after I die in the gas chamber, I end up in a dark but warn space I stay there for about 1 year I think it was hard keeping track of time so I might be wrong as in that time I was just sleeping all the time and Fews time I did wake up, I couldn't understand what was going on or what I was hearing until one day I felt something was happening and then next thing I know it felt like I was being pull and push out to a new place it was after seeing the blinding light that I realised I'm being reborn I just wonder where am I and realised I am in a Baby body I didn't know what to think or do so over the last 2 year all I did is shit, piss, eat, sleep, was thinking a lot and when I can't sleep just for fun I started trying to listening in and understand the language, as laying down in my baby cottage all day and night is not fun and get boring real quick.
I couldn't see anything for the first 2 year of my life as my vision was fuzzy and blurry when I finally could see I realised I have thermal vision and my little baby hand have claw like nails what is awesome by the way, and i love my thermal vision as I don't need to be scared of the dark ever again and I finally got to see my mother and all I have to say is she is a god dam yautja or better known as a predator oh my god my dream has come true I always want to be a yautja after all my hunting took a lot of inspirational from them, and now it made sense why I have thermal vision, my little baby hand have claw like nails and why my hearing is so great.
on the topic of my hearing I love and hate it, I love it as I let me hear all round me to smallest of sound and I hate it because I am in a room with 100 other baby as well so when one start crying rest follow after it so all I can hear is crying baby's all the time and it loud and annoying and it driving me insane, but I do love my claw like nails to they look awesome and are so much fun to play with and my mandibles are cool to I'm just taking a little while to get used to then after all they are new to me.
on another note, I'm pretty sad I'm going to be a baby for a while because I am pretty sure that yautja grow up slowly after all they can live for thousands of years just on their lifespan alone, but it not all bad I finally get to live like a yautja see if I am worthy of being blooded and see how far I can go, now that bring me to what should be my goal from now on though i don't know yet but let me make a temporary goal to survive the blooding ritual of passage and prove myself worthy and think about my main goal after I survive the right of passage, but let take a step back because that not going to be happening anytime soon,
so what to do now as i was thinking about this my mother came in to feed me as i look at her coming closer couldn't help but notice she is tall I think round 7.2 feet tall, she looks body wise like a well-endowed human woman just with reptilian skin, her skin colour is brownish with light green tiger stripe and her face look like normal yautja with arthropod like mandible, no visible nose and her eye are nice light green and deep red perfectly blended together and her hair is black long like- appendages nickname dreadlocks like all yautja she have them to, her hand and feet have claw like nail on them make her look deadly, as she is feeding me I just couldn't help thinking I must have quite a few siblings I have seen her feed me and my sibling together before only two at any time I am just guessing here though, if I'm right am pretty sure i have 6 sibling not counting me that make me happy and hopefully I will make a good bond with all of them after all we are one big family now, just maybe i will do my blooding ritual of passage with two of sibling together.
so after I finished being feed I am listening in on mother and some other female yautja talking about something I don't know but it is helping me understand their language better and get a hang of it, I only understand some of the word use at the moment though but hey it a miracle I understand anything after all this isn't my original language and there's is lot of different between them and earth original language.
now there will be a time skip, I am finally 20-year-old but fucking hell I hated being a baby it was soooooooooooooo fucking boring and embarrassing but hey it finally over and I have pass my darkest days thank you god while starting to crying when thinking back, I love my new freedom and control of my body I don't need to shit or piss myself no more and I can move around all by myself, oh my god it just so beautiful, am still just a kid though what suck but I can now walk were ever I want to so yeah me also mom say we will start basic training soon that going to be fun I hope.