Chereads / Nine-year-old Magic Doctor / Chapter 6 - Chapter 6: Medical Skills Save Lives

Chapter 6 - Chapter 6: Medical Skills Save Lives


Thick wooden boards struck her body forcefully over and over, making Ouyang Zhiyan's forehead bead with cold sweat, and churning the Qi and blood within her, causing a scorching pain in her buttocks.

Given the fragility of her body, forget fifty strokes, thirty would have been enough to send her to the afterlife, it seemed Ouyang Feng intended to truly end her. Clenched teeth allowed scarlet blood to trickle down from her lip corners, spreading a bloody scent that spurred on the one wielding the rod with increased fervor, its rhythm growing more rapid like the beat of a musical note, eliciting a spiteful gleam in many eyes of the spectators.

Biting her lip, the Yang Energy within her circulated on its own, offering a scorching wave of heat just as her endurance reached its limit, significantly diminishing the pain.

Ouyang Feng's brows furrowed slightly, seeing the defiance and persistence in Ouyang Zhiyan's eyes ignited a fury in him, "Strike harder, beat her to death," he snorted coldly, as the patriarch of the Ouyang Family, he would not tolerate the challenge of a mere child.

The sounds of the beating doubled in intensity, as if the target were not human but the floor itself.

Ouyang Zhiyan clenched her teeth, her black bangs soaked with sweat and messily plastered to her forehead, as trickles of perspiration slid down her cheeks, and blood began to mingle in her mouth, leaving a burning red hue.

The Yang Energy inside her surged crazily, interrupting the burning sensation on her buttocks; the dull pain returned, skin splitting and flesh bursting, fresh blood oozing down along her pant legs in a sticky flow, the air thickening with the scent of blood.

The younger members of the hall gradually showed looks of pity, such brutal and harsh punishment had thus far only been experienced by Ouyang Zhiyan; they cast fearful glances at Ouyang Feng at the head of the hall, dreading they might be the next.

Lin Shao's dark eyes grew somber, watching Ouyang Zhiyan complexly. The person he brought was now enduring such severe punishment, a twinge of pain crossed his heart, unlike the cries and curses one would expect; Ouyang Zhiyan had not uttered a sound from beginning to end.

Ouyang Jin sat aloofly in his moon-white robe, occasionally taking sips of tea with an orchid-like grace and leisure, utterly indifferent to Ouyang Zhiyan, his dark pupils revealing nothing but coldness.

With a "boom," a figure burst in like a sweeping gust of wind, Zhiyan only saw darkness before her eyes, and the next second a familiar embrace covered her. The punishment continued, but it was he who bore it now.

"I'm sorry, Father is late," Ouyang Peng's voice was hoarse, shaking as he spoke, his eyes full of pain. He should have realized earlier, knowing his father's character, he would never tolerate outsiders causing trouble under his watch, it was entirely his fault for overstepping and using the family's guards.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" With every strike of the punishment, Ouyang Zhiyan's heart clenched tightly, hearing Ouyang Peng's apology, all her grievances and resilience suddenly turned into a pool of tears, sliding down crying unrestrained, realizing she was not alone in this world, there was still someone willing to take punishment for her.

"Ouyang Peng, what do you think you're doing!" Seeing Ouyang Peng risking himself to protect her, Ouyang Feng at the head of the hall was furious, fists clenched tightly, veins bulging, this was his son, amiable in front of others but always confrontational with him.

Seeing Ouyang Peng rush in without regard for his image, the hand Ouyang Jin had on his teacup tensed, and with a snap, the teacup shattered, the cold indifference on his face replaced with emotion called jealousy, his gaze burning hotly upon the two embracing each other.

"Yanyan is still young, I hope Father will be magnanimous and forgive her," Ouyang Peng knelt down, his gaze directed straight at Ouyang Feng, his usually smooth and gentle face now overflowing with unprecedented sincerity.

"As stubborn as you are, to actually submit to me over something as trivial as this waste, it seems I must thank this bastard thoroughly," Ouyang Feng's gaze narrowed, a sharp light bursting forth as his aura suddenly intensified, a wave of killing intent rushed toward Zhiyan.

"No!" Ouyang Peng yelled loudly, his body pressing down fiercely on Zhiyan, shielding her in his arms like a hen protecting her chick.


"If you dare to hurt him, I, Ouyang Peng, will sever all ties with the Ouyang Family from this moment on, and forever be free of any entanglement!" Ouyang Peng suddenly looked up, decisively speaking to Ouyang Feng who had timely retracted his palm strike. If possible, he would rather have nothing to do with this family.

"You– you– you unfilial wretch, servants, bring forth the family discipline—beat him severely until he admits his wrongs," Ouyang Feng, unable to contain his fury, snapped. With a loud crash, the teatable by his side shattered to dust; it felt as if a tempest surged through the hall, suffocating those who were present.

"Don't you dare touch Dad– if you've got the guts, come at me!" Ouyang Zhiyan slid out of Ouyang Peng's restraint, bearing the pain and shouting loudly; her gaze was steady. Her delicate features emitted an uncontainable aura at this moment, causing everyone on the scene to momentarily freeze in surprise.

"Yanyan, do not joke with your own life. As long as I'm here, nobody can harm you," Ouyang Peng said anxiously in his heart, reaching out to pull Zhiyan. Suddenly, his footing became unstable, his whole body convulsed, and he fell to the ground with a thud. His fair and gentle face flushed with an abnormal redness as his right hand pressed tightly over his chest.




Ouyang Peng lay on the ground writhing in pain, the situation descended into chaos. No one had anticipated this turn of events. Ouyang Feng's previously stern and authoritative face was now replaced with deep guilt and self-reproach.

"Step aside!" In the midst of everyone's shock and confusion, a childish rebuke suddenly rang out. Ouyang Zhiyan's expression was cold, her presence repelling others like an icy barrier.

"If you don't want anything to happen to Daddy, everyone retreat three meters away." Zhiyan stared directly at Ouyang Feng, commanding with firm resolve!

Ouyang Feng was completely flustered by his son's collapse, but Zhiyan's shout snapped him back to his senses somewhat. Although he didn't fully understand Zhiyan's actions, he didn't want any mishaps and cooperatively gestured with his hand–apart from Ouyang Jin who remained in place, the rest of the people conscientiously backed away three meters.

The area cleared, Zhiyan could no longer concern herself with anything else. She leaned over to check Ouyang Peng's condition; at this point, he was completely unconscious. A tightness gripped Zhiyan's heart. While slapping his cheeks and calling to her father, she checked his carotid artery with her other hand. Thankfully, the situation still had a chance to be salvaged.

"What are you doing? Don't touch Father," Ouyang Jin strode forward, pulling Zhiyan up from the ground. His chiseled features emanated a fierce aura. Even at this time, she still had the mind to toy around–it was shameful how Father still shielded her so.

"Ignorant, get out of my way!" Zhiyan snapped back angrily!

The thing she had the least patience for was someone interrupting her medical treatment. This was not only a lack of trust in her medical skills but also irresponsible to the patient. A small mishap could lead to a big mistake and possibly cost a life, which is why her expression now was extremely grim, distant and cold, her pupils shining with a sharp frost.

"Jinjin, do not act rashly," Ouyang Feng warned, his attention returning to Ouyang Zhiyan, who was resuming her efforts at resuscitation.

"Shit–, you, come and help," Ouyang Peng's pulse had nearly stopped beating, prompting Ouyang Zhiyan to curse involuntarily.

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