concealed satisfaction and joy.

"Given the fragility of this body, can it endure it?" Zhiyan did not feel the joy she was supposed to, but instead was worried that the body wouldn't withstand it. After all, she was just a nine-year-old child; to her, the space spiritual energy was like a fierce storm, hard to control.

"Do not forget who you are, as a Demon Doctor, you must put theory into practice. Although this body is weak, its advantage lies in not being influenced by external forces. If you take some strengthening tonics and couple it with harmonizing the Yin Yang, it won't be long before your bodily functions reach their peak. By then, absorbing the space spiritual energy will be as easy as sailing downstream, traveling a thousand miles in a day!" Elder Fei pointed out the essence of the problem with one remark.

"Hmm, I'll go to the herbal pharmacy and prepare in a moment!" Zhiyan's heart leapt with joy, her soft, delicate face blooming with a radiant smile.

She had forgotten that the harmonized absorption of the body's Yin Yang Qi was a secret treasure. Many individuals were still malnourished despite eating well, which was related to their personal absorption. She didn't have to worry about absorption issues now, nor fear over-nourishment. All she had to do was eat plenty of good things.

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