Chapter 14 - TURNING SEVEN..

***On planet Gieă..

***Continent 'Eclipse of the Ocean'..

***In the Inner Outskirts..

***In the Giesha guesthouse..


 Eleanora's special resting quarters in the guesthouse is not anything special but atleast it's cosy enough for a family of two. With an strong Eastern touch in its design, the quarters holds a double bed properly positioned on one corner, a wooden chair arranged neatly at another corner, a slightly sophisticated rug that carries a simple oval table as well as a handful of simple traditional white lanterns attached to its walls.

 These floral patterned lanterns give off a white radiance that perfectly illuminates the fifteen foot by fifteen foot apartment as well as the soft yellow tone of the smooth wooden walls.

 Currently, inside this comfy apartment the mood is more than a little jovial as Eleanora who is wearing a smile of happiness and love fumbles to put on a colourful cone party-hat on the head of her much calmer son.

 "You are truly growing fast, even your head seems a bit bigger.", Eleanora squeals a bit with an excited smile as she cups her son's cheeks with both her palms while looking lovingly into his orange eyes.

 The young boy seems to have already gotten used to his mother's uncontrollable bubbly energy at times like this and so he just blinks before nodding his head helplessly.

 Eleanora pats her own shoulders before turning to the small cake and drinks on top the oval table at their front.

Coughing a bit to clear her throat, she starts to sing..

 "Happy birthday to you¶.. Happy birthday to you¶.. Happy birthday to you my son§¶, Happy birthday to you¶.", Eleanora sings to her son while softly clapping her hands in front of her chest as she sways lightly from right to left.

 "Mom I'm seven now, you really don't need to sing the song to the end.", Navi says calmly with his voice deeper and more mature than should be possible with a seven year old.

 "Exactly why we should sing to the end this time. Time moves so fast, who knows.. you might suddenly become seventy in a blink of an eye.", Eleanora says with a crazy smile to her son who blinks twice in confusion before gently shaking his head at his mother's novelty.

 "Can I make my wish now?.", Navi lightly grumbles while rolling his eyes a bit with maturity and calmness still in his voice and actions.

 "S-sure.", Eleanora says while stammering in excitement as Navi moves his face forward before giving a small puff that puts out the weak flame of the candle atop his cake.

 For some reason, Eleanora excitedly squeals a bit more while clapping rapidly with just her fingers. Unsurprised, Navi closes his eyes before making a customary silent wish.

A few seconds passes and..

 "What did you wish for?.", Eleanora asks as soon as Navi opens his eyes.

 "Big Mom says to show people your wish and not tell them. Wishes told are more liable to not come true.", Navi says calmly while his mom pouts in return before messing up his silky ink-black hair.

 Reaching to her side, Eleanora takes up a small present box tied firmly with ribbon bow. Smiling gently, she passes the present on to her son.

 Navi collects the present with a small smile before pulling the ends of the ribbon to unveil his present.

 Opening the small box, he finds a simple sliver coloured necklace with a small teardrop shaped scarlet gem pendant at it's end.

 The sliver necklace although slim is patterned in a simple yet elegant pattern with its metal being interwoven as well as glazing over one another.

 The teardrop shaped gem pendant at the end of the necklace is a work of art. Although small, the pendant is held firmly in position by thin feathery strips of silver that adds a lot more uniqueness to the entire necklace.

 With his eyes focused on the teardrop pendant, a natural smile slowly forms on Navi's face as he reaches out to it.

 Turning to face his mom, Navi gives a calm but genuine smile that squints his eyes slightly.

 "Thanks Mom.", Navi says to his mother who gets a bit emotional seeing his reaction as she purrs a bit in satisfaction.

 Navi takes up the necklace and tries putting it around his neck but he fails. Turning his back towards his mom, no words are said as she gently helps him fit the pendant onto his neck.

 With his still developing seven-year-old frame, The pendant fell squarely between his chest.

 While fiddling with his new pendant, a series of knocks resounds from the room's door.


 Hearing the knocks, Eleanora's brows furrows as she looks towards the door in annoyance but considering the nature of her job, she has no other choice and she also knows better than to ignore a knock like this.

 "Come in.", Eleanora says calmly with the door immediately being pulled open. A beautiful woman with red braids and light amber eyes finds her way into the room even before the Eleanora's answer completely drops.

 "Eleanora.. Lord Beleth is here and he wants to see you now!.", The red haired woman says quickly with her lips pursing tightly at the end of her statement to display the urgency of the situation.

 "..Can I get thirty minutes?. You know I only use my breaks when it matters.", Eleanora says while pointing to the cake on the table with a side glance.

Even though she already knows the answers she is going to get, she still feels like she has to try.

 "Considering the situation I left behind, you would rather be there five minutes ago.", Red haired Imani says with slight exergeration as Eleanora quickly gets to her feet.

 "I'll be back soon.", Eleanora says only to pause in-between her words as she especially hates making promises she can't be sure of keeping.. especially to her son.

 "Mommy would be back later dear. Help yourself to some cake and juice before I return, okay?.", Eleanora says with pursed lips as Navi maturely nods back in acknowledgement and understanding.

 Eleanora bends over and gives her son a quick peck on the forehead before dashing out of the room alongside her red-haired Giesha colleague.

 Navi has always acted than a bit too mature for a seven year old kid. He has never been big on expressing much about how he feels and a smiling face has not exactly been his passive facade.

 Although Navi literally lives at the location of his mother's workplace, he does not know the exact nature of his mother's work. The only two places he has been allowed to visit freely since he can remember is this boringly familiar apartment as well as that of the Head Geisha's whom he've later started to address as a Big Mom.

 Life everyday for Navi is a daily dose of repetitions with the only thing that's out of the loop being birthdays or when his big mom gets him a new pack of books. Navi have not met any other kids and he knows its probably his mom's 'parent-bias' but Eleanora has always boasted of him being a 'one in a universe genius'.

 She says that he had started walking on the sixth month and that he has never cried once even when he was born. Navi had also learnt to read and write fluently in both English(Plain Human tongue), dwarfen and elven tongues all by himself. At the age of five and ever since he filled up his first cabinets of vocabularies, Navi has just started absorbing books like crazy.

 According to what Navi has heard, to most kids books are effective sleep inducers but to him they do the opposite. Books are the only reason why he does not spend all day glued to his bed due to sleepiness.

 To him, books are his widest windows to the real world. They take him outside the enclosed space he's so used to and to a new one. In a place like a guesthouse, it would not t be unusual to guess that books would be a rarity here though somehow,.. Navi has stumbled into the holy grail of books.

 The head Geisha's quarters.

 The head Giesha place has almost a thousand of books of different genres and although thus number seems a lot, Navi does not think it is.

Hundreds of books is the most collection of books you would find at a single place in most areas of the Outskirts though Navi obviously does not know this neither does he have to.

 Navi cannot get enough of books and because of this, he has probably read most books in the Head Geisha's collection enough times to recite some of their paragraphs word for word.

Not a lot of books gets produced in even the Upper class of the Outskirts as people are more interested in cultivating than knowledge though once in a while, new books pops out about tips for survival, education for kids, languages and even more complex studies.

Luckily for Navi, his Big Mom never hesitates to spare him a copy of these occasional book releases.

