Chereads / Rising Heroine Tanya / Chapter 28 - Pt 2

Chapter 28 - Pt 2

"Bring it on!" Togaru Kamakiri shouted as he braced his blades for combat. Dark Shadow grabbed under and around his shoulders to act as an anchor to keep him safe from falling off.

From the other side of Shiozaki's zone of influence, a shocked and arrogant voice cried out. "Traitor! You would abandon us for those ruffians in Class A!"

Kamakiri pointed a blade out to Monoma as he barked back, " Unlike you guys, Shoji reached out to me! So don't go citing class lines with me Monoma or I'll kick your ass in our next class!"

Monoma, wearing the fifty point band, lowest of all the teams, had his jaw hanging open as he couldn't believe his classmates would betray him like this. With Bondo as his lead horse, Kodai to the back left, and Rin to the back right.

"And you!" Monoma shouted out to Shiozaki, "You would turn against us!?"

Shiozaki cast Monoma a side glance before returning to focusing on expanding her territory and reaching for Kamakiri's team. "You are not worth the effort Monoma. You should save your breath for more important things."

"We have worse things to worry about than picking fights with Shiozaki." Rin agreed with Shiozaki, looking increasingly stressed.

"Like what?!" Monoma cried as he looked down at his rear horses.

Kodai pointed a thumb off to the left, where two other students were rapidly approaching.

Pony's team was… unique. Only consisting of three players, Pony as the rider with three hundred points, Setsuna as the first horse, and Sen as the second horse. They had instantly split up at the start, with Setsuna keeping a hand clenched to the back of Sen's jacket collar.

They weren't technically split up. One part of Setsuna was always in contact with Sen, so they were connected!

Sen riding on twin drills as he spun his ankles around, sped towards Monoma's team with a grin on his face. Floating around him were an eye and ear from Setsuna as well as some additional floating blue parts. "What's the matter Monoma! Running out of schemes already!"

Tanya watched from the air as several teams began to converge towards the center, with a few… notable exceptions.

To the north, Shiozaki had begun to create a wave of vines that dug through the earth and reached wildly for anyone to grab hold of. One team was desperately fighting to not be buried alive. While Shiozaki's vines did concern Tanya, she put it fairly low on her immediate threats list.

"That will be a problem later." Tanya thought aloud as she heard Bakugo blasting his way towards her.

She grinned as the competition approached her only to drop her smile as she heard a series of soft whistling sounds.

Fwoosh! Tanya jutted her wings and shot herself backwards as a burst fire set of horns shot past where she was.

"Hello again Tanya!" Pony cheered as she rode up to her. Her headband was tied comfortably around her neck, worth three hundred points.

"So you're the big shot this year." Setsuna smirked as she clung onto Pony's shoulder to catch a ride, missing her legs, an eye, an ear, and one of her hands.

" You're dead Chicken Wings! " Bakugo shouted as he let himself fly freely, propelled by an early explosion.

A small twinkle from the ground before a long, brilliant blue laser shot up, too close to Tanya for comfort. Aoyama's blast sliced through the air before pittering out.

Tanya's grin came back to her as she fell over backwards and let herself build up speed. 'So many threats! So many opponents trained on me! It feels like Norden again!'

Her heart began to pound, blood and adrenaline pumping as her grin became competitive. She twisted over to face the ground before opening her wings again and shooting forward, putting distance between her and her many pursuers.

" What an exciting match! " Present Mic declared. " This year has built some very unique teams! "

"It appears several students have already begun to exploit loopholes." Aizawa droned. "As long as the rider doesn't touch the ground or go out of bounds, it's allowed. It appears Tenikari, Tsunitori, and Bakugo are looking to push an aerial advantage. A risky decision with long range Quirks on the field such as Aoyama's naval laser."

" He speaks! " Present Mic cried in joy. " On the ground, it appears nearly all of the teams are grouping up for a beat down! "

"Despite the attention several teams are receiving, other teams are playing for a slower start. After all, it is only the final score when the timer ends that counts." Aizawa reminded the audience.

" For the folks at home! Here is the scoreboard. "

Team Tenikari - 1,000,000

Team Bakugo - 500

Team Aoyama - 450

Team Midoriya - 400

Team Kuroiro - 350

Team Tsunotori - 300

Team Shiozaki - 250

Team Shoda - 200

Team Hagakure - 150

Team Kamakiri - 100

Team Momoma - 50

" Will Tenikari, the front running flier, be able to face down all of this pressure! " Present Mic grabbed his microphone and started shouting into it, too hyped to contain himself.

"Don't fly away from me!" Bakugo shouted as he blasted himself towards Tanya again. Smoke trails followed his hands as he left dark clouds everywhere he blasted.

"What would you have to trade?" Tanya asked through her grin, taunting him as she flew up to avoid Bakugo shooting towards her. Her downdraft pushed Bakugo down.

He snarled as he didn't fire at her with the wind shoving him downwards. Instead, he had to keep his hands low to shoot up after her.

Shu Shu Shu! A barrage of horns came firing at Tanya.

Tanya flexed her wings as she brought them back before flapping them towards Pony. As Tanya was pushed back, the air gust battered away the horns.

"We have more where that came from!" Setsuna declared as her torso began to split itself into blue chunks that began to fill the air.

