Chereads / All is Love / Chapter 8 - A change for a few seconds

Chapter 8 - A change for a few seconds

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Given for out of the car and followed Sam who led him inside. Well, Sam finally understood that the only way to not argue with his assistant was just to agree to what he says. So he decided to challenge himself on doing that. They then went inside and when they finally arrived Sam told Given that he had to take a bath and as for him, he had to fix something for himself to eat if he was hungry because his maid didn't work in the late hours. She only had to cook if she had to, and this time Sam didn't tell her to cook anything.

Sam then went to take a bath while Given went to chill at the living room. Well, he knew way better than to play around in someone's kitchen, especially his bosses kitchen . If anything happened, his job would still be on the line so he didn't want any problems. As he was watching TV he heard His boss coming back and he took out his phone and pretended to be busy , his boss went to him and told him that he was free to take a bath.

At that moment

Sam- Did you eat year?

Given- Sir, I don't know how to cook,

Sam- Wait, what?

Given - Yes, so I didn't want to mess your kitchen up, I'll go take a shower now

Sam- okay, I'll see what I can go about the food, you have to eat so that you can work, get going I'll make a plan.

Said Sam and Given went to the guests room and found pyjamas already on the bed, it seemed like they were for him so off to the showered he went, after taking the shower he wore the pyjamas he found on the bed,they were also one of Sam's designs and they looked very fancy. Well, Given then went back to find his boss because he had to borrow his device so that he could work before going to bed. He heard him in the kitchen so he went on to find him and there Sam was busy cooking. Nothing fancy, he was just making pasta and a bit of chicken, it was late for him to be cooking anything else trust me.

Given went to him and asked if he could use one of his devices so that he could sort out sort out the files he was supposed to be done with at work and since Sam was busy, he told him that his device was in his room meaning that Given had to work in his room but Given made sure to let Sam know that he wasn't comfortable in going to Sam's room. Well, again , it wasn't a good idea to be sending someone to your room especially if you didn't know that person very well, so Given had a reason to comment.

If he went there and something got misplaced, it would clearly mean that he stole it and he didn't want to be accused of such things but Sam told him that there was no way in which his assistant would do something in his room. He emphasized that as his assistant, Given had to be familiar with each surrounding that belonged to him so that he could be coming doing his job. And after that he told Given that his room was the one opposite to his, so Givent left the spot at Sam continued cooking.

Given's POV

After being brought to this place against my will, I was now forced to work in his room. What's wrong with this man, doesn't he know how weird it is to be in someone's room unmonitored, but who cares anyway. I left him cooking in the kitchen and I went to find his room. The door was half closed, the moment I opened my jaw dropped. The room looked like it belonged to a certain king whom wasn't from this world. Everything was white, with a touch of gold it looked like something you could eat, well I was hi Gary anyway. I even took off my shoes at the door because I didn't want to stain his majestic carpets, they were so soft. Oh my God, if I slept in such a too , I wouldn't get out. I would remain there and never go outside.

I tiptoed to his study table and there I found his device, thankfully it wasn't locked do I just inserted my USB and loaded the files and then I got to work. Well, as I was halfway done my boss walked in and told me that food was ready. So, there was only one thing I didn't get about my boss today, he was acting weird and it freaked me out. He was being nice out of the blue, did he want something. Ever since our argument in the car he stopped being moody, I wonder if this had something to do with my job, trust me I wouldn't want to loose it, I was concerned. I then paused what I was doing and followed him back to dining room which was very weird thank you very much. That's supposed to be funny, moving on.

We arrived at the table and there I found the food already ready, it was even calling me so I rushed to sit down and as I was about to eat I remembered that I wasn't in my place and I couldn't eat before my boss or else I would loose my job. So I calmed down as I waited for him to eat, which he didn't do as early as I thought he would so I ended up asking him if I may eat, politely so. And he said it was fine I could eat so I began racing through my own food. I was very hungry do no judging, as I was done I went to wash my plate in the kitchen, and as for my boss, he was still eating. He was actually taking his time so I couldn't wait. I had work to do .

