Cassie awoke in darkness. Cold chains bound her wrists and ankles, scraping her skin with every movement. The room was silent, save for the loud thumping of her heartbeat in her ears. The faint light of a torch in the corner cast long shadows that danced on the walls, heightening the ominous atmosphere.
"Lucca..." she whispered, trying to make sense of the situation.
But Lucca's figure, standing in the corner, gave no response. He stood with a vacant stare, his body stiff like a soulless puppet. The eyes that once brimmed with life were now dull, as if lost in a deep darkness. Oziel had taken him, seized his mind, and severed their bond.
"Where... are you, Lucca?" Cassie struggled, trying to free herself, but the chains were too strong. Her breath grew shallow, her illness spreading through her veins like poison.