***Three days Later..
***On planet Gieâ
***Continent 'Eclipse of the Oceans'..
***In the Outer Outskirts..
***In a small mud house(Old Ning's house)..
Old Ning sits on a makeshift chair in his apartment as he tries to keep his eyes on the walls while the elf breastfeeds her son on the bed.
It's been three days now since the child's delivery and by some miracle, despite the intense up and downs both mother and child are alive and in one piece.
Considering the amount of blood the mother has lost as well as the duration of the delivery then the heavens must truly be smiling at them cause both the mother and child are still in the land of the living.
Hearing the familiar and flustering *pop* and clothes scuffles that indicates the end of a milky session, old Ning finally turns his gaze back to the blonde elf.
He stares at the mother for a while and then he speaks.
"I can't keep you here for long.", Old Ning says in a low tone. After living for over sixty years in loneliness, the old man has somewhat gotten used to having another person living in his circumference though.. what can he do considering the situation?.
He cannot feed the mother and son, he can't clothe them and he can definitely not protect them from the brutal world outside these mud walls.
There is more he cannot do than he can and so, the most logical thing to do is bid the mother and son a quick farewell before he gets too attached.
"We'll be leaving tonight. I just cannot express how grateful I am for your help over the past days. I owe you my life and much more.", The elf says as she cradles her just fed baby closely against her body.
The elf's face is still sickly pale from blood loss and her body looks dangerously fragile yet despite these conditions, the elf looks more than grateful for her current situation. The fact that she had made it through the hell she has been through without losing her life that of her child's is more than enough reason for her to feel a sense of gratitude.
Eleanora(The elf) gives a silly smile to her baby son as both old Ning and her stays quiet for a while but then, another conversation is soon picked up.
"By the way Eleanora(The Elf), what name is the child going to bear?.", Old Ning asks as he looks at the baby cuddled up in the elf's arms.
Right from delivery to this moment, Old Ning have never seen such a 'unique' child before and the old man is not just talking about race. The young boy did not cry at birth and has not shed a single tear up to this moment.
Unlike his mother's long pointy ears, the kid had the moderate ears of a mundane human though with a barely noticeable pointy end.
Living in a world with diverse races, none of these features are reasons for the old man to be spooked though the most surprising thing about this child is that.. old Ning is completely sure that the kid's eyes were purple at birth!.
Looking at the child now, all Old Ning sees are a pair of beautiful yet cold orange irises that are staring back at him with menacing signs of intelligence that definitely shouldn't be there.
The old man is even beginning to suspect that perhaps, the kid is one of those devils but he would not dare show his suspicion to the already physically broken mother.
Still in thoughts, a soft voice breaks the silence.
"Do you want to have a grandson?.", The elf(Eleanora) asks Old Ning who is snapped out of his thoughts with his face stunned to surprise at the sudden question.
"Wh.. what?"., The old man asks as he stupors out of his thoughts while turning to look at the elf.. confused.
"I don't know the child's father nor do I have a father myself and I will not allow my son to grow without a sur-name. If you would agree, I would like to give the child yours.", Eleanora explains with a small smile on her pale and immature looking face.
Silence ensures for a moment as Old Ning scratches the back of his head for a while before suddenly letting out a small laugh of happiness.
Knowing that he's the last living person carrying his family's name had always been an emotional concern to him. The old man knows very well that when he dies, the last piece of his family goes to the grave with him.
Now out of nowhere, the old man has been gifted a chance to pass on his family legacy however pathetic it may be. Infact, this opportunity is not pathetic as he has earned it in a sense.
"My surname is Îgorus. I would have been the last of my family's line but it will be my honour and dying legacy to pass the surname to the child.", Old Ning says with a small smile that brings out all of his wrinkles.
"Then my child's sur-name will be Îgorus and his name.. Navïælét -Vęr- Firųs.", Eleanora says in a weird tongue accent while looking into her son's light orange eyes with motherly love and pride.
"What does his name mean?.", Old Ning asks with a small frown of confusion on his still happy face. Old Ning knows the elven, human and even a bit of the dwarfen tongues but never has he ever heard anything like this name before.
"The name is not of any specific tongue. After I learnt I would soon birth, I formed it myself. It is a name that can be spoken in all seven tongues but with different meanings depending on which tongue is used. Using the elven tongue it means,.. 'Born to be free.'". Eleanora explains slowly with a small smile as she looks at her baby's half-closed eyes that indicates sleepiness.
