Chereads / Reality Subduers / Chapter 76 - <×> KORVAC <×> Chapter 76 : The Environment Is A Factor Part 6. - Volume 1 : The New Existence. - Arch 5 : Rev'Ederiam.

Chapter 76 - <×> KORVAC <×> Chapter 76 : The Environment Is A Factor Part 6. - Volume 1 : The New Existence. - Arch 5 : Rev'Ederiam.

<×> KORVAC <×>

Chapter 76 : The Environment Is A Factor Part 6.

Dallas and Silver revelation makes more understandable the attitude of the former, he can't be sure of his own capabilities as the Best Pilot because 40% of the population are not even trying, so he wants to spike the competitiveness of others by being annoying.

{Not the best way to inspire others but sometimes this attitude do the work}

The overall movement of the vehicle becomes slower, which makes everything around us to vibrate as if were expirience turbulence, and a heavy one.

—The higher you go in a Layer, The stronger the Gravity and The Environmental pressure becomes, If you want to leave, There is no other choice aside brute force your way out, That can take a toll on your head, so better massage behind your ears, that can help to tolerate the ringing due to the rising pressure…

The explanation of the woman is enlightening, but i still have my doubts about her and the intentions she has, because for some unknown reason i don't like her.

{Why am i wary of her?, I don't know, but i am going to keep an eye on her just to be sure, it has nothing to do with how defined is her silhouette, including those tight ass cheeks…}

The sensation of being compressed increases, making difficult for me to breathe for a couple of minutes on this area.

Some individuals fall unconscious on the metal floor, this continues until weightlessness can be perceived by those that remain struggling with the crushing sensation of ascension, keeping themselves awake.

For a moment this floating prevails, but is fastly replace by the pull of artificial Gravity that is spiking up considerably, being high enough to round about 4 to 5 folds of what it was in the Surface of Rev'Ederiam.

»—This is the checkpoint of the Space Station, Be ready to disembark and stay close between each other, None of you want to get lost in a place like this, Don't get me wrong, it is a good place to hang out, but I don't recommend living here, it is connected to many, many Wormholes, troubles always are going to occur, and some can be incredibly dangerous, for not to say straight up lethal.

The woman's warning is tacit, as her command of leaving the vehicle when this one arrive to its intended destination.

Once out of the vehicle, I don't have the time to see its shape, as it leaves with hastiness as soon as we have descend.

This doesn't really bother me, as the landscape completely captivates my attention.

The Space Station is an incredible example of architectural prowess with light gray metal floor accompanied by hexagons of nacar white metal, showcasing a beautiful pattern that can be similar but different in the view behind me.

The vacuum of space, a vanta black void lies just after a transluscent white and light gray Energy Barrier confirmed by hexagons.

When more Spaceships arrive to the perimeter, the white hexagons move out of the way, leaving only the light gray barrier, this one is passed without problems or difficulty which makes think the Pressure i felt was only inside of mi thoughts.

—First time in space Gorgeous?.

Silver question to Swallöwęįne brings my attention back to my group and the persons around us, walking behind the woman with relative fast pace.

—Yes, It is prettier of what i could imagine…

{But there is just black out there!… , Unless… , She can see something that we can't…}

»—Is more crowded than what i thought or hear… , What are those things moving outside?.

With Swallöwęįne pointing on certain direction, the red eyes of Silver change their shape, the pupil to be precise, going from a normal circle like everyone else, to become a slit, equal to any felines.

—Is a Vanta Black Plasmatic Creature, They are not going to get near the Nacar Plasma Shield of this Space Station…

—Could it be, because these Plasmas are opposites?.

Inquire Thyfall with interest, leaning on my back with enthusiasm.

—No Cupcake…

Say Silver with amusement.

»—This Plasma simply annihilate each other like Matter versus Antimatter…

—There is more in that, "Argenbraizt"…

The woman intervenes with a pleased tone.

