Chereads / Reality Subduers / Chapter 75 - <×> KORVAC <×> Chapter 75 : The Environment Is A Factor Part 5. - Volume 1 : The New Existence. - Arch 5 : Rev'Ederiam.

Chapter 75 - <×> KORVAC <×> Chapter 75 : The Environment Is A Factor Part 5. - Volume 1 : The New Existence. - Arch 5 : Rev'Ederiam.

<×> KORVAC <×>

Chapter 75 : The Environment Is A Factor Part 5.

The simultaneous comment that Thyfall and I say, leaves the woman who intercepted us, completely stupefied.

—We really need to have an appropriate conversation, I am interested in this "Shampoo" and "Conditioner" both of you are talking about, But we really need to keep going, So speed up your pace, I don't want to have to carry any of you against your will.

{Is she serious?!, How is possible that she doesn't know something so simple?!… , Thyfall learned about hair conditioner because of Stacy in the Monolith that we met Viukane, so is understandable her excitement after expirience the hair treatment… , After all, The Pink Hair Girl clearly comes from a society pseudo medieval, So things like motorized vehicles are new to her, but the fact that the woman in front of me doesn't know what "Shampoo" is, seems completely unnatural to me, Almost bordering on the absurd, Although, It could be my Paranoid Disposition speaking aloud, However, There is no doubt that with how beautiful her hair is, Something is a miss on what she said… , Unless i misunderstood her words, because i don't know what she wanted to say mentioning "Plasmas' and "Electrons"}

Following in this woman's footsteps, Thyfall decides to climb on my back, that way we can continue to protect each other while i can move faster.

{I don't know if this is correct option for Us, but it is not sane to go against what this woman says, She is way too above of what Thyfall and Myself can deal with… , On the other hand… , I must admit that i am morbidly tired of being carried along by the current sequence of the unfolding and ongoing situations… , Staring with being send to The New Existence against my will, following around several Teammates up to the apparency of this woman that is not going to accept a "No" for an answer, *Sigh*, But putting resistance is all for naught, i wouldn't mind dying fighting on my own, but now i have Thyfall, if i want to be closer to her, the last thing i have to do is endanger us}

In just one minute, we reach a gray brick stone wall in which there is an energetic opening like the one we observed when we enter in the triangular prism Structure.

»—After both of you…

This woman's phrase sounds more like an order rather than a polite comment, however, having no alternative in this moment, I simply cross the energy threshold that is standing in front of me while i still keep carrying Thyfall on my back.

On the other side, we return to that slope where we saw the other Monoliths, but now, there are only corpses or small mounds of black azabache dust.

{But what happened here?!, Could it be that on this place a pitched battle really unfold?!, Although i don't see any dead or even wounded on our side, at least no more injured than they already were after the earthquake}

—Korvac!, Thyfall!.

Dallas calls us with enthusiasm, running to us as he openly shows his relief.

{I didn't think he was like that, perhaps his facade of arrogance is due to self-reflection, as a defense mechanism to deal with whatever he has to face on the daily life environment on his previous Existence}

—What we miss Dallas?.

—A lot!, After you too went inside the prism, about 12 seconds later to be precise, they arrive…

Dallas nods to several Individuals that have a similar Suit to the woman, but other type of additaments complement their different attires, not necessarily more armor, because tunics, capes, helmets or even various weapons, ranging from knives, spears or axes, to rifles and even shotguns are a constant in the majority of them.

»—It didn't take too long for this People to kill every Creature or Entity of the other Monoliths, or Destroy the two Structures as you can see right there…

Pointing to a shattered Monolith, Dallas's words are just a reaffirmation of the past event, which let me perplex for multiple reasons.

{Why they came?!, How?!, and more importantly, Are we safe?!}

—You have to work on your expressions Handsome, They are too evident.

—She is right Korvac, For once could you not be Coopernoid?.

