"Don't sweat it man." Kaminari gave a smirk and a shrug. "We got this!"
"If I may," Momo spoked up once more, once again with her hand on her collarbone and a look of ingenuity in her eyes, "I have a plan."
"Told ya." Kaminari shoulder nudged Aoyama. "We're paired up with the smartest and strongest students in the class. We'll be fine."
Aoyama flinched a little but nodded his head. "Monsieur Kaminari, you truly do have a way with words."
Todoroki grunted as he took a deep breath. He braced himself for how cold he would have to go. How much ice he had to produce again. 'With all of these combatants, I will be forced to use my attacks repeatedly. Only a few of them can overcome my ice.'
Midoriya fretted as he wandered around the crowd. 'I need teammates, but who would team up with me? This doesn't look good.'
"Oh!" Izuku jumped a little as he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to look at them and smiled.
"Come on Izuku." Uraraka smiled softly as she rubbed the back of her hair. A light blush pinked her cheeks. "You knew we were going to be on the same team."
"You must be quite stressed if you are forgetting your friends." Iida stated as he marched over with stiff ninety degree elbows. "Of course, we will be by your side!"
"I–Iida, Uraraka!" Izuku's eyes began to get wet as he stared at them. He brought his fists up to try to dry them, but it was already too late as he began to cry.
'I'm too used to people throwing me away.' Izuku cried to himself. 'But here, they don't look down on me anymore. In the past, 'friends' would have bailed me for better teammates. Picked last for everything.'
Uraraka puffed up her cheeks as she fought back against Izuku's mood. "Don't cry Izuku! You'll make me cry too!"
"Midoriya. We're your friends, of course we would be here for you, but these tears of gratitude can be saved for after the festival! We'll accept them later!" Iida chopped at Izuku as he actively over exaggerated his movements.
Izuku's crying died down as he began to chuckle. He wiped the tears from his eyes. "Hehe, ok, you got me Iida."
"Thank you!" Iida gave a full bow as though he were an actor on a stage.
"So dramatic !" Uraraka said while trying to hold back a laugh of her own.
"Kerro." Tsuyu walked over in her usual hunched pose. She looked at the three of them as she asked, "Any room for a fourth?"
"Tsu!" Uraraka cheered as she went to give her friend a hug.
Tsuyu wrapped an arm up and over Uraraka as the girl collided into her. "Kerro. It's great to see you again."
"This is fantastic!" Midoriya cheered as he began to rant. He brought his hands up and began to count ideas outloud. "With Uraraka's Quirk, she can make our entire team weightless. Between Asui and Iida, we can then become the most mobile team on the field. I'll then use my Quirk to defend the headbands."
"I told you to call me Tsu." Tsuyu poked Midoriya to break his rambling.
"R-right! Sorry Tsu." Izuku blushed as he stood up straight and bowed his head in apology.
Midnight took to her stage once again. She smirked as she saw the groups all gathered together. She stretched her back, hooking her left arm up around her outstretched right, arching her back till it popped. "Ah." She sighed.
Midnight turned on her mic and began her announcements. "I hope everyone here has put together teams! The game will begin once all teams are in their starting positions!"
Around the arena, robot workers drew white circles in the dirt, creating eleven rings. Ten of which were spaced out evenly around the arena in a larger circle, like the numbers on a clock. The final circle was drawn in the very center.
"Teams, take your places!" Midnight ordered before pointing her flogger at Tanya's team. "And may the one million point band move to the center of the arena!"
"Use the short time you have left wisely." Midnight licked her lips.
As the teams got into their circles, the clock started to tick down again. Teams that could, began to prepare to the best of their abilities.
Once Momo's team had gathered around, she got to work.
"Here's the plan everyone." Momo stated proudly. "We will have Aoyama as the rider to give him the best vantage point for firing his naval laser. Kaminari will be with me as rear horses, and we will likely have to switch if the situation arises. Todoroki will take the front horse position to make the most of his ice attacks."
Shoto nodded as he sort of understood. While he was a little annoyed at not being the rider, being able to blast away the competition without his team getting in his way was beneficial.
"I like it. I like it." Kaminari nodded. "We're going to have to be fast on our feet if we want to swap in combat though. And I've got just one problem now that I think about it," Kaminari raised his eyebrow and a hand up in defense, "how am I supposed to not shock you guys? Won't we be touching each other, you know, the whole time?"
"And if my horses are switching, how am I supposed to remain balanced?" Aoyama asked. "And with madame Yaoyorozu being the tallest here, won't I be lopsided?"
"I had come up with solutions to both of these issues." Momo placed a hand on her collarbone as she smiled. "I like to be prepared after all."
She reached her hand out and her palm shined a pinkish purple glow with blue and red particles popping in and out around it. From within the pinkish purple light, a long, hollow copper poll began to emerge from the palm of her hand.
"This is for you Kaminari." She said as she handed him a ten foot copper staff.
"Sweet!" He exclaimed as he took it and swung it around to feel its weight. Kaminair grinned as he reached across the team to poke Aoyama.
"OUI!" Aoyama jumped in shock and a little bit of pain. He got all flustered before he stomped his foot and whined, "Kaminari! That stung!"
