Chereads / Linking Stars / Chapter 10 - Unexpected Collision

Chapter 10 - Unexpected Collision

"Claire..." a familiar female voice echoed.

Claire jolted awake with an ungainly yelp, her limbs flailing dramatically. She tumbled sideways, tangling herself in the bedsheets and nearly toppling off the top bunk in a clumsy heap. Cold sweat beaded on her forehead as her wide, startled eyes darted around the room, heart racing from the unexpected wake-up call.

Her arms windmilled awkwardly as she tried to untangle herself, eventually managing to sit up in a disheveled mess. A nervous giggle escaped her lips as she caught her breath, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment at her own overreaction. She ran her fingers through her sleep-mussed hair, causing even more chaotic tangles.

Blinking rapidly and fidgeting, she peered out toward the balcony. The pre-dawn darkness made her shoulders instinctively hunch, and she wrapped her arms around herself, suddenly feeling vulnerable. Her movements were a series of small, jerky motions - adjusting her pajama top, tucking a wayward strand of hair behind her ear, then immediately second-guessing the gesture.

When she climbed down from the bunk, it was less a graceful descent and more a series of awkward hops and stumbles. She nearly lost her balance twice, letting out tiny squeak of alarm each time she wobbled. Applying makeup became a comically precise operation, her tongue poking out slightly in concentration as she tried not to smudge anything.

Dressing in her uniform was another adventure of nervous energy - buttons misaligned, collar slightly askew, but somehow endearing in her earnest attempt to look presentable. Her final mirror check involved multiple anxious adjustments, her reflection showing a girl perpetually on the edge of adorable mortification.

Tiptoeing out of the room became an elaborate performance of exaggerated caution. Each step was a carefully measured movement, her body tensed as if the floor might suddenly betray her with a loud creak. When she noticed Kazuki's empty bed, her reaction was a classic Claire moment - eyes comically wide, mouth forming a silent "oh", hands reflexively clutching at her uniform.

"W-weird," she whispered to herself, the stammer revealing her inner nervousness.

Her thoughts about Kazuki swirled like a tornado of shy uncertainty, punctuated by nervous lip-biting and subtle, self-conscious fidgeting. Each mental image of him sent a tiny shiver down her spine - part anxiety, part something else she wasn't quite ready to acknowledge.

The hallway became her stage of carefully controlled movement, each step a potential performance of accidentally loud footsteps or an unexpected stumble. 

Arriving at the elevator, Claire shuffled nervously from foot to foot, her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her uniform as she waited. When the doors opened to reveal an empty car, she let out a tiny sigh of relief before stumbling slightly over the threshold. Her reflection in the mirrored walls made her duck her head, cheeks flushing as she pressed herself into the corner for the ride down.

The cafeteria's relative emptiness did little to calm her nerves. She peeked around the corner first, scanning the room with wide, anxious eyes before tiptoeing inside. The few teachers present made her hunch her shoulders instinctively, trying to make herself as small as possible. When her stomach rumbled at the smell of fresh food, she wrapped her arms around herself with a mortified "eep!"

Approaching the counter was an exercise in controlled panic. The friendly middle-aged woman's warm greeting made Claire freeze mid-step like a startled deer.

"Good morning! I bet you're here for breakfast, huh?" the woman said with a gentle smile.

"U-um, yes... actually..." Claire's voice came out barely above a whisper, her fingers tangling together nervously as she struggled to maintain eye contact.

"Alright then!" The woman's cheerful response made Claire's cheeks burn brighter, and she found sudden fascination with her shoes.

As the woman prepared her meal, Claire couldn't help but lean forward slightly, then immediately straighten up when she realized what she was doing, her movements jerky and self-conscious. The sight and smell of the perfectly arranged breakfast made her mouth water, though she tried to hide it behind her hand.

When Claire reached for her wallet with trembling fingers, the woman's kind intervention made her jump slightly.

"Oh no, sweetie, it's free. You don't have to pay," the woman said warmly.

"Oh... r-really?" Claire squeaked, her fingers doing their familiar nervous dance. She shifted from foot to foot, mortified at her mistake.

"Yep! All meals are included here at the academy. I'm pretty sure they mentioned that during orientation," the woman explained with a gentle chuckle.

"R-right," Claire mumbled, bowing so quickly and deeply she nearly lost her balance, catching herself with a tiny "wah!"

