Kalina's eyes locked onto her father's, her voice laced with determination. "Tell me, Father, why did Grandfather make me a significant shareholder? Was it to punish me, to make me the family's sworn enemy? Or did he really want to force me into the business, because he didn't trust Lyra's skills?"
The chairman's expression turned somber, his eyes clouding over. "Kalina, your grandfather's decision had nothing to do with punishing you or doubting Lyra's abilities. He saw something in you, a potential and a talent that he wanted to nurture."
Kalina's skepticism was evident. "What talent, Father? I was just a kid when he died. I didn't know anything about business."
The chairman leaned forward, his voice filled with conviction. "That's not true, Kalina. You had a natural aptitude, a way of thinking that impressed your grandfather. He believed you had the potential to be a great leader, and he wanted to give you the opportunity to grow and learn."
Kalina's eyes narrowed, her mind racing. "But why didn't he tell me? Why did he leave me with this... this burden?"
The chairman's expression softened, his eyes filled with sadness. "Your grandfather's death was sudden, Kalina. He didn't have the chance to explain his reasons. But I know he wanted the best for you, and for this family."
Kalina's gaze dropped, her shoulders slumping in defeat. "I wish I could have known him better, Father. I wish I could have understood his plans for me."
The chairman's voice was gentle. "You may not have had the chance to know your grandfather, Kalina, but you have me. And I'll do my best to guide you, to help you understand your role in this family and this business."
The chairman leaned forward, his voice filled with conviction. "Kalina, your grandfather was impressed by your natural talent and aptitude for business. Do you remember those weekly exercises you used to do, the ones you thought were just assessments?"
Kalina's eyes widened in surprise. "You mean those business scenarios Grandfather sent me? I just thought they were fun puzzles to solve, a way to challenge myself."
The chairman smiled. "Those 'puzzles' were actual business issues, Kalina. And you solved them, week after week, without even realizing it. Your grandfather was amazed by your ability to think critically and creatively. He saw a potential in you that he wanted to nurture."
Kalina's eyes sparkled with realization. "I remember Lyra studying business and finance, and I thought it was so boring. But I wanted to impress Grandfather, so I tried to solve those exercises on my own."
The chairman nodded. "And you did, Kalina. You impressed him more than you know. He believed you had a gift, and he wanted to give you the opportunity to develop it."
Kalina shook her head, her voice laced with disinterest. "Thank you, Father, but I still don't see the point. Business is boring, and I don't see how my 'talent' would make a difference."
The chairman's expression remained calm, his eyes gleaming with determination. "Kalina, we need your talent. We're in the top 5 in the business world thanks to Lyra's innovative ideas, but we want to do more. We want to revolutionize the industry, and we need someone like you to help us get there."
Kalina opened her mouth to protest, but her father raised a hand, silencing her. "I won't take no for an answer, Kalina. You will work in this company, and you will contribute to our success. I want you to think about the position you want, and get your life settled before next Monday. That's all the time you have."
Kalina's face scrunched up in a pout, her voice petulant. "Fine, but I don't see why I have to-"
Just as Kalina was about to protest further, a knock at the door interrupted the tension. "Enter!" the chairman called out.
Mr. Johnson, the chairman's PA, entered the room, followed by his team. "Good morning, sir," Mr. Johnson said, nodding to the chairman.
The chairman's sarcastic tone cut in. "Oh, off you go, my baby girl. Don't let the door hit you on the way out."
Kalina's eyes flashed with annoyance, but she bit back her retort, stalking out of the office without a word. She forgot her manners, neglecting to greet the PA, Mr. Johnson, and his team, who entered the room with nods and smiles.
"Ah, Mr. Chairman," Mr. Johnson began, "we have the reports you requested-"
The chairman waved a hand, his eyes still fixed on the door Kalina had just exited. "Yes, yes, I'll get to them. Carry on, Mr. Johnson."
Kalina trudged back to her room, feeling like she was the only one in the vast mansion. Everyone else had left for work or their daily routines, leaving her alone with her thoughts. She flopped onto her bed, grabbing the remote control to distract herself from the frustrating conversation with her father.
She scrolled through the movie options, settling on a romantic comedy to lift her mood. As she watched, she felt her mind begin to wander. She thought about her father's words, about the company, and her role in it. She thought about Lyra's success and Ophelia's ambition. And she thought about her own desires, her own passions.
But the more she thought, the more her mind felt muddled. She couldn't seem to focus on anything for long. Her thoughts were a jumbled mess, like a puzzle she couldn't solve.
As the movie played on, Kalina's eyelids grew heavy. She snuggled deeper into her blankets, feeling the softness envelop her. Her thoughts grew fuzzy, and her body relaxed. Before she knew it, her eyes had closed, and she was dozing off, the movie still playing in the background.
Kalina woke up with a start, her body awkwardly sprawled on the floor. She groaned, rubbing her eyes. "Stupid," she muttered to herself, shaking her head. She lay there for a moment, staring blankly at the ceiling.
Finally, she sat up, checking her phone on the bedside table. Her eyes widened in disbelief. "3:30?!" she exclaimed, springing to her feet. She had slept for hours!
Kalina rushed to the bathroom, quickly freshening up and changing into a stylish outfit - a floral long-sleeved blouse with an A-shaped midi skirt. She took a moment to admire herself in the mirror, pleased with her elegant reflection.
As she made her way to the garage, she realized that another hour and a half had passed. She leisurely got into her Range Rover, starting the engine with a soft purr. With a contented sigh, she began to drive, the afternoon sun casting a warm glow over her face.
Where would she go? Only time would tell. But for now, she was happy to be out and about, the wind in her hair and the world at her fingertips.
Kalina hummed along to the upbeat tune playing on her car stereo, her fingers tapping out the rhythm on the steering wheel. She was still undecided on where to go, her mind wandering aimlessly.
She decided to call someone but the person wasn't picking, she decided to change her destination.
"Must be extremely busy," Kalina thought, shaking her head.
Changing her mind, Kalina turned the car into a nearby building's parking lot. She found a spot and pulled in, then got out and walked towards the elevator.
Pressing the button for the 10th floor, she waited patiently for the doors to open. When they did, she stepped out into a familiar hallway and made her way to a door she had been to many times before.
Entering the password, she pushed open the door and dropped her handbag and phone on the couch.
Her stomach growled with hunger, Kalina headed straight for the kitchen, hoping to find something to eat. But her eyes widened in disappointment when she saw the empty countertops. "No food?" she muttered to herself, shaking her head.
Undeterred, Kalina began searching for ingredients to cook something. Her eyes landed on a bag of potatoes, and a smile spread across her face. "Potato balls, my favorite!" she exclaimed.
She quickly got to work, peeling and dicing the potatoes with ease. As she mixed and shaped them into perfect little balls, she donned an apron and began frying them in hot oil, the sizzling sound filling the kitchen with a warm, cozy aroma.