A large amount of force was generated from Luffy's fist, as it hit the building, it completely ripped apart the building and the wind generated by it created a large tornado which reached the skies taking the debris and remaining of the building with it, clearing the skies. As the tornado died down, the spectators can clearly see, where once a large building was standing in the middle of the Arlong park which always reminded them of their misfortune and struggling days….is now gone completely and only a giant crater was left behind.

Everyone was dumfounded by the show of power now, how can someone just punch so hard that it creates a fucking tornado, while everyone was thinking about this when suddenly they heard dozens of footsteps coming towards them. Everyone looked towards it and saw, it is Sanji with the now freed women's, girls and kids along with Nojiko. Seeing them, the families of the victims ran towards them and hugged them and crying the tears of happiness.

"NOJIKO!!!" suddenly Nami ran towards her sister and hugged her tightly and started to cry in her arms and kept saying sorry that it was her fault and Nojiko was dragged into it to. Nojiko didn't say anything, just hugged her sister back and comforted her. Genzo walks towards the sisters and embrace them both in a fatherly hug and both the sisters finally felt that they are safe.

While the reunion of the families was going on, Sanji walks towards Luffy and Zoro, who were staring at the giant crater with fascination, he stood beside them and also stared at the giant crater. "Aaaa….so what are we doing actually…!!??" "Nothing…. absolutely nothing!!!" both Zoro and Luffy responded simultaneously. Sanji just chalked it as the two idiot's antics.

Suddenly they heard a groan coming from the broken wall where Luffy punched Arlong, "Oh, I forgot that he is also here…!!!" Luffy exclaimed and both Sanji and Zoro nodded in response at their captain's taunt towards Arlong. Arlong got up from his lying position, his body was in a bad shape and it hurts a lot, he looked around in confusion at why he was lying in the rubble…. then he remembered what happened. He frantically looked around the Arlong park and only thing he saw was a giant crater, he couldn't find other fishermen. He then looked at Luffy, Zoro and Sanji and then looked at the freed villagers and it all clicked, after he was punched, he was unconscious and, in that time, the StrawHats has defeated his crew and freed the villagers and somehow destroyed his building and left a massive crater in that place.

He immediately stood up and was now fuming with anger, "YOU…. YOU'D DESTROYED MY LIFE LONG HARD WORK…. YOU'D TAKEN EVERYTHING FROM…..." before he could continue more, a gunshot rang and suddenly Arlong falls to the ground dead with a bullet hole on his forehead. Except Luffy, everyone looked at the direction of the gunshot and they were all surprised to see it was Nami who is holding up the smoking pistol, "That's for my mother...!!!!" then she dropped the pistol and shakily drops to her knees and covered her mouth and started to cry. Genzo immediately kicked the pistol away from her and hugged her immediately with Nojiko following him to comfort her sister. The villagers seeing Arlong finally dead, didn't celebrate but circled around Nami and patted her shoulder telling her that, IT IS FINALLY OVER.

Sanji was shocked seeing what Nami had done, but he remembered that it was this sick bastard Arlong who took away her mother and forced her to draw maps for him. He understood everything because if it was him in her position, he would do the same. While Sanji was in his own thought, Zoro looked at Luffy who is staring at Nami with straight face, "It was you…." "What!!??" "It was you who gave her the pistol!!!!" "I don't know what you are talking!??" Zoro sighed at his captain's clear dismissal and left it at that.

"Well well well, look what we got here…." suddenly everyone heard this annoying voice of none other than mouse face Nezumi, who was looking at them with a smug face as there were few dozen Marine soldiers were standing beside him aiming their guns at the Strawhats. "I had told that bastard to not underestimate you guys, but he was too arrogant and look what happened to him!!!!" he then laughed while the villagers and the StrawHats just looked at him with deadpanned expression.

Then he stopped laughing and looked at Luffy and Zoro and grinned, "Looks like I'm getting a promotion…. CHICHICHICHI!!!!" but when he saw the unimpressed looks, he is getting from his targets he got annoyed, "What??? Why are you looking me like that!!??" but it was Sanji who replied, "You know rat-face…. while you are telling us how Arlong was stupid…. you had unintentionally described your own situation right now!!!" Nezumi was confused when suddenly an invisible force washed over him and his soldiers knocking them all out. "Well, that was convenient!!!!" Luffy commented.


There was a huge party going on in Cocoyashi village as the villagers were celebrating their freedom from Arlong. They had also invited the StrawHats in their celebration, Zoro was sitting at the corner enjoying his booze while watching Sanji swooning over the females while also cooking a massive banquet. Johnny and Yosaku were telling the story about how Zoro fought against the World's Greatest Swordsmen and the kids with few of the adults were also listening to their tales with amazement.

While all this was going on, Nami can be seen walking towards the doctor's clinic, the old doctor seeing her smiled, "Ah Nami, what are you doing here!?? You should be enjoying the party right now!!" Nami shook her head and sat on the chair and gave him a slip of paper with something drawn on it, "I want you to please erase this bad memory from my arm and make a new one!!!" doctor seeing what was drawn on the paper just smiled and nodded at her.