"No worries, dear. Not everyone reads all the details. Enjoy your meal!"

"T-thank you!" Claire's second bow was equally dramatic, and as she turned to leave with her tray, she nearly bumped into the counter before correcting her course with a series of awkward shuffles.

The woman watched her go with motherly affection, hiding her amused smile as Claire made her careful way out, constantly checking to ensure she wouldn't spill anything.

She stepped outside, finding a quiet bench as the sun began to rise. The cool autumn breeze played with her hair as she settled down with her breakfast. She picked up a piece of tamagoyaki, savoring the slightly sweet flavor as it melted on her tongue. Her eyes wandered across the well-manicured hedges and the stone pathways of the campus. The warmth of the rising sun blended with the crisp air, creating a serene atmosphere that felt familiar.

As she nibbled on her food, memories from her childhood surfaced. The sight before her brought back fragments of long-forgotten moments, and for a brief second, she closed her eyes, letting the peaceful feeling wash over her.

The memory was hazy, shrouded in soft, indistinct edges. Gentle winds brushed her skin, a sensation that felt oddly familiar. The faint clink of small, empty toy teacups echoed softly, meeting on a tiny round table. In the background, maids moved quietly, tending to their duties. Young Claire, Rose, and her mother sat together, each holding delicate teacups. Her mother's warm, gentle smile lingered in the memory, though it, too, seemed distant—like something just out of reach.

A faint static buzzed at the edges, distorting the scene, pulling her slowly away. Claire blinked, finding her plate empty, though she didn't recall finishing her meal. 

Suddenly, a single tear slid from her left yellow eye, tracing a slow path down her cheek before landing softly on her backhand. The unexpected tear left her momentarily stunned, her mouth slightly agape, eyes wide in shock. Claire stared at it for a brief moment, as if trying to decipher what it meant. But the emotions it stirred were too confusing, too much. All she could do was forget.

She couldn't understand the feeling that gripped her—a quiet, subtle pain, as if a needle had pricked her chest. It wasn't overwhelming, but sharp enough to be felt deeply. And yet, With a quiet sigh, she wiped the tear away with the back of her hand, all she could do was shake off the sensation, trying to forget it had even happened.

She stepped outside, her feet shuffling uncertainly as she searched for a quiet spot. Spotting an empty bench, she approached it with careful, hesitant steps. As she tried to sit down, she nearly missed the edge, letting out a tiny "eep!" before managing to settle herself. The cool autumn breeze caught her hair, sending it into her face, and she flailed adorably trying to get it back in order.

Her hands trembled slightly as she picked up the tamagoyaki, almost dropping it before getting it to her mouth. Her eyes went wide at the taste, cheeks puffing out like a chipmunk's as she savored each bite. She swung her legs back and forth unconsciously, completely absorbed in the peaceful morning atmosphere.

The childhood memory caught her off-guard, making her freeze mid-bite. Her shoulders hunched forward as she curled into herself, suddenly looking smaller and more vulnerable. Her eyes fluttered closed, fingers fidgeting with her uniform's hem as the memories washed over her.

When the tear surprised her, Claire let out a startled "Wah!" Her hand flew to her cheek, touching the wetness with trembling fingers. Her eyes grew huge and watery, mouth forming a perfect 'o' of confusion. She squirmed in place, overwhelmed by emotions she couldn't quite grasp.

The water-drinking incident was pure Claire. Her cheeks ballooned out comically, and when realization struck, she jolted so hard she nearly fell off the bench. Water dribbled down her chin as she windmilled her arms for balance, letting out a series of panicked squeaks.

"Oh yeah!" she exclaimed, her voice coming out as an adorable squeak.

Her phone retrieval was a comedy of errors - first pulling out her handkerchief by mistake, then almost dropping her phone in her haste. Her fingers practically danced across the screen, her whole body wiggling with excitement as she typed:

"hey, how are you doing?" 

"Hello. I'm doing quite good." 

The response came almost instantly, with direct, formal grammar.

Each message exchange made her react physically - leaning forward too far, then catching herself with a start, her expressions changing rapidly from worried to relieved to concerned again. At the mention of her nickname "PB," she hugged herself with a shy smile, her cheeks pink.

Claire's fingers flew across the screen in a flurry of anxious energy, nearly dropping her phone twice in her haste to type: "have u eaten yet? btw i just ate mine." She hugged the phone close to her chest while waiting for a response, her legs swinging nervously under the bench.

