Chereads / Reality Subduers / Chapter 3 - <×> KORVAC <×> Chapter 3 : Interfaces. - Volume 1 : The New Existence. - Arch 1 : A Harsh And Unfriendly Environment.

Chapter 3 - <×> KORVAC <×> Chapter 3 : Interfaces. - Volume 1 : The New Existence. - Arch 1 : A Harsh And Unfriendly Environment.

<×> KORVAC <×>

Chapter 3 : Interfaces.

The failed attempts of others on leaving this room are futile, crashing towards the transparent immaterial obstruction of the exit over and over again.

At the other side of the entrance appear a tall Bald Male surpassing the two and a half meters of height, with two shorter bald men that berely are above 1.6 meters and stand with seriousness at his sides.

The three wear a white linen tunic, covering their chest from the shoulders to half of their thighs, with dark green leather sandals that partially protect their feet.

A belt of the same material divides the tunics from their waist, showing a pouch and the attached sheath in which they are carrying a type of weird curved sword.

—Stop this scandal!.

Order the tall Bald Male, causing several people to back away from the exit while others doesn't scream or complain to the attendants anymore.

{An unnecessary attitude from their part, that doesn't have any fundament}

The tall Bald Male and his two companions leave the entrance and everyone starts to get inpatient.

The Handsome Male of before approaches the desk on the female side, smiling mischievously at the receptionist that is in-between the other two.

—Hi beautiful, you make this dull clothes to look fabulous, could you orient me on what should i do to cross the doorsill?.

She wears the same attire as the others attendants or those guards that came earlier.

However, her cheeks redden a bit on her fair Hazelnut skin due to this comment, looking down teasingly as she tucks her light orange hair behind her ear, giving a not so shy glance at the Handsome Male.

—You need to register your presence and arrival on the "Desks for Males" to identify your "Class" and receive some clothes, after that, you can pass the "Barrier" and leave the "Reception Chamber".

She has a satisfied smile and the Handsome Male winks at her.

—Later we should spend time together, so you can show me what is fun around here.

—I like your idea, today i have a longer schedule, you can come for me two hours after the sunset.

Fastly say the receptionist with lost sight and a dreamy smile.

{Wow, that was pretty smooth, it took me almost two weeks to find and gather enough courage to approach my fiancee, asking her out on a date, but he didn't waste a second glance at this woman before having his conviction and actions already aligned in a concrete objective}

Being close to the "Desks for Males", i don't miss the opportunity and line up in front of the reception.

—Hello, what i have to do for this "Registration"?.

I ask with cordiality, the male attendant shows apathy, pointing at a rectangular obsidian quartz embeded in the desk.

My left eye twitch slightly, and i put my left hand over the obsidian.

—Both hands …

Say the attendant annoyed with apathy as if i were an idiot.

My left eye twitch again more visibly, so i breathe slowly to calm down a bit.

{What is his problem?!, if you don't like the job, leave it!, and do something else!}

Colocating my two hands on top of the obsidian embedded in the desk, a sentence appear in white letters on the quartz above of where i put my hands.

—SEC - Self Encompass Capabilities.

Pronouncing this allows me to observe my own Interface.

§ Idris Cotton Korvac §

Quality 0 ★ Category -20

Species: Anthropoid (Inferior)

Mental Fortitude • 72 (3rd Phase)

Body Fortitude • 89 (4th Phase)

Density Fortitude • 12

Control Fortitude • 4

Physic Offensive Class

§ Pragmatic - Stubborn - Reliable §

{Disposition is how i am?, i thought it would be the attitude of others towards me!}

»—Next …

Apathetically said the attendant, exasperating me a notch.

I advance to the second male receptionist and before he says or do something, i put my hands on another quartz embeded in the desk, but this one is of a white marble, having words in a black shade.

—PEC - Personal Encompass Capacities.

§ Korvac §

Level 0 - {Next Level 0★ of 5★}

Role - {Unlocked on Level 1}

Tasks - 3/3 {Blocked}

0★ of 1★ Jog - {4,987/5,000}

0★ of 1★ Withstand - {3,767/5,000}

0★ of 1★ Carry - {4,691/5,000}

§ Unaffiliated §

The last male attendant doesn't speak, limiting himself to give me the white linen tunic, with a belt and a pair of sandals made of the green leather.

Rapidly, i wear the tunic, the design is simple and a bit short, berely covering my genitals.

The saggy sensation on the sides doesn't help to the tickling on mi ribs, or the breeze i feel on my hang out balls on every move i perform.

{I can't complain, is better than remain naked on this place, at least the belt make this to be somewhat less annoying}

I never used leather sandals before, they are somehow comfy, although a little stiff.

{Maybe after using them for some time they get a tad flexible}

I walk towards the entrance, crossing it without any obstruction or even the presence of the immaterial Barrier.

The corridor outside is short, to my right there is another open door, this one is of wood, not stone.

While to my left is the tall Bald Male an his two companions, sitting on simple wooden chairs around a round table of the same material.

Several pouches of leather are over the table, the Bald Male grabs and throws one at me.

—Don't spend it too fast!, and is better if you wait for others before you leave.

I nod, catching the object of green leather, and immediately checking the content.

Inside the pouch are 15 Coins of an obsidian black metal embedded with a white quartz that glows dimly.

{This is money?, Can i have it just like that?, Do i have to pay later as if were a loan?, Because it doesn't looks like that is the case}

The pouch has a little opening on the side, in which i insert the leather belt, so i don't have to carry the aditament on my hand.

{The Guard advise me to wait, what do i do on this moment?}

Thinking on what to do i recall the Interfaces, checking out the "Tasks".

§ Korvac's Tasks §

Jog: Travel a distance of 5,000 Clicks while maintaining a speed greater than 12.5 Clicks per hour, distance traveled 4,987 Clicks of 5,000 Clicks.

Rewards: (+1★) (+1MF) (+3BF)

Withstand: Tolerate damage equivalent to 5,000 Enx'zols of energy without loosing consciousness, damage tolerated 3,757 Enx'zols of 5,000 Enx'zols.

Rewards: (+1★) (+1MF) (+2BF) (+1CF)

Carry: Travel 5,000 Clicks carrying more than a third of your body mass as additional luggage, {more mass accelerates the journey lenght count}, distance traveled 4,691 Clicks of 5,000 Clicks.

Rewards: (+1★) (+1MF) (+4BF)

§ 3/3 Tasks - Slot four available at Level 1 §

{So i just have to complete this Tasks?, i was send here only to do that?!, it has to be a bad joke!, i lost my fiancee for … , for … , Ahhh! i can't even remember "For who's sake" is the sentence!}

I swallow dryly and try to calm my labored breathing, inhaling and exhaling to occult my anger.

{Why i notice until now the death of my fiancee?!, Why doesn't feel as bad as when it happened?!, this is like breaking your favorite toy, it hurts, then is irrelevant … , Is this what Pragmatic Disposition does, or i was always like this, but never realized it until now}

Gritting my teeths, i close and clench my firsts, making them tremble in my impotence, uncertain of my own sanity and conviction.

A smack on my nape puts me out of my mental ramble, turning around with hastiness i see the Handsome Male with a mischievous grinn on his face.

—"Sorry, Not Sorry", i always wanted to do that, and i couldn't let the occasion to be wasted, don't you agree? …

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