I went back to his room and there I continued sorting out the files, they were the monthly sales that had to be done, so after I was done I went to the kitchen to get water and then I saw Sam still at the dining table, I saw nothing wrong at first but then I saw his face in his food. His face was in his plate for goodness sake and with that I knew that something was very wrong. I ran towards him and lifted his head up and I noticed that he had troubles breathing. Maybe he was having somekind of packing attack or something but I knew nothing about those so I called out his guards and they came in running. I was still supporting my bosses head so when they arrived I told them that I found his head laying in his food, one of the guards ran to start the car outside while the other ones carried him to his car, at that moment his maid came. Well we were making a little bit of notice so I understood.

She approached me as I picked napkins on the table to wipe his face and introduced herself, I then told her that I was Sam's personal assistant and I had to work till late but he suddenly got suck and I didn't know what was wrong with him. She told not to worry and asked me to accompany the guards to the hospital so that Sam won't be lonely when he wine up. She then told me that she would come the following day so off to the car I went. One of the guards told me to stay with Sam so I went to sit near him and began wiping his face. None of the guards were moved about the situation. It's like they already knew what was going on. Maybe it wasn't his first time getting sick.

Well, this drive to the hospital was longer than I expected, turns out he was being taken to a private hospital nit the public one. I think it's because he didn't want anyone to know his business. After two whole hours of driving we finally arrived, a seriously ill patient might eventually die from this. The moment we arrived my boss was rushed to an emergency room and the guards told me that I was supposed to be closer to his so that when he wakes up he would find out that he was alone. Wait what, I wasn't his family, I was just his assistant who didn't get along with so how would I prevent him from feeling lonely . I then went to sit neat the room he was kept in, and I decided to check out the place. It wasn't that bad. But it did show that it was expensive, one of the doctors then walked towards me and told me that Sam's guards asked her to talk to me.

Why would they say that, she greeted me, politely so. I've never heard that ever since I left home. She even introduced herself and then told me that Sam was in great hands and by tomorrow he would be able to go home because he just had a bit of panic attack and passed out. She was being very polite while saying that as though she didn't want to hurt my feelings by the news, and then she told me that it was a result of too much stress I needed to make sure that he was always calm and didn't stress himself. She even emphasized that last part. Why were these people acting like I was his wife or something. She then asked me if I wanted anything and I told her that I didn't have money and she said everything was free, so I told her that water would be fine so she left and after a few momentss she came back with a bottle of water and told me that everything would be fine, so now I was just playing along like a dressed little boyfriend who was afraid of loosing his man.

My act was very impressive because everyone that approached me kept feeling sorry for me. A few moments later that same doctor came out of the room my boss was in and asked me to come in. When I walked in I found my boss already awake. The moment I walked in she told me that I was free to spend the night in he room with my Mr Sam and then she along with all the nurses that were overcrowding the place as if someone was giving birth got out of the room. They were being very weird.

At that moment

Sam- I hear someone was shedding tears out there,(in a mocking tone)

Given - Who?

Sam- The young man that was sitting near the door,

Given -He must've been shocked because it was his first time seeing a person's head in their food,

Sam- I didn't know he cared about his boss to such an extent,

Given- He understood that if anything happened to his boss, he wouldn't get paid by month end,

Sam- Very funny,

Given- I believe you should rest now biss, I don't want to tire you, I'll just sit on the couch and look after you till morning,

Sam- I would appreciate that ,

Given- No need, I'm doing it for the pay, nothing more .

Said I as I went to sit on the couch. Thankfully the room was warms so I wasn't going to get cold. I then watched my boss so that if anything went wrong I would be able to call the doctor to help him. I did notice that he struggling to sleep but there was nothing I could do about it. His breathing rate then began to deteriorate, I couldn't help it anymore, even though he used to be rude to me I wasn't such a bad person . I could t let him struggle, if there was anything I would do to help I would do it, he was not just my boss, he was someone's son and he deserved to live just like anybody so I ran to his bed shook him and thankfully he opened his eyes but he still struggled to breath. I asked if he was okay and hedidnt respond and that made me very said, his eyes were wide open but he was no longer able to spoke, what was wrong with him that was stressing this much. This made me very said, the moment I ran to find the doctor I was already in tears, it's as if I felt the pain he was going through.