When she read about her friend skipping meals, she let out a worried "Eep!" Her next message came in a rush of protective concern, her thumbs practically stumbling over each other: "hey dont skip your meals or you'll become unhealthy, capisce?" Her brow furrowed adorably as she hunched over the screen, bottom lip caught between her teeth.

The reassurance about eating later made her puff out her cheeks in a doubtful pout. At the sight of her nickname "PB," she squirmed in place with shy pleasure, a small "hehe" escaping her lips.

"well it's been complicated..." she typed hesitantly, her fingers hovering uncertainly over the keys. Her shoulders hunched forward as if trying to make herself smaller, even though no one was around to see her.

When asked to explain, Claire's whole body wriggled with nervous energy, her hands fluttering like anxious butterflies over her phone. Her response came in stuttering bursts as she kept second-guessing every word: "eh, s-some bad things happened but some good too... but hey! i made some friends tho..." She punctuated this with an unintentionally dramatic bounce in her seat that nearly sent her phone flying, catching it with a squeaked "Wah!" Her face lit up at mentioning friends, though she tried (and adorably failed) to play it cool.

The simple "That's good..." reply made her clutch her phone to her chest like a security blanket, a wobbly smile spreading across her face. Her legs swung beneath the bench in tiny, unconscious kicks.

When the conversation lulled, Claire froze mid-swing, her shoulders hunching forward as anxiety crept in. She held her phone so tightly her knuckles went white, eyes growing wider and more worried with each passing second. Her bottom lip trembled slightly as she wondered if she'd somehow messed up.

"Anyway, I have things to do. You should attend your class soon, don't want to be late," came the message. Claire nearly dropped her phone in her rush to respond.

"a-alright, do your best in yours!" she typed frantically, then immediately hugged herself, second-guessing every letter.

When the green dot vanished, she let out a tiny whimper, fumbling three times before managing to get her phone back in her pocket. Her fingers twisted together nervously as thoughts of her childhood friend tumbled through her mind, making her rock slightly back and forth on the bench.

Lost in her swirling thoughts about "Ch1," she almost forgot about the time until reality crashed back in. "Eep! I'm gonna be late!" she squeaked, nearly tripping over her own feet as she gathered her dishes. She scurried back toward the cafeteria, her movements a comedy of careful balancing and near-disasters with the empty plate and glass.

Later, when she met up with Rose, Claire's nervous energy was practically visible. She fidgeted with her weapon, almost dropping it twice as they approached the sliding doors. When the stadium came into view, she let out a dramatic "Waaaah!" her eyes growing impossibly wide as she instinctively grabbed Rose's sleeve for support.

"Geez..." Rose mumbled, mouth agape.

The stadium's grandeur made Claire's jaw drop, her whole body practically vibrating with nervous excitement. "I-it's so... so..." she stammered again, her grip on Rose's sleeve tightening until she realized what she was doing and let go with a startled "Eep!" only to immediately grab it again when she wobbled off-balance.

She spun in tiny circles, trying to take everything in at once, her movements like an overwhelmed puppy. The sight of all the high-tech equipment made her eyes go comically wide. "W-what do you think all those d-do?" she whispered to Rose, pointing at various gadgets before quickly pulling her hand back, worried someone might notice.

"Woah, this school is not messing around," Rose breathed.

Claire's head bobbed in anxious agreement, the strands of her long yellow hair bouncing with the movement. The familiar festival memories made her homesick heart do a little flip, and she hugged herself unconsciously.

"This is the class that we're to attend?" she squeaked out, her voice rising an octave higher than usual. She took a wobbly step forward, then immediately shuffled back, overwhelmed by the sheer scale of everything.

When she spotted Kazuki, her whole body went rigid. "Wah!" she let out a tiny squeak, tumbling behind Rose like a startled duckling. Her eyes peeked around her friend's shoulder, drawn to his stoic figure despite her nervousness. Her fingers clutched at Rose's uniform as she watched him, a blush creeping across her cheeks until she realized what she was doing and buried her burning face in her hands with a muffled "Eeeep!"

"Hey!" Rose's voice made Claire jump so high she nearly toppled over backward.

"H-huh? What? I wasn't- I mean- I didn't-" she flailed wildly, her arms windmilling as she tried to regain her balance, her face glowing as red as a tomato. Her feet tangled together in her panic, forcing her to do an awkward little dance to stay upright.

