When the Easter Bunny leaves clues to a surprise Floppy Ears and his little sister have to solve the clues to find the prize.
Once upon a time there was a bunny.
Now, this was no ordinary bunny, this bunny was pink with long skinny arms and long skinny legs. This bunny had long floppy ears and I think that was how he got his name. His name was "Floppy Ears".
Easter morning Floppy Ears woke up early and got dressed to go for church. He went into his little sisters bedroom and whispered "Are you awake yet?
"Yeeessss," yawned his sister.
Together they walked downstairs and turned the lights on.
Sitting on the couch were two baskets filled with eggs, jelly beans and chocolate.
As they started to eat one of the jelly beans they say a piece of paper lying in the basket.
"What's that?"
Floppy Ears picked up the paper and started to read.
"If you follow the clues you will get a special surprise."
"Lets follow the clues and see what it is," said Floppy Ears.
He read the first clue. "What is cold and white and goes moo?"
"Milk! Milk!" yelled Floppy Ears sister.
Together they walked to the Fridge and looked at the milk carton. Stuck to the side of the carton was another note.
"Here little fishy, come to dinner, but don't PANIC."
"What does that mean?"
They walked around the house for a few minutes trying to figure out what the message meant. Then as the walked by the family room, sitting on the shelf they saw one of their games.
"Look", cried his sister, "Piranha Panic!"
There on the top of the box was another note.
"I'm music to your ears until I wake you up."
"I know," said Floppy Ears, "it's our alarm clock."
Off to their bedrooms they ran and laying there on the floor by their clocks were two vary large chocolate bunnies.
They grabbed the bunnies and headed for their parents room.
"Look what the Easter Bunny brought us, can we eat some?"
"Not right now, you can eat some at lunch time. If you want you can have a couple more jelly beans"
So Floppy Ears and his little sister enjoyed a few more jelly beans, had some breakfast and then headed off to see their friends at church.
When they got home lunch consisted of a carrots, lettuce and lots of Chocolate.
The End.