{She is obviously plotting something but i can grasp my head around it}

»—Vanta Plasma and Nacar Plasma can coexist if you produce them on your own and possess enough "Control Fortitude", what opens a new Plasma, "Vancar".

—How do you know that?!.

Asks Dallas quite exalted, he is not a Simp, but he is clearly startled by the answer of the woman.

{It was because of what she said?, By calling the Species of Silver… , Or is just Dallas disbelief on realizing his friend had a lack of knowledge?, Whichever be the case, Is a weird reaction coming from him}

—I assist to the best Åcademy on the entire REALITY, Öfthênjör, Only the best assist there, Being accepted open for anyone new paths that otherwise would have never ben achievable, like increasing your "Lifespan" trough Evolution, reaching a "Quality" or "Category" far superior, and with this, obtaining access to a Second, Third or even more "Roles" active at the same time…

{So "ROLE" is in fact a parameter, With all the hustle and bustle I haven't checked my Interface, But something tells me that i won't be needing to do it on my own}

—Do you want us to attend this Åcademy?.

Retort Dallas, interrupting the woman.

—Not really, For me is enough that you attempt to enter after i recommend any of you, I get rewarded regardless the outcome of your performances, But if you actually surpass the tests, Then i get a bonus, and depending on the final place you get in the overall ranking of the Participants, I can obtain an additional Gift of my choice, so please be in the first 250,000 of the incoming Tests, However, Do not get your expectations too high, Trillions try to enter each week, and even when in some occasions millions manage to enter, Most of them are unable to keep the schedule, or on the contrary, They demand more of themselves, burning out the progress they had made, and with it, ending their lives…

—That includes the punishments?.

My question makes her laugh.

—HAHAHA, No Handsome, That idiot bear deserve whatever he gets, cheaters and liars are not tolerated in the Åcademy, and the Punishments are always fair…

{So that's why she gives me this feeling that makes me wary, she is a recruiter, sort of, i recall how annoying they were on Ground since my Highschool, through University and lastly on my Professional Career as a Lacrosse Player}

»—So don't try to cheat, especially on the tests, Lastly, If any of you want to enter in Öfthênjör Åcademy, Is mandatory to have checked your Fortitudes before the tests, that way, none of you waste their time and Purify Energy traveling to one of the testing areas, those who are not interested in this, remain here and wait for the indications of your relocation.

The woman keeps advancing, and several Individuals follow her, including Priest Deacon Oupstin, the Masked Acolyte and the dude with black azabache amor mounting his Wölfznsatch.

{I would like to say that I am too old to enter a school again and be a student… , But Dallas looks excited and walking happily behind the Woman, If that 3,000 plus Standard years old youngster, has no problems, I, at 23 Standard Years of age, i have nothing to worry about… , Wait, how do i know that i have 23 Standard Years, shouldn't be… , Mmm… , i can't remember, but i am sure that i was older in my own years… , probably}

*—What are you thinking Korvac?.*

Thyfall's whisper is soft and almost out of her breath, gulping down to keep my sanity i simply turn my head towards her, giving a small peck on the soft lips of the Pink Hair Girl.

*—That can be fun attending classes with you Thyfall, I am already imagine how could you look in a school uniform of my Homeworld Ground…

The cheeks of the Damsel reddened with a vivid shade, and shyly asks.

*—I-I look good in those clothes?.*

Portraying in my mind the image of Thyfall in a Schoolgirl uniform is not difficult, on the contrary, is really simple as she definitely is the type of woman that drags attention to her even when she doesn't want too, and in this case, i would like to see it, not only think on it.

*—You do… , Maybe we can find similar clothes or new ones, so you can model them for me.*


*—Posing for me.*

Thyfall snuggles on my neck and whispers again.

*—I've never done that before, but sounds exciting…*

{Exciting?, I know woman go crazy with new Clothes, but i don't think that is what she is talking about, Or Thinking about?, Most likely we are not in tune this time, What is in her thoughts then?…}

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