It's been one and a half month since Strawhats had dealt with Arlong pirates and are right now they were sailing towards the last island before entering the Grandline. In these long time through their sailing, they had found many different things even in East-Blue and but one of the things Luffy truly wanted to see was that old dragon from filler arc. He really wanted to see him atleast once, but sadly it looks like that thing doesn't exist in this reality. Well too bad, but right now all the Strawhats were gathered on the main deck and waiting for Ussop to exit the Chamber.

All of them are waiting in anticipation, while Sanji is more anticipated to see Ussop. He had heard from Nami that Ussop is a certified liar, a little bit wimp but none the less a person with a good heart. While Luffy told him that Ussop is a greatest story teller in the world and somehow his stories came to life, Sanji was flabbergasted at hearing that but Zoro told him to ignore whatever that shitty rubber captain is saying.

All of a sudden, a bright light shined on the deck and when it died down, they all saw a 6-foot-tall person with well-defined body but his iconic long nose was easily recognizable. He is none other than the Great Captain Ussop. He looked at them with a huge grin on his face, "Hey guys, long tome no see!!!" "USSOP!!!" both Nami and Luffy shouted his name and ran towards him, while Zoro walks with his leisure pace with a grin of his own and Sanji followed behind him.

Seeing Nami and Luffy's enthusiasms, Ussop's grin widen, "Yo…. Luffy, Nami, Zoro!!! And it looks like you guys got a new member… I really want to hear everything what happen!!!" Luffy and Nami hugged him and started laugh with Ussop at his return while Zoro nodded at him. After their banter and everything settled down, they all settled in the dining room while Sanji is preparing a nice meal for them. They told Ussop everything and while he was listening, his eyes widen at hearing Zoro fighting Mihawk and then he started to panic hearing both Luffy and Zoro got their bounties and that is very high at that.

Seeing the look of horror on his face, Luffy just laughed and gave Ussop a one hand hug, "It's really refreshing to see you still have your old self in you…. never change Ussop!!!" hearing Luffy's words, Ussop blushed and rubbed his neck, "Y…yeah I tried very hard to completely leave that side behind but it looks like that didn't happen!!!"

Zoro after taking a big sip of his morning booze, looked at Ussop, "One should never forget about their origins, my master once told me this!!! At that time, I didn't quit understand what he means… but after training in that chamber and becoming stronger than before, I understood now what he truly means by those words." Everyone was listening at Zoro's every word, while Luffy nodded at that, "Even though the world will think that we are just this strong, but only we know that the amount of time we spent on the hardship to reach this level. And at the end, if we become arrogant thinking that we are strong now and we can do anything we want, then that will only lead us to our downfall. That is why, 'One should never forget their origin'!!!"

Everyone was quiet and thinking carefully about both Luffy and Zoro's words, moment like this they realize why Luffy and Zoro are their Captain and Vice-Captain respectively. Even though there are few occasions where both of them acts as idiots or simply dimwits, but none of the other Strawhat's can deny that time like this when moment calls, both of them can become serious or intellectual in giving their own advice.

Few hours later at afternoon, the Strawhats were all gathered around at the main deck under the shade of one of the Tangerine trees, "So…. who wants to go first, Nami or Sanji!!??" Luffy asked in happy tone, looking at the respective crewmembers. Sanji hurriedly interjected, "I think Nami-swan should go first!!!" Sanji, the ever so gentlemen said. Although he too wants to become stronger and narrow the gap between Luffy and Zoro. But as always, ladies first before him.

However, Nami shook her head, "No, you should go first!!! Afterall, we still needed someone to navigate through to enter the Grandline and I am not letting these idiots to disturb our course!!!" she said while giving both Luffy and Zoro a dirty look and both of them shivered at that. Then she looked at Sanji, "I think it is okay for you to go first, because of the bounty on their heads maybe the Marine higher-ups will send someone stronger after them, and we need more stronger members!!!"

"I think she is right Sanji!!!" it was Ussop who said that, "Even though I become stronger than before, but still I am a long rang attacker. But with you, Luffy and Zoro's skills, you trio is a best mid and close rang attacker!!!" Sanji understood what Ussop is implying, so he nodded with resolute expression. Even though the enemy seems weak now but they are about to enter the Grandline where only strong people survive, where not only Marines but also other pirates will try to hunt them down and even though both Luffy and Zoro are extremely strong, but they are just two people.

Luffy nodded at both Nami and Ussop's decision, "They are right Sanji!!! You should go first!!!" then Zoro spoke up, "It doesn't matter, Swirly-brows will still be number three!!!" he said with a grin. Sanji's eyes twitch in annoyance, "Oh, the first person I'll beat after the training will be you, and after that I'll take your position!!!" "You're welcome to try!!" Luffy sighed seeing their antics, "Now now boys, don't fight!!!" both Zoro and Sanji looked at Luffy and yelled at him, "SHUT UP, NUMBER ONE!!!" Luffy just shrugged.

Then Sanji was ready to go in, but then his eyes shine with mischief, "Luffy, you said we can get the teacher of our own choice, right!??" Luffy sensing where Sanji is going with the conversation nodded, "You wants a female teacher…. right!!??" hearing this, Nami got a giant tick mark on her forehead. But Sanji smiled at that, "Yes~~~!!!" Zoro tched at Sanji's jolly tone. Luffy shook his head at seeing Sanji noodling around in happiness, maybe he should do something about Sanji's not hurting women behaviour or it could be really dangerous.