"Hehe. Good to see it works then." Kaminari gave a shit eating smile as he propped up the staff beside him to lean on.
"Focus." Shoto scolded them as he watched Momo work on her next creation.
Momo unzipped her jacket and a light formed from her stomach as a pinkish purple light shined with red and blue particles popping in and out around it.
The light stretched out infront of her and took on a wide, oval shape to reach beyond the limits of her stomach.
Her brow furrowed as she concentrated on her creation. Long bars, about two feet apart, began to emerge from either end of the oval. With how short the object was, Momo took a knee to allow the bars to slide and rest on the ground.
The others watched, either passively or in amazement, as Momo created a long carriable platform. The carry bars were six feet long and two feet apart, with easy to grip handles. Between the bars, making an H shape, was a rectangular platform with a solid grip surface and two handles that folded and locked up into place.
"Alright Aoyama, climb aboard." Momo stood up and stretched her back.
"Bless you madame!" Aoyama cried as he skipped up onto the platform and grabbed a hold of the handles. "I feel like a real prince !"
"We're traveling in style now baby!" Kaminari cheered as he took his spot to the outside of the bars on the left. He crouched down, grabbing the bar with his right, his long copper pole with his left.
Todoroki sighed as he took his spot to the front, between the two bars. He crouched down as he took a breath, readying himself.
Momo took her spot to the back right, squatting down to grab the bar to her side. "Alright everyone. Let's win this!"
With Midoriya's team, Iida took the front spot. Tsuyu was to the back left, Uraraka the back right, and Midoriya was the rider.
"I'll make us float." Uraraka said eagerly as she tapped Iida on the back and then tapped Tsuyu on the shoulder. As for Midoriya, his foot was already in her hand, so she made him weightless that way.
"Iida, Tsu, tell me when you're ready to go fast so I can make myself weightless." Uraraka rubbed the back of her head with her free hand. She pouted and looked aside sheepishly. "It, uh, makes me queasy…"
"I will give the word before I go." Iida nodded as he puffed up his chest with pride in the duty given to him.
"Kerro kerro! I'm so excited." Tsuyu croaked as she closed her eyes for a moment. She was struggling to show her emotions, so she felt she had to be very direct even for something like this.
"Full Cowling." Izuku grit his teeth and smiled as green lighting crackled over his skin. "I'm counting on you all."
Hatsume Mei had her goggles pulled down as she tightened the straps on Sato's new harness. She grinned to herself as she had been hooking him up to just about everything she could reasonably attach.
"Are you sure this will work?" Sato asked as he looked down at himself. He was a little concerned with all of the gear Mei had him wearing.
He was wearing one of Mei's harnesses, the strap sections were extra lengthened to fit over his bulky frame. On his back, he didn't actually have any of Mei's backpacks, instead his harness came with an extra set of hoops for his teammates to hold onto. Around his waist was Mei's grappling hook belt. His shoes were covered up by Mei's sleek jump boots that hummed a little ominously when they were turned on.
"It'll be great!" Mei cheered as she grabbed on to his harness and hoisted herself up. His frame shifted to fit her weight onto his back. She lifted her net gun and grinned. "My babies are going to change the course of this game!"
Mina grabbed onto Sato's harness from behind as well. "Yeah Sato, we've got your back!"
"Nice pun." Sato scratched at his cheek as he once again shifted to accommodate the new weight. He was a little hunched over but managed to keep his back straight. "But you're not the one with glowing boots on…"
"Those are my electromagnetic shoes! Such a fantastic baby!" Mei cried in excitement as she leaned over Sato's shoulder to explain them to him. "One charge from those and they'll put you up in the air! I designed them for evasion."
Sato grit his teeth and struggled to roll his shoulders as he held the weight of both the other horses on his back. "Hgrrr."
"Are you ok Sato?" Tanya asked as she stood in front of him.
"I'll be fine. Once I activate my Quirk, they'll feel like nothing at all." Sato nodded as his brows furrowed in determination. "Climb on Tanya."
Tanya went behind Sato and reached up, grabbing onto Mei and Mina's shoulders before hoisting herself up onto the pile. "Alright team."
Mina smiled as she looked up to Tanya. "Let's kick some butt!"
"My babies are going to be great!" Mei cheered as she raised her net gun in one hand.
Sato pulled out his sugar packets and bit down, ready to tear them open. "Lesh do thish."
Tanya opened her wings to full width, reaching beyond the width of her team. Her big blue eyes gleamed with competitive spirit as she smiled wickedly. "To victory!"
" Everybody!!! " Present Mic announced eagerly. " Are you ready!!! "
" Ready! Set! Go! "
"Keep moving! Play defensively!" Tanya ordered her team before she took off from Sato's back, flying up into the air. Her heart pounded with adrenaline as the battle had begun.
Shhrip . Sato tore his packets open and dumped sugar down his throat. His muscles began to stretch as he stood up to nearly his full height, his companions weighing nothing to him but still not wanting them to fall off.
"Pick a direction and start running, big guy!" Mina gave him a little tap before he took off.