Eleanora flashes a pale smile at Old Ning who repeats the name in elven tongue only to nod in approval of the name.
"I truly wish I could accommodate you longer.", Old Ning says while feeling a bit regretfully of his situation.
"You've already done more than I should ask and even if you offer, we cannot stay past tomorrow. The monster I'm running from would have slept by now and as for the other monster, it's something I can handle." – Eleanora says with a small smile still hanging on her face.
Old Ning does not need to hear the entire gist of things in order to realise that Eleanora words is refering to a person and not some unholy beast like most would immediately imagine.
Stuck with the pathetic feeling of not being able to offer any help, old Ning swallows whatever questions he has before deciding to maintain the serene silence that the room currently holds.
***In Continent 'Eclipse of the Oceans' on planet Gieă..
The Continent, Eclipse of the Oceans is one that's known for many good things that prompts cultivators of all races alike to take pride in their kingdom. Its known for its cultivation strength, diversity, opportunity, military and naval strenght.
Multiple cultivation pathways and jobs are advantages of the Continent's cultivation economy and it's environmental advantages are an above average density of most forms of ether, elemental energies as well as rich zones and mythical grounds.
Ether is the main source of energy of the entire cultivation world and it can also be known by the religious fanatics as the very breath of the Gods.
To those who know better, they call Ether the 'energy of creation' because sufficient control over it can lead to creation of all things as well as destruction of all things.
If every cultivator can control the essence of creation in the form of ether then can they still be known as Cultivators?.. Can they still be called mortals?. No!.
No mortal nor cultivator should be allowed to wield the very energy that defines creation and destruction and so therefore, none of the seven great races- (Human, elves, dwarves, demons, giants, aqua and desolates) nor the blasphemy races can directly wield this energy(Ether).
Instead, they settled for wielding its alternate forms.
The most common alternate form of ether is mana. This is a common form of ether that can be wielded by both the Warrior and Sword's pathways.
The witches can also wield this energy though it is wielded better by a pathway of cultivators known as mages.
Mages, regardless of races are known for their outstanding control over mana both within themselves and in their surroundings.
One cannot become a Mage without meeting some very high standards in affinity towards mana and energies and so mages are rarities among cultivators.
Warriors are the most common types of cultivators. Using mana, they strengthen their bodies and sharpen their senses as they practice martial arts and synergy.
This pathway of cultivators make up the greatest percentage of the military and unless they master special arts or own special bloodlines, they are the weakest types of cultivators.
Another alternate form of Ether is found in a group of cultivators known as spiritual cultivators/wielders.
This pathway are amongst the most dangerous and rarest cultivators as they use a form of ether that other cultivators can barely even sense.
This alternate form of ether is called 'Qi' and it is used to nurture the soul and train in spiritual arts.
As for the pathways of Swordsmen, they nourish their body with mana through at higher ranks or mastery, Swordsmen perform their martial arts with another alternate form of ether called 'Aura'.
Aura is birthed within the body so although with similarities, each person's-(Usually Sword's man)- aura is a bit different from the rest. A high level aura can even be multiple times more destructive and lethal than Mana!.
Once Aura is born and sharpened to a specific direction by a swords-man, it can mend with their very souls and birth another alternate form of ether called 'intent'.
Intent comes in different manners with the most common being True swords, True killing, and True Predator's intent though there exists more special and unique intents. There are even intents so unique that they are wielded by only one person in the entire cultivation world of Gieã!.
Apart from the swords-men, other types of cultivators can also birth aura but the difficulty is raised by multiple times depending on compatibility.
Witches and Sorcerers are special types of mages that communicate with the spirit world and are mostly known to be evil and diabolical.
Oracles are mages of fate and divinities. They are known to be able to affect probabilities and see into the possible future and written past.
Shepherds are cultivators who tame and bound themselves to powerful beasts with hope for either a symbiosis or a 'Master-slave' relationship. Few cultivators imitate shepherds by forming intimate bounds with beasts but they are not true Shepherds.
Out of the worlds(Gieâ's) population, only about twenty-five percent holds the potential of wielding an alternate form of ether at birth.
The rest of the population branches out into martial arts in hopes of unlocking potential while others buy expensive portions from alchemists in order to gain talent.
The world Gieâ is a cruel place where justice only exists for the strong. The weak realises this fact and so they would crawl and fight tooth for nail in order to become strong!.