{Eh!, Am i really that easy to spot?!}

»—But is simpler than whatever machination is on your mind… , What happen outside with the Monolithd sprouting out like a bamboo forest, Is not a normal occurance, and the Institution they belong forms part of a bigger society that monitors the "Layers", well, apparently, they take care of The New Existence in its entirety, and a massive event like the one outside this Monolith, was easy to be aware of…

*—Too much chatting!, Walk faster!, I still have to take down another 98 Monoliths!.*

The comment comes from a guy who looks not different than a polar bear, but his fur is whiter and less abundant, contrasting with his dark green armor and Suit.

—Don't pay attention to him, He is upset because the directives caught him trying to cheat in a competition, and as a punishment, He has to complete 125 Monoliths without harvesting its rewards, HAHAHA…

The woman openly and laudly mocks the polar bear, he grunts annoyed but doesn't do anything to retort.

Quickening our walk, and approaching the entrance we used before, a coral orange cube, which simulates the dawn on Ground is on the upper door's frame of the malleable blue material.

{This item has to be a power source that reactivates the Monolith without having to complete whatever the objective of this place was… , *Sigh*, We really are ignorant on these matters…}

As we cross the exit and get back to the Layer of Rev'Ederiam.

The silver sky remains with the red auroras and nacar white clouds, these two no longer release lightning anymore, but it does not seem that they are going to retreat, on the contrary, this looks like is the new normality on this Layer.

—This way, Don't look to the sky, and don't move!.

The woman order us again, everyone follows her lead and do as we are told.

A black gray and blue beam of light illuminate us evenly, making us to levitate slightly, separating my bare feet from the azabache black brick floor.

A moment later, everyone is being pulled upwards, the motion is not harsh or hurried, however, is not slow, making us ascend about 150 meters in less than 5 seconds, moment in which we are inside of a flying vehicle.

{I did feel the pressure of acceleration, it is minimum, but is there}

Looking at the design of the vehicle, it has all the appearance of a vehicle intended for transporting troops, about 60 passengers of the woman's size, like the war helicopters in my Homeworld, but, there is no noise from rotors, motors, or thrusters.

{How does it stay in place, Gravity Control?!, Antigravity Manipulation?!, Negative Mass?!, *Sigh*, More questions are accumulating themselves in a pile and the answers continue avoiding me, If not, They are straight up too weird for my current level of comprehension...}

The vehicle starts to move, again, the motion is almost imperceptible, like the stop a few seconds later.

Another group of people are lift by the black, gray and blue strange light beam, boarding the vehicle and repeating this process one more time, filling this cargo area.

*—We have permission to ascend, so brace yourselves, it can be a harsh and taxing expirience to pass through the atmosphere of Rev'Ederiam.*

The voice is mechanical and androgynous, coming from everywhere and nowhere, which is slightly disturbing, a demeanor that is not shared by Dallas, because he is marveled by this vehicle.

—Oh!, Is a Spaceship with an "Artificial Intelligence" as Copilot, My government say it was too dangerous to give control of weapons or transports to something without an organic brain, like if normal people can't be dangerous, HA-HA, I still think that a Positron Brain is better than most brains inside the heads of the inhabitants of my Planet.

{His comment seems a bit arrogant, but the same can be applied to my world, so, i have to agree with him on this matter}

—Not everyone has access to the same treatments.

Say the Pink Hair Girl on my back.

—That is the difference between the places we come from Thyfall, in your case, exist the "Castes" that receive privileges, these also are present in my world, But, the information is accessible to everyone, if they are poor or ignorant, it is because they decided so, medical care is free, and with the help of the Argenbraizt, which is the Species of Silver, There is no treatment that cannot be performed, so "NO", if they are mediocre, it is by their own choice.

—He is right on this…

Comments Silver with disgust.

»—At least 40% of the population of his society is more interested on which cream can make their skin more soft, Rather than delving into chemistry and develop a better cream on their own, even when they can…

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