Meanwhile Luffy is right now walking towards the location where Genzo has asked him to meet. He arrived at the location and saw Genzo sitting infront of a gravestone, he slowly walked towards him and sat beside him. Both of them didn't say anything for few minutes until Genzo spoke up, "She would be very proud seeing her daughter become so strong!!!" Luffy just kept looking at the name, 'Belle-mere'. "Nami still learning many things in her life and her passion for making maps and trust on you is the only reason she is willing to become a pirate!!!!.... Boy, I want you to promise me one thing infront her mother…." Genzo looked at Luffy straight in the eyes with seriousness, "Don't let anything happen to her and always make her happy…. or else I don't care how big shot you are or how big you become in the future, I will hunt you down…and that's a promise of a parent!!!!"

Luffy looked at him, "I promise on my life that I will take care of her and always be there for her…. that's a promise of a life time!!!!" Genzo nodded at that and looked back at Belle-mere's grave. Luffy seeing there is still some tension in the air tries to make a joke to lighten a mood, "You know…. the way you just threaten me reminds me of a overprotecting father when he is giving his daughter's hand to her future husband!!!!" he laughed but stopped we didn't heard Genzo laughing because he was giving him a death stare, "Awkward…." Luffy muttered under his breath.

Two days later, the StrawHats were about to leave and the villagers were at the docks wishing their farewells to them. "You guys really don't want to come…." Luffy asked to Johnny and Yosaku, "No big bro, I think we should stay here and protect this island!!!!" Johnny said to which Yosaku nodded, "And we are also not cut for Grandline materials, so…." Luffy expected their reason but then he gave them a log book which he himself wrote when he was in Chamber. "Here, take this!! This is one of my log books about 'Haki 101: How to train in Haki basics'!!! do try to master it though!!!" Johnny took the book and nodded at Luffy, appreciating his gesture.

Then Luffy walked towards Genzo and gave him a neatly wrapped cloth, Genzo was confused but none the less took it and when he unfurled it fully, not only he but the villagers and the present two StrawHats was also surprised by this. It was the flag of Strawhat pirates, "Make sure to place the flag at a very high ground so that, if anyone wants to invade your home or someone with bad intentions come to this island…. they should know that this island is now under StrawHat pirates territory!!!" Genzo just kept staring at the flag then he looked at Luffy with some trepidation, "But, is this really necessary?? I mean, I understood your meaning but…." Then Nojiko interrupted him, "It's ok Genzo-san, I think it is the safer option that asking Marines for help and you know how that ended!!!" Genzo totally understood what Nojiko is saying, then after few minutes of more thinking he agreed, "I accept your offer, but what is price we should pay…. I mean the economy of our island is not so good!!!" Luffy just laughed at that, "You don't need to pay anything!!! As I said before, I am not doing this for money or anything…. it's just in pirate way, one with more territory, power and influence is known as the strongest among others!!! So, by taking Conomi island under me will start my real ascend in power and influence and you guys got protection from me…. see win-win situation!!!"

Genzo understood what Luffy was saying, with just putting the flag of Strawhats on this island will let the other pirates or government officers in the East-Blue know that to not mess with them, and after entering the Grandline, the StrawHats will keep growing and becoming stronger which led the peoples of the island which will be under this flag safe and away from harm's way knowing that the one they are under is strong and is capable of helping them in need.

Then Luffy jumped back on Going Merry and started to wait for Nami. He is sure that Nami will again pull off that stunt before parting ways with her peoples and as he thought about this, he sensed Nami running towards them, "SET SAIL!!!!" Luffy smirked and looked at Sanji and Zoro who were little bit confused, "What are guys staring at…. didn't you hear what our navigator said!!! Set Sail!!!" and with that the trio started to unfurled the sails and pulled up the anchor. While they were busy doing this, Nami started to run in between the crowd, smoothly passing them without any collision, the villagers were all confused as to why Nami is doing this. They tried to ask her what's going on but to their shock, Nami suddenly ran towards the dock and jumped towards Going Merry which has moved a little distance away from the land.

She landed gracefully on the ship, then slowly she lifted her t-shirt until it was only covering her chest and now showing her smooth and curvy belly. Sanji seeing this immediately fainted while Zoro's lone eye twitched in annoyance, then to the villager's surprise, wallets and purses started to fall from under her t-shirt. Seeing this the villager's started to pat their pockets and check their belongings and after seeing it all gone, they started to yell at Nami for stealing, but none of their words was harsh or for insult. Nami then looked at them and waved at them and the villagers give their final farewell to the StrawHat pirates.

Soon the ship disappeared in the horizon, the Strawhats were now doing their own thing, Zoro was sleeping, Sanji who was now awake is cooking, Nami was taking care of her new tangerine tree which she got as a gift from her sister, while Luffy was sitting on Merry's head. Suddenly then Nami remembered something and she started to hop towards Luffy in childlike manner, "Oh Captain~~" Luffy hummed and looked at her, "What it is, Nami!!?" "You promised that after dealing with Arlong you'll give me our pirate logo's tattoo too!!!!" Luffy then remembered saying that, he smiled at her and immediately ran towards his Captain's quarter and a minute later he came back with his tattoo maker camera, "So, where do you want it!??" Nami folded her right sides sleeve and showed her right shoulder, "I want it here!!" Luffy nodded and did the same thing what he did with Zoro's back and in a second there is a now symbol of Strawhat pirates on her forearm.

Nami seeing this immediately hugged Luffy in happiness and the ran off to show it to her two other crewmates. Luffy smiles seeing her acting like a child, he had promised himself that he will change as many lives as possible and save them. He is now a better person, a person with original Luffy's will and charisma and the motivation, intellect and ambition of his past life.