"Adrien come here boy I have a job for you I need you to kill the princess of Elmer wood" said John, "she has become a threat to this company".
"But I thought that you said I am not going to assassin people anymore" replied Adrien as he looked at Mike to help him on this one.
"Well if you want Sylvia and Julius not to die you will do it" said Mike as he slurped his tea loudly.
Adrien went to the shack to get his dagger and his gun on his way out he met Sylvia who looked at him in disgust "I thought you promised that you would wouldn't assassinate anymore".
"But he threatened to kill you and you know he means business", replied Adrien "we would escape before that time and I have a plan the middle of the night I would have called Julius".
"Ok" said Sylvia with a sigh at mid night Adrien had already called Julius they were ready to go into the tunnels under their beds they had dug their way into the nearest town.
"I'm finally free" said Adrien "this is the best birthday gift any child could have" said Julius "who had just turned 13 let's move on" said Sylvia.
They walked for what felt like 2 hours to a city gate by this time it was the morning and the city gate was open it read WELCOME TO ELMERWOOD.
As they as they approached the city the saw it was larger than every other city they had ever approached once they entered they used the little money they had to rent an apartment.
"Next please", said the cute young clerk opposite the stall "please how much is tour cheapest apartment" said Julius "we have 3,000 tam [which was paper money]and 400,000 lim[which was coins]".