sparking of my family there are 7 of us, all up not counting mom, there are 4 boys and 3 girls and the first-born boy is name hunter, second born who is me and my new name is frost, three born boy was name chopper, four born boy is name Garfield and the girls first born are name Loona, second born is moon, three born is rose and lastly mother her name is Skadi and if you are wondering about our father then all I know about him is he is a elites rank predator and is a clan member of the dark blade clan.
now that a good time to tell you about yautja ranks, Society Status and clans well let start with ranks to lowest to highest begin with suckling, youngling, unblood, young blood, blooded, elite, elder, ancient, clan leader, king that is all the ranks and now let look at society status so if you are a suckling your just a baby so no real society status at all next youngling finally you are starting your predator career but as you are the lowest of the low still you don't have any real say at all and you are just started basic training and leaning of yautja rule and laws of hunting and they are not yet granted any armor and rely on simple Predator weapons for training purposes,
now the rank unblood so you have gotten used to using your weapons and have basic survival, tracking, trapping skills and have basic understanding of yautja rule and laws and have been on a few hunts under supervision now you still have no say but you're getting there and you are seen as a kid still, next is young blood by now you would of made countless kill and gone on many supervision hunts and Although lacking experience, the young bloods exhibit proficiency with a diverse range of weapons and have got a lot better at using your weapons and understanding of tracking, trapping, survival, skills, rule and laws of yautja as well and now all you need to do is participated in an official hunt that would grant them the esteemed title and rank blooded that is usually done by going on dangerous hunts and defeating powerful opponents do know that at this rank you are still seen as a kid.
now the rank of blooded you are finally pass your coming-of-age ritual hunt and survival and blooded yourself with the blood of a xenomorph that you have personally killed, at this rank you have finally became adult and have the right to go on solo hunting expeditions and are trusted to do so and you can mate with female yautja now if they choose you and you understand all yautja rules and laws of hunting now,
next up is elite well done making here now you are a veteran and a super dangerous and deadly hunter who have successfully killed several dangerous species such as Xenomorphs, River Ghosts and Humans and more, by now you have been on hunting solo for a long time and have gone on to many hunt to keep count now and you must of hunt one Xenomorph queen and her hive alone to get the rank elite and full understand yautja laws and rules, how to use a lot of different weapon now and have built up quite a collection of weapon and trophies and have the right to your own home on yautja prime now and you as a Elites sit just below the Clan Leader or Elder in terms of Yautja hierarchy; should the leader fall, a new Leader is chosen from their ranks,
the elder Predators stand as leaders among Yautja tribes or clans. With centuries of existence under their belts, they have weathered countless hunts and accumulated an abundance of trophies. Possessing wisdom beyond their younger counterparts, the elders often choose to observe hunts from the background, evaluating the proceedings and to get the rank elder you must go on a hunt with two other yautja just like your coming-of-age ritual hunt but this time you need to hunt three xenomorph queens hives all in one hunt and came back a live to get the rank,
next is ancient These distinguished individuals have accumulated several centuries, and some even span millennia, in age. Having transitioned beyond the roles of clan elders, they lead solitary lives pursuing their own endeavors. Revered by younger hunters for their wisdom and knowledge, ancient Predators leave an indelible mark on Yautja culture and that all i know of then,
clan leader known to don long, red capes and are the only rank of Yautja known to do so and to be a clan leader you must at least be elite or higher rank to became one and all you really do is lead your clan and what hunt they are going on and what world and that all i know,
king I don't know shit, all I know is he is the one that decide were all clan get to hunt and who they get to hunt, and he can choose any female yautja he wants to mate with, and he is a monster at hunting and killing after all he is a king for a reason.
now the clan system well it goes like this when you reached the rank blooded you can choose a clan you want to join and the clan will have you tested and if you pass then welcome you are now a clan member and if you don't pass the test just go looking for a different clan, now if your parent is in a clan you can join there clan early but you will be only a apprentice until you gain the rank blooded then you are a proper clan member.
ok with that out the way let talk about where we are, mother told me we are on our home planet yautja prime and has two major biomes what are a dry, hot, desert environment with river of flowing lava and a humid, wet jungle environment and to be honest that all I know about our home planet after all I have not started basic training yet.