But talking about Sanji, he is very proficient in kicking and there are not any pirates whose only attack pattern is kicking. Although there was Zeff in his prime, but his strength was only below Vice-Admiral level and he only knew basics of Haki. Then something came to his mind or more like someone, his Grandpa Vice-Admiral, the Marine Hero Garp the Fist. Even though he is known as Garp the fist but his foot strength is not to scoff at, with the technique like Rokushiki there is no doubt that he is perfect for Sanji. But before that, Sanji needs to prepare is legs for that and there is one person come to mind who can help him.

Suddenly Sanji who was dreaming of seeing a sexy and hot lady as the teacher, felt a sudden shivers down his spine for no reason but he chalks it to a sudden wind blow past him. Zoro meanwhile got a sudden urge to laugh evilly. Sanji then looks at Luffy with excitement, "Oi shitty captain, let me in…. let me in the Chamber!!!! Now!!!!!" Luffy patted his shoulder, "Ok ok…. now then!!! I choose Ivankov-chan as your first teacher and then Marine Hero Garp as your second teacher!!!"

"I…van…kov~~~chan~~~~!!! Oh....What a sweet name!!!!" Sanji started to day-dreaming about learning under a beauty not caring about the second teacher but Zoro noticed it and looked at Luffy, "U sure 'bout that!!!" Luffy just waved his hand in dismissal, "Yea…. he'll be fine." Then he whispered to himself, "Yes, absolutely fine!!!" Sanji then started to shake Luffy, "Oi oi…. send me in, immediately!!!!" while been shaken by Sanji, Luffy ordered his system to initialize Sanji's teleport and soon he was teleported into the Teaching Chamber. As Sanji vanished, there was a playful glint in Luffy's eyes which only Zoro caught on, "I don't know what you did…. but my senses where telling me it is good!!!" "Oh, you'll know when he comes back!!!"

When Sanji entered the Chamber, he saw only white everywhere expect a small living quarter at his side. He then saw a silhouette running towards him from a far distance and because his first teacher is Ivankov, he too started to run towards her his hands wide open for hug and hearts in his eyes, "Ivankov~~~channnnnn~~~!!" as they are getting closer, he finally saw the true figure of the person running towards him, "I…van…. ko…ko…ko...…whaaaaaattttttt!!!" Sanji's imagination was shattered by what true horror he saw infront of him. The figure infront of him is of a tall person, with a huge face, with unusually large dark purple hair, long and thick eyelashes, light blue eye shadow and purple lip gloss. The clothes are also very weird, mid stockings and cape, tight ultra-low hung jumpsuit revealing a large skull tattoo on the abdominal muscles. Neither male or female, but something more.

Seeing such a figure, Sanji took a sudden U-turn and started to run away from the horror while crying tears of blood. He can't even fathom of spending a single second with such a monstrosity much less a year, as he was running as if his life depends on it…. he couldn't help but curse his captain, "DAMN YOU LUFFYYYYYYYYY!!!!!"

Ten days later in the real world, Luffy and the others has finally reached the Louge Town, the town of 'Beginning and the End'. As they were about to enter the town, Nami stops them, "Guys, don't make any mess here!!! We just need some supply or any other necessary items anyone wants and after that we'll leave this place!!!" Ussop nodded at that, "I'm going to buy some hardware stuffs for my research!!!" all of them looked at him with raised eyebrow, Ussop was confused at their stares, "What!!??" they all blinked, "Nothing!!!" Nami then shook her head, "Okay, since Sanji is not here then I'm going to buy some food ingredients and some clothes for our journey!!!" "Oi Nami, please don't loot the whole store!!!" Luffy said as Nami looked sharply at him, "Did you say something!!??" she asked in very sweet voice with sent shivered down all three boys' spine, "!!!"

Then they split up for their own need, as Zoro was going to wander off, Luffy caught his hand and started to drag him with himself, "Oi…. what the hell are you doing!!?" "I ain't letting you go by yourself or you'll be lost and somehow reach the One Piece by yourself!!!" Luffy said as he dragged Zoro with him, "What!!??" Zoro asked in annoyance, "We are going to see the Execution Platform where Gold Roger was executed!!!" Zoro just sighed at his Captain's antics and let himself be dragged by Luffy. 


A Marine soldier is seen walking towards the Marine Captain's office, as he knocked at the door and got permission to enter in. There on the main desk, a White-haired young man was sitting doing his paperwork while puffing on his dual cigar. This person is none other than the 'White-case' Captain Smoker. He looked at the soldier, "Report". Hearing his superior's command, the soldier started to tell his report, "We got urgent news from the Headquarter directly saying that the new pirate Monkey D Luffy and his crew is going to be here at Louge town at any moment. The Captain Strawhat Luffy and the Vice-Captain Pirate hunter Zoro has the bounty of 400 million berries and 300 million berries, respectively. Orders have come to not engage with StarwHats at any coast or do so at your own risk!!!"

Smoker hearing this put his pen down and started to think, 'Hmm, 400 and 300 million berries…. just what did the Strawhat do to get such an absurd amount of bounty or did the old higher-ups gone senile!!!'. Then the soldier spoke again, "Permission to speak sir!!!" Smoker nodded. "What should we do now?? As the Headquarter had said to 'engage the Strawhats at our own risk!!??'" Smoker stood up from his chair and looked out the window, "You will not do anything but I will!!!" the soldier was shocked, "B…but sir!??"

Smoker started to leave the office, "I don't care if they have high bounty or they are stronger than me…. I took an ought that I will protect this town from any harm and capture any and all pirates took step on this town!!! Even if I have to die doing it!!!" and with that he left the office leaving behind a shell-shocked soldier.