She glanced towards Rose with wide, startled eyes, looking like a deer caught in headlights.

"Uh, Claire? Something the matter?" Rose asked, her voice wavering between worry and confusion. She offered Claire a smile that made the shorter girl squirm uncomfortably.

"U-um..." Claire's fingers twisted together nervously as she struggled for words. "There was s-something about the report I saw last night on my phone..." She mumbled, her voice getting progressively quieter until it was barely audible.

"You mean the news?" Rose's eyebrow shot up, her tone playfully skeptical. "Geez, you get distracted way too much these days! Come on, we're in this stadium, have some spirit at least!"

Rose's sudden movement made Claire jump again with a tiny "Wah!" as her friend spread her arms wide.

"Focus on this!" Rose expressed loudly with an adorable pout.

"F-focus on what?" Claire stammered, swaying slightly as she tried to process everything, her head tilting to one side like a confused puppy.

"The Stadium! The freaking huge stadium!" Rose yelled excitedly, making Claire squeak and nearly trip over her own feet again at her friend's enthusiasm.

Claire let out a tiny, musical laugh, quickly covering her mouth with both hands as if surprised by her own joy. She wiggled in place, caught between Rose's infectious enthusiasm and her own shyness. "R-Rose..." she mumbled fondly, her cheeks pink.

Rose spun around the stadium like an excited puppy, her energy practically sparkling in the air. "Isn't it amazing, Claire?" she beamed, though her eyes held a gentle concern for her friend that made her enthusiasm even warmer. Her protective nature showed in how she kept glancing back at Claire, making sure she was okay.

"Yo, you seem in a somewhat good mood today," a playful voice purred.

"Eep!" Claire jumped, nearly tripping over her own feet as she spun around. She saw Liene approaching with her characteristic catlike grace, Takumi following with his usual swagger.

"Oh! U-um... h-hi..." Claire stammered, her fingers immediately finding the hem of her uniform to fidget with. Her eyes darted between them before fixing firmly on the ground.

"Gotcha on the nose there, yellow," Liene teased with a sultry wink that made Claire squeak and blush harder. "Still, I'm pretty surprised he hasn't skinned me alive yet."

"Keep pushing it, princess, and we'll find out," Takumi drawled, rolling his eyes with theatrical exasperation.

Claire let out another small laugh, this one escaping before she could catch it. She immediately covered her mouth again, eyes wide.

Rose bounced over like an excited spring, practically vibrating with curiosity. "Who's she?" she stage-whispered behind her hand, loud enough for everyone to hear.

"R-remember in S-Starfield?" Claire explained, her voice getting squeakier with each word. "W-when we were attacked by that b-bird? She, T-Takumi, K-Kazuki, and I were all t-together..." She trailed off, realizing she'd mentioned Kazuki and immediately turning red again.

"Ohhh!" Rose's entire face lit up like a Christmas tree. She practically teleported to Liene's side, grabbing her hand with the enthusiasm of a sugar-rushed child. "NICE! TO! MEET! YOU! I'M ROSE!!!"

"My, my... aren't you energetic?" Liene managed through the vigorous handshaking, her usual composure cracking slightly. "I can see why you and our little yellow get along so well~"

"I give it five minutes before someone gets hurt," Takumi quipped, watching the scene with amused resignation.

Claire stood between them all, shifting from foot to foot, a wobbly smile on her face as she watched her friends interact. Her hands kept alternating between twisting together and smoothing her uniform, her whole body a portrait of adorable nervous energy.

Claire squeaked in surprise as Takumi sat next to her, instinctively scooting a tiny bit away before catching herself. Her fingers immediately found each other, twisting nervously as she tried to appear casual.

"Geez, what a pain..." Takumi drawled, running a hand through his hair with theatrical weariness. "I never imagined them interacting like that. Has Rose always been like this?" He gestured at the ongoing scene with an exaggerated eye roll.

"U-um, well..." Claire's voice came out in a nervous flutter as she pressed her palms together, her fingers spreading like anxious butterfly wings. "S-sorta? But you'd be s-surprised if you knew what she was like b-before..." She ducked her head shyly, peeking at him through her bangs before quickly looking away again.

"Hard to imagine," Takumi smirked, watching as Rose continued to bounce around an increasingly flustered Liene. "Your friend there makes our resident troublemaker look positively sedate."

