Chereads / Soul and sanity / Chapter 2 - 2. Less is more

Chapter 2 - 2. Less is more

Time and time again, life has shown that making plans has been a very delicate course to walk upon. To some this endeavor treats well, some others, well, not so much. 'The cold is getting a bit too much now', Shana thought to herself. 'I've been walking a while in it. I needed to gather my thoughts. My heart is racing fast after this phone call from my uncles estate lawyer. He wants to see me a.s.a.p and preferably not discuss anything with me over a call. It has been a long while since my family heard or saw my uncle. After my parents were in their accident, he kind of just faded off and years just went by as my sisters and I were left in the care of our grandmother. Stories were always being told about him and the estate which he held for years. Always a mystery of some kind going on, in and around the grounds. The last time I was there, must have been around 12 or 13. I can barely just remember that it was huge and half of it was covered with a type of forrest, with high thick trees and pathways all around the place. It was very beautiful and full of rules that we could not go far into the gardens forrest at all. We could only hang around the open spaces of the mansion and the well looked after grass and flowerbeds. I recall my sisters and I playing ring a Rosie's and chasing butterflies around the place, but we never went often. In fact, I only recall going there maybe 3-4 times'.