The Curse of Hallow Eve's Miko
Ten days before Halloween, Naomi Yukimora receives envelopes full of cut-up letters. She painstakingly decodes the words with the help of her friends Beck Acama and Rose Accola and pastes all the terms to a sheet of paper, rearranging them to discover the hidden message. The night before Halloween, Naomi has a dream in which she sees a dark shape standing outside her closet. She wakes up screaming with her hands around her cat's throat. A mysterious gift arrives on Halloween with a branch of a cherry tree, two gold bells with a red ribbon, and beautiful white kimono. A note is attached that says, "You are the Chosen One, picked by the Inari Okami to guard the Shrine of Shinto from The Evil that's about to vade during Halloween." Torn between having a good time w/ her friends at her high crush David Camilla's Halloween party, and this sudden unexpected summons to Japan, can she pull off the double life lifestyle?