"Eep!" Claire let out a tiny laugh before quickly covering her mouth with both hands, her eyes wide as if surprised by her own amusement. She wiggled slightly in her seat, caught between her natural shyness and the comfort of talking about her best friend.

In the background, Rose's enthusiastic voice carried over: "AND THEN CLAIRE AND I—" while Liene's usually composed demeanor continued to crack under the onslaught of pure energy.

"I think we've created a monster," Takumi deadpanned, making Claire dissolve into another fit of nervous giggles, her shoulders hunching up around her pink ears.

Claire let out a nervous squeak that turned into giggles, her shoulders hunching as her ears turned pink. She tugged absently at her sleeve, trying to make herself smaller even as she smiled at the familiar sight.

"I-it's really not so bad," Claire mumbled, then tripped over her own feet, catching herself with an awkward hop. Her cheeks flushed as she tucked back a loose strand of hair. "Rose is just... well, she's always been like this. Maybe not quite this excited, but..." She trailed off with a fond smile, lost in memories.

Rose was still enthusiastically shaking Liene's hand, practically glowing with excitement. "This is gonna be amazing! We can have study sessions and training matches and—oh! Maybe we could—"

"Okay, wow," Liene managed through a strained smile as her arm kept getting shaken. "Someone had their coffee this morning..." When Rose finally let go, Liene stumbled back, dramatically fanning herself. "And now the room's doing cartwheels." She swayed a few steps before sinking to the floor with exaggerated elegance, a hint of a smirk playing at her lips.

The chattering crowd suddenly went quiet, drawing everyone's attention to the arena's center. A middle-aged man strode in, his presence filling the space. Claire automatically stepped back, bumping right into Takumi, who steadied her with an eye-roll and a half-smile.

The newcomer was impossible to miss: tall, muscular, with wild dark brown hair and a thick beard. His grey suit with silver details stretched across broad shoulders, and the battle axe on his back made his combat experience clear. His olive-green boots echoed with each step, leather gloves creaking as he folded his arms.

"Someone's trying way too hard to look scary," Takumi whispered, earning a frantic "Quiet!" from Claire.

Rose couldn't help bouncing on her toes, letting out an excited squeal that made Claire jump. Even Liene, still sprawled dramatically on the floor, propped herself up to watch, somehow making even that look elegant.

A deep chuckle filled the stadium. "Sorry about that," the man said, his voice warm despite its depth. "Bet you're all dying to know who I am..."

He paused, clearly enjoying the moment, before letting out a rumbling laugh.

"Name's Darui," he announced with a grin. "I'll be teaching your combat class."

The stadium went dead quiet. Claire nibbled her lower lip nervously, while Rose practically buzzed with excitement next to her. Takumi raised a skeptical eyebrow, and Liene finally got up with fluid grace, brushing off her clothes like nothing had happened.

"Right then," Darui's rough voice cut through the silence. "Let's get started with today's lesson." His eyes swept over the students. "First things first—find your roommates and pair up..."

Claire felt the blood drain from her face. Her stomach dropped as the words sank in.

"My... roommate?" The words came out as a strangled whisper. Sweat beaded on her forehead as she watched other students quickly pairing up, chatting and laughing like old friends. Her gaze darted frantically around the arena, hands twisting the hem of her shirt.

"This can't be happening," she muttered, ducking her head and curling in on herself. Her face burned as she snuck a glance toward Kazuki, who stood off to the side, face impassive as ever. That only made it worse. "I haven't even said hi to him yet!" she groaned into her hands.

But before Claire could spiral further into her panic, an even more dramatic cry rang out beside her.

"What do you mean roommates?!" Rose wailed, throwing her hands up. A sudden burst of cold wind whipped around her, making several nearby students yelp. "I don't even have one!"

Across the room, Liene and Takumi shared a look. Her eyes sparkled with mischief while his face settled into weary resignation. Around them, the class erupted in a mix of excited chatter and groans of dismay.

Liene sidled up to Takumi, tapping his nose with a perfectly manicured finger. "Looks like you're stuck with little old me, partner."

"Joy," Takumi muttered, leaning away from her finger. "Just try not to get us killed."

"Oh, such faith in me," Liene purred, clearly enjoying his discomfort. "This is going to be fun."

Claire startled at Rose's frustrated cry, nearly knocking over her water bottle as her friend bolted down the steps. As Rose's panic spread, Claire felt her own anxiety spiraling. She slumped forward with a groan, burying her face into her arms, glasses going askew.

