Luna woke up to see herself in a white room filled with floating bubbles which each represents a skill.
"Where am I", Luna asked herself. Then she saw a star floating in the room "my name is Minima what's yours", said the star.
"Who said that", replied a frightened Luna. "It's me up here", said Minima. "Oh ok", said Luna "I'm Luna and I guess you are minima" said Luna. "
Ok Luna I am your guide to help you pick a skill please pick one I'm uploading the list unto your screen".
Luna taps on her heart. [ENTER CODE : ]
"What does code one mean I have been seeing everywhere" says Luna to Minima.
"Oh Its your ancestral code and you will get a new number of your code after every match you complete but for now use this [USER GUEST] by this I mean the numbers of each code:
A{1} B{5} C{9} D{10} E{17} F{21} G{92} H{53} I{2} J{15} K{32} L{11} M{99} N{20} O{30} P{76} Q{}54 R{}992 S{300} T{96} U{39} V{94} W{109} X{56} Y{77} Z{72}
So enter the code" "it is 390017992543917300" interrupted Luna.
"Yes it is, have you typed it in" said Minima.
"Yes I have" replied Luna then she sees this on her screen.