Chereads / Who Is He, Really? / Chapter 28 - Intruder (2)

Chapter 28 - Intruder (2)

"Hehehe... Not until I know WHO! is behind THIS!" Ella screamed as she threw the dagger she was playing with into the encased arm of the ice sculpture exposing the arm and wounding it, the frozen mush of blood bled out of the injury slowly as it didn't even splatter with the impact of the dagger. Kurao who was only a few meters away felt wheezy seeing the sight in front of him unfold.

The slow moving liquid of mostly red blood with small bits of white frost mixed in, and it freezing on the ice making the laceration on the man arm look like a morbid work of art, making him close to collapsing at the sight of such barbarity. 

The man who was on the receiving end of this shut his eyes tightly as he let out a piercing scream from the pain.


"You know us elementalists may have stronger bodies then those who don't cultivate mana, but it's not strong enough to be impenetrable to things like enchanted items. Like this for EXAMPLE?"

Ella said as she walked up to the dagger and pulled it out leaving chips of frozen blood to be scattered with the removal while the wound instantly cauterize by the freezing mana leaving a reddish-pink diamond on his arm. 

"I know you didn't have the idea to do this on your own. I KNOW someone ordered you to do this. So just tell me and this can be easily resolved. Painlessly."

She said as she slowly dragged the blade across the man's cheek making blood freeze as it was dragged across it.

"I-I pl-a-nned to hol-d him for-r rans-som." The man said as he kept his eye sealed shut.

Ella looked at him for a moment before letting out a crazed laugh,

"Hahaha... HAHAHAHAH!"

"HaHa, At least come up with a believable excuse. YOU came here with a ENCHANTED dagger, that was laced with POSION. NOW TELL ME WHY WOULD YOU NEED POISON FOR A KIDNAPPING?"

Ella then spoke once again in her crazed tone.

"..." The man kept his eyes shut and kept as silent as he could for the exception of his teeth chattering against each other.

"I see so you are not gonna bark, since that's the case I will just torture you a bit and after I'll get a background check on you to figure out everything related to you."

Ella paused to look at the man's eyes tremble under his shut eyelids a bit, but still kept his silence.


"Oh I just got an idea, how about after I find out who you are I will make sure you're everyone connected to you whether that be your family, lovers, and or even children be sent off to Elantemul to be testing slaves, wouldn't that be fun.

I heard they need more people to test their new experimental elixirs on. AND THAT WILL HAPPEN, no matter who it is that is backing you if you don't do this the easy way." Ella said calmly.

Kurao could see tears freeze along the man's face while the man was silent. Kurao then suddenly recognized the man as he remembered them amongst the Royal Guards who served over looking after the estates security, 

'.. I did think there was a high chance that they had a part in this since that was the only conclusion that made the most sense of how they infiltrated.'

Kurao thought, he didn't feel relieved knowing he was right instead he was feeling 

slightly anxious that the people meant to protect him were the ones going for his head. As the silence kept stagnating in the room the man finally cracked as he muttered something.


"Who is Jamius?" Ella said coldly, while Kurao was along the same thought at what the royal guard said as well. 'Who is Jamius?'

"J-J-jamius of t-the Royal-l Council. H-He's th-e one w-who sent m-m-me to assas-sinat-e the pr-ince... Please spare m-my-my family-y" The man franticly said as he opened his eyes with frozen tears dropping on the ground.

"..." Ella didn't respond as she just turned towards the window and placed her hands on the edge of the window, leaning forward for support. The man on the other hand swept his gaze anxiously around the room while waiting for her confirmation as he did he glanced at the door and the gap that was there. 

Kurao froze feeling the gaze of the frozen man, he could feel the regret stemming from his gaze with anger mixed in it that was staring straight through Kurao. Kurao who was on the receiving end, gulped feeling suffocated by the man's stare.

Just as Kurao was gonna back away from the door attention was back on Ella as she released a deep sigh as she turned the encased man, not noticing the man staring at the door she without answering him or wasting anymore time threw the dagger at the temple of his head, killing him instantly.

Kurao sat bewildered as he saw the last bit of color leave the man's eyes as the blood dripped down his forehead, as he felt sick seeing the scene he tried his best to close the door without alerting his mother. Just as he was about too he froze hearing her speak once again.

"Now I have to deal with this... I don't even know who the hell 'Jamius' is. Why does my darling even deal with these damn politics, isn't that why he setup everything to be autonomous so he didn't bore himself with it and spend more time with ME?"

Ella said as she shook her head while walking towards the now dead man. 

Kurao felt slightly relieved knowing she was talking to herself and not him. He quietly tiptoed across the hall and went back to Ella's room as he closed the door and then plopped himself back on the chair as he dove into thought about who this 'Royal Councilman' was rather then focusing much on the scene that happened in his room. 

'Why would a member of the Royal Council want my head? I haven't offended any of them, and if I did wouldn't it have been smarter to kill me before my awakening with the reveal of my talent it would be more suspicious? It would seem stupid to kill me after even 

father showed interest in me...' Kurao then pressed the back of his head against the chair as he stared at the ceiling.

"Unless they are scared of me ascending to the throne..." Kurao muttered quietly as a small grin of realization forms on his face.