"Oh n-no no no, darn!" Claire mumbled, her voice squeaky. "I-I can't team up with him!"

"My, my... someone's in quite the state," Liene observed with a sultry smirk.

"Ya think?!" Claire's head shot up too fast, making her grab her desk for balance, her retort coming out louder than intended. "Glad you noticed!"

Liene's gaze drifted to Kazuki, who sat like a statue, oblivious to the chaos. Claire followed her look and immediately regretted it, her heart doing somersaults. She began fidgeting with her pencil.

"What's so wrong with him? Sure, he's got enough power to level a mountain, too powerful, I must say..." Liene drawled, waggling her fingers dramatically. "But that just makes things more... interesting, wouldn't you say?

"Y-you're missing something super important!" Claire squeaked, hugging herself.

"Oh? Could it be our little Claire is too shy?" Liene's eyes sparkled with mischief.

"N-no! Well... maybe... I mean..." Claire's voice grew smaller, her face matching her crimson uniform. "That's not the whole point!"

Her voice, which had risen with each word as frustration bubbled over, suddenly dropped as self-consciousness hit her like a wave.

"Then what is it?" Liene tilted her head, eyes glinting with mischief.

The question made Claire freeze, her eyes going wide as all her bottled-up worries reached their limit. She sprung up suddenly, arms flailing as everything burst out at once.

"I-I can barely even look at him without tripping over my own words! Let alone team up with him, capisce?!" she blurted, voice cracking as she slumped back down, slightly out of breath.

As Claire sat there panting, Liene's soft chuckle only made her cheeks burn brighter. She curled into herself, trembling slightly as Liene reached over to pat her head with exaggerated gentleness.

"There, there, sweetie. It won't be that bad..." Liene cooed with mock sympathy. "Unless he decides you're not worth his time."

"Would you knock it off with the torment routine?" Takumi cut in with a sardonic eye-roll, catching Liene's hand mid-pat. "Some of us aren't built with your psychological armor."

"But teasing is part of my charm," Liene purred with an elegant shrug. "It's who I am."

"You mean it's a bad habit," Takumi drawled.

"Oh honey, you make everything sound so dull." She tapped his forehead playfully. "Besides, friends are meant to tease each other."

"Victims, you mean," he shot back, swatting her hand away.

Liene's eyes lit up at his retort, her smile turning fox-like as she propped her chin on her hand. "My, my... is that any way to treat your partner?"

"Like we had a choice..." Takumi muttered, glancing at Kazuki with a raised eyebrow. "Though what's his deal anyway?"

"Who can say?" Liene mused, her gaze sliding from Kazuki back to Claire with renewed interest, a small smirk playing on her lips.

"Could you be any more cliché?" Takumi grumbled.

"Just can't help myself!" Liene sing-songed with a shameless grin.

Let me revise this to emphasize the characters' personalities while maintaining the natural flow:

Rose stumbled back up to the group, collapsing dramatically onto her knees with her energy spent. She slumped forward with a heavy sigh, gripping her knees as if they were the only thing keeping her upright.

"How'd it go?" Takumi drawled, arching an eyebrow.

"Absolutely terrible! Completely, utterly terrible!" Rose burst out between gasps, hands gesturing wildly.

"Whoa there, take it down a notch..." Takumi held up his hands placatingly.

"This IS me taking it down!" Rose exclaimed, still catching her breath.

"Just... tell us what happened," Takumi sighed, palms raised in surrender.

"What do you THINK happened?!" Rose threw her hands up in exasperation.

"My, my... quite scary," Liene whispered to Claire with a theatrical shiver, remembering how Rose had practically bounced her off the walls in their first meeting. But Claire didn't respond, too lost in her anxious spiral.

A sharp clap cracked through the stadium, followed by a gust of wind that swept over the students. The force snapped Claire from her nervous daze, cut off Takumi's questioning, interrupted Rose's frantic tirade, and drew Liene's calculating gaze to the arena's center.

"That's enough," Darui's commanding voice boomed across the stadium. "I trust you've all met your partners... except for our special case..." He paused, muttering, "Now who was that again?" before straightening up with renewed authority. "We'll begin now: an all-out duel in this stadium. Any non-lethal combat is permitted."

As varied reactions rippled through the arena, Claire clasped her trembling hands together, feeling their warmth. For her, this wasn't a disaster or an opportunity—just a chance to hope for something better than her worst fears.