As the battle started, Shoto looked over to his left to see Bakugo's team. Too far to freeze, too close for his comfort with Bakugo as their horse.
"I will not allow them an easy route to us." He declared as he gathered his ice. His body temperature began to drop once again as he let go of the handle on the right side to swing his arm across and up.
ShrrRRRR! Ice erupted from the ground, rising higher and higher in a steep slope of jagged crystals that towered over the students.
"Ah, come on man! Aren't you going overboard?" Kaminari's jaw slacked in awe as he shivered from the suddenly lowered temperatures.
"I understand why," Momo stated, "it's a good move to block out Bakugo early. However, he's likely to go for the one million point band first."
She adjusted her grip to accommodate Todoroki's free hand before he grabbed on again. "Now, let's move!"
"Ahh, a dazzling entrance!" Aoyama held the back of his hand to his head, part to pose and also to block the sun, as he leaned back and took aim at Tanya. His four hundred and fifty point headband securely tied around his head.
"Half and half bastard!" Bakugo barked at the massive icewall that casted a shadow over his team. He ground his teeth as his team already began to run forwards towards the action. His headband was tied on tight, worth five hundred points.
"Bakugo, keep your cool." Jiro ordered him with a glare as she was the back left horse. Her attitude was level yet held a calm authority. "We're here to win, that's just bait to waste our time."
"Don't tell me what to do Ears! First I'll kill Chicken Wings and take the million point band! Then I'll kill the rest of these extras! You, push the center, that's where Sparkle's team will be. I want him dead! Tail !" Bakugo barked as he stepped off of their hand holds and onto Ojiro's awaiting tail. " Launch me! "
Ojiro smirked as he flexed his back and grounded himself. His powerful tail flicked up like a catapult, flinging Bakugo up and away from his team.
Boom! Bakugo threw his hands behind him and propelled himself into the air, chasing after Tanya.
"Nice throw man." Sero complimented as he kept his eyes focused on Bakugo in case he needed a tape pull.
"Thanks, I've been working on my tail throws." Ojiro smiled as he led the team towards the center of the arena.
Jiro leaned her head forward to get both of the guys' attention. "Hey, can we focus? You can flirt with each other later."
"Ah. Sorry." Sero grinned in good spirits.
"We need to push in and play aggressively!" Midoriya waved his hand forward like a commander. "If we pressure Tanya's ground team, we can cut off her support!"
As the team began to charge forward, it was made extremely easy as Uraraka had made everyone floaty. With her being the only weight, she got to set the pace freely. One of the issues with running as a physical group is that everyone had to manage the same pace. Not here.
"Kerro, the points only matter at the end of the timer." Tsuyu said. "And we already have the four hundred point band from Iida's placement."
"You and Iida were amazing in the race." Uraraka complimented. "You nearly had Iida beat at the final stretch back there!"
"Indeed." Iida nodded with a smile. "Asui, between your jumping and your tongue, you were incredibly fast."
"I told you to call me Tsu and you're missing the point, kerro." Tsuyu croaked as her worries were swept aside.
"Right Iida!" Midoriya nodded as he kept his eyes on Tanya's team. "Between you, Asu-Tsu," Midoriya tripped over Tsuyu's naming again, "and Uraraka, we can apply pressure while remaining safe."
"Hm! HM!" Uraraka agreed as she leaned forward into her run and pushed her team towards the center of the arena.
Ibara put her hands together in prayer as she rode atop Jurota, who in his beast form on all fours was capable of carrying his entire team on his back. She rode in the back with Kosei and Juzo infront of her.
Around her neck, so as to not interfere with her hair, she wore the two hundred and fifty point headband. The result of no one on her team having placed very high.
"Oh God, grant me the strength to guide these lost sheep." Ibara prayed aloud as she raised her hair like a mass of tentacles.
Crack! Strands of vines struck into the earth and began to grow and reach out around her team. The field began to sprout tendrils of vines that dove back into the ground. A field of loops and crawling vines surrounded them.
"That's a lot of range." Kosei Tsuburaba whistled in awe as the vines had already reached out to another team.
"I will reach them all in time." Shiozaki stated softly as she reached out and manipulated her vines. 'The skies are too open to reach you Tanya, but worry not, your team will be safe with me .'
"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" A harsh voice barked out to Shiozaki's team.
The voice came from Shoji's back, as he had all of his arms raised up behind him and was running with a hard lean. On top of his back was Kamakiri, the mantis heteromorph, with his headband on tight and extra length trailing, one hundred points, his blades were out and reaching from his hands like swords.
Dark Shadow reached out from Shoji's arm-tank and pointed at Shiozaki. "Your light will not stop us!"
In the darkness of Shoji's arm-tank, Tokoyami held on to Shoji's shoulders as he kept his beak down. "We shall weather this oncoming storm."
"Behold!" Mineta popped his head out from Shoji's arm-tank. He squirmed to get his arms out too so he could grab balls from his head. "The ultimate defensive team!"
Shiozaki reached a hand out towards them and sent more vines their way.
Mineta paled as a tidal wave of vines began to swell and rise before surging towards them. He ducked his head back down.