Getting dragged for a few more minutes they arrived at the servant's quarters where Elyse just stopped seemingly arriving at the location of choice. Kurao just looked at Elyse dubiously then asked.
"What is this the 'Super Secret Spot'?"
"No dummy this is just entrance" Elyse said while pointing at a wall that had a painting on it while moving towards the shelf against the wall.
"Really? Cause this is just a picture of father."
"It's behind the picture, now help me move it."
Kurao stepped on the desk and started moving the painting, pushing it until he saw a small corridor like the one he saw when he was with Vayla except it was much smaller and tighter.
'Is this lead to another treasure room like the one in Aunt Vayla's room?'
He held the painting while Elyse squeezed into the corridor and followed in behind her.
"So where does this lead?"
"Shhhhhhh, Keep quiet Kurao." Elyse whispered while putting a finger over her mouth.
"Why do I need t-"
Kurao was interpreted as Elyse lunged at him while holding a hand over his mouth. Elyse then pointed at a thin gap in the corridor enough to peek through. Kurao seeing what she was meaning decided to keep quiet and peeked through the small gap.
On the other side of the gap was a small bar like lounge while there was bartender serving all the servants on break. Kurao and Elyse could clearly hear everything within the break room as a conversation between two maids was heard by the duo.
"-o that was when I broke the engagement him in front of both our families. You should have seen his and the rest of their faces when I did it he was almost fuming out of his ears."
"Way to go Anna you don't need that type of toxicity in your life you deserve way more then that. I don't even know why your family keeps trying to engage you with those underdeveloped foreigners."
"Thanks Rebbeca, I am of the same thought. Sometimes I wished they would let me choose who I would want to be with instead of trying to keep forcing me into these pre arranged engagements."
"Yeah arranged marriages is pretty outdated, sadly my family also still practices it. But luckily I am the fourth child so they don't put too much attention in my love life."
"It also doesn't hurt that you work for the Royal Family, and that is probably why my family still hasn't done anything since I broke the engagement." Anna then lifted the glass and took a sip before looking at her co-worker while lacing her finger playfully around the glass.
"Have you heard about the news of the Youngest Prince's Engagement with the Vaefir Princess?"
"Yeah, but isn't that a rumor?" Rebbeca said as she downed the rest of her drink.
"No its not a rumor, I heard from Jen who serves one of the Royal Council members as a attendant, and she confirmed that the rumor is a hundred percent true."
Both Rebbeca the maid and Elyse gasped hearing her. Elyse hurriedly tugs on Kurao as she exclaims.
"Brother why didn't you tell me about this?!"
Kurao felt a incoming headache on how to explain it but noticed that one of the maids looked their way upon Elyse's exclamation, so he quickly put a finger on Elyse's lips indicating she should quiet down.
"I didn't really want to focus on it at the time so it slipped to tell you. We can talk about this later."
Elyse didn't respond as she puffed her cheeks out and folded her arms pouting cutely but they brought their attention back to the maids and their conversation.
"But doesn't Vaefir only have one princess?" Rebbeca said
"Yeah its the First Princess Araina, She is turning 12 this year and there is speculation that she might awaken to be a peak grade affinity talent as well."
"Well it would be weird for her not to be a peak grade affinity talent with her being the child of the two most talented fire Elementalists in the whole of Etheria. But I do find it a little weird that the little Prince is engaged to the first Princess of a rival empire. Do you think they made the engagement over each other's affinity grade talents for hopes of a future progeny?"
"I don't think so since our Empire's little prince has a un-heard of affinity so it wouldn't make sense for the Emperor who never engaged any of his kin before. But I do have a theory but take this with a grain of salt, but from what I heard from Jen is that a reason why the Emperor engaged the little Prince was because the Vaefir Emperor made a deal. So maybe the Vaefir wanted to integrate with the Eversky Empire by doing this move."
Then pausing for a moment she continued,
"But like I said this is just my theory since that's something I could see being possible since the little Prince has the highest chance of being the Emperor and the only competition in reality is Prince Soleil. So that way Vaefir would have direct access to the Eversky Empire if the
little prince were ever to succeed the throne."
Rebbeca just nodded her head to what Anna said agreeing that could be possibility. As the bartender refilled their cups Rebbeca got discussing another topic.
"Well speaking of Prince Soleil, did you hear about his recent feat of going against 10 Advanced Elementalists by himself at the border of Uldreyin?"
"Yeah, It is super impressive that he did that especially since Soleil himself only recently became a Advanced Elementalists. I wonder if he is looking for a wife or even mistress, cause I wouldn't mind
warming the bed for him." Anna said well taking a sip of the drink well Rebbeca just laughs at her friend.
"Didn't you just get out of a engagement and here you are talking about getting in the Prince's bed. Well I can't deny that the idea isn't appealing, but to say the least I don't think he would be interest in any of us since I haven't heard about anything related to his life except for his achievements."
"Well that's all the more reason to give it a try since maybe I could be the one that melts that cold exterior he has."
Anna gave a smirk as she downed the rest of her drink as she leaned forward using her hand to pull on her uniform showing a bit of midriff showing her smooth white skin.
"How unlady like Ms. Anna." Rebbeca chuckled over her friend's idea to seduce the renowned prince.
"You're laughing now but it will be a good change of pace for the Prince Soleil, since I bet when he isn't at war I bet he is dealing stuckup noble ladies way of approaching and not 'My Way'" Anna said as she gestured at her whole self.
"Hahaha, You can't be serious Anna did you just forget you are also a 'stuckup noble'" Rebbeca remarked
Well the two maids continued their conversation Kurao was in thought.
'So this was built to spy on servants? Why though?'
Kurao though a little more deeply about why this corridor existed while Elyse was listening in on the gossip of the life's of the servants. He got up and went further down the corridor and found a handle. Knowing that this handle was probably a door that leads to the servants lounge he backed off it.
'So this secret door leads into the servants lounge without going in through the main way, but that doesn't make much sense since why go through all this trouble of making this hidden area to peep on the lives of servants?'
Kurao kept this thinking as he went over and covertly listened in on the servants for a while with Elyse but the rest of the topics weren't to interesting to him, most of it were about their day and gossip about other high profile people there were only a few things that the maids brought up that piqued Kurao's interest. Elyse on the other hand was engrossed in everything the maids talked about especially the romance drama of the maid named Anna that was brought up again.
After the two maids left the servant's lounge Elyse decided to call it a day and we left through the same painting that we had to push out of the way again. As Kurao and Elyse were about to part ways she suddenly embraced Kurao giving him a tight hug as she rubbed his back.
"Little brother you don't have to tire yourself out with whatever it is that is working you to be locked in your room."
After letting go Elyse split from Kurao, Kurao watched the departing Elyse as a smile formed on his face.
"Thank you for today Elyse!"
Kurao shouted, Elyse who heard this just turned around and gave a childish smile before continuing here way towards her room.
'Elyse is right, I shouldn't tire myself over some book. It may suck that I can't figure it out but lets try to focus on my life as a Elementalist instead of a finding the secrets of the book.'
Kurao reached his room and plopped himself on his bed feeling the energy left in him leave as he got absorbed by the comfortable bed trying to relax after a month of stressing.