Pony swerved upwards on her horn skis, chasing after Tanya and trying to line up another shot on her.

Tanya watched Pony fly, sweeping in clean arcs and slopes. Even as Tanya dropped lower, as she could see Aoyama's blue light charging for another shot, she couldn't help but feel something familiar. 'Pony flies like Mary once did. She likely has some of the same maneuvers, and the same shortcomings .'

Pewwwrr! Tanya swept low as Aoyama's laser tracked her again.

Bakugo brought his hands up as Tanya approached him. His hands crackled as he took aim.

Tanya grit her teeth as she brought her wings around her and shoved backwards, flinging her out of the way as Bakugo's pillar of fire and sickly sweet smoke roared past her.

"Wah! No!" Pony cried as Tanya flew underneath her. "That's so unfair!"

"Hold on Setsuna!" Pony swung her hooves up and spun around like a skateboarder at the top of a ramp. She let gravity pull her downwards as she chased after Tanya again.

'My trap is almost ready.' Setsuna smirked to herself as she floated closer to Pony, wrapping her arm around Pony's chest as she kept what remained of her head beside Pony's ear.

Setsuna's floating chunks began to spread out, creating a wide reaching sphere of blobs. 'As the fight progresses, I will move myself closer to Tenikari and ensnare her. Her mobility may be second to none, but a bird in a cage has nowhere to fly.'

Pewwwrrr! Aoyama's laser fired off again, this time hitting Tanya in her right wing and sending her into a spin.

"Huu!" Tanya exhaled her shock as she scrambled to regain her flight. She leveled out and banked right as she heard Bakugo blast himself down towards her. She grit her teeth as feathers flew off and her wing was slightly burnt from the blast.

'Aoyama is my real threat!' Tanya thought to herself as Bakugo's right hooking blast barely missed her. 'That stomach beam of his is nearly impossible to dodge if I can't see him with these other three!'

Pewrrrr! Aoyama's laser went off, cutting through the air. It missed Tanya but managed to catch Bakugo's leg and sent him spinning out of control.

"Fucking SPARKLY BASTARD!!! I'LL KILL HIM LATER!!!" Bakguo screamed in rage as he had to place both of his hands up to blast and stop him from spinning. His leg burned from the impact and his pant leg was torn open, burnt edges of fabric flapped in the wind. A bruise began to form along his calf.

Tanya drew in a long breath before shouting at the top of her lungs. "MIIIINNAAAAA!!! Take out that laser!"

Mina smiled as Tanya had called out for her help. "You heard her, Sato. Let's go beat up Aoyama!" She pumped her fist in the air.

Sato nodded as he changed directions and began to charge across the arena. His running style was weighted and clunky, with a lot more arm swing in it because of the two girls on his back and Mei's boots.

"Team to our left!" Mei cried out as she hoisted her net gun.

"Just keep running Sato! We'll blast right past them!" Mina thumped Sato on the shoulder to encourage him to keep charging.

Midoriya gave his next order as he pointed at Sato's legs. "Tsuyu! Use your tongue!"

Tsuyu brought her head back and her cheeks puffed up as her tongue lengthened and flexed. "Blep!" She threw her head forward as her incredibly long, frog tongue fired out.

Sato's eyes widened as Tsuyu's tongue wrapped around his calves, binding them together. He tried to force his legs open but failed. His arms swung around for balance as he tilted forward. "Agh!"

"Nononono!" Mina cried as she clasped on to Sato's harness alongside Mei who could only gasp.

Thuurd! Sato's towering frame slammed into the dirt. His teeth clashed together as he brought his hands under him to pick himself back up.

"That's just rude Tsu!" Mina shouted as she shook her fist at Midoriya's team.

"So this is how hero students feel." Mei groaned in minor pain. She had banged her chin on the dirt, having fallen over Sato's shoulder.

"Shorry Meenuh." Tsuyu apologized as she reeled her tongue back in. "But it has to be this way."

Sato growled as he stood back up, letting his teammates readjust on his back. He squared up to Midoriya's team. " Midoriya ." He glared.

Midoriya clenched a fist as he made a declaration to Mina, Mei, and Sato. "Tanya has to come down, so we can't let you support her!"

"And how do you plan on stopping us?" Mina gave him a shit eating grin as she prepared her free hand with a glob of acid. "We've got acid… and nets!"

"Wait until the investors see my beautiful babies!" Mei cheered as she slid her goggles down and took aim at Midoriya's team.

Iida revved his engines as he lowered himself into a lean with an athletic stance. "Uraraka. Ready yourself."

Ochako nodded her head. She made herself weightless, making her entire team now free. Her cheeks puffed up as she braced herself.

Iida flared his engines to life, shooting his team forwards.

Mei fired her gun, the net opening wide for Iida to run right into.

"Too early." Iida stated as he shut off his engines, and jumped. His entire team now shot into the air thanks to Uraraka's float.

"Blep!" Tsuyu fired her tongue down.

"Sorry Tsu! This will sting!" Mina shouted as she threw her acid glob into the air, letting it spread out to protect her team from Tsuyu's tongue. "Acid Veil!"

"Le!" Tsuyu tilted her head to the side as she arched her tongue. Her tongue twisted in the air, landing off to the side of Sato and avoiding the acid veil.

"Huh?" Mina's grin dropped as Midoriya's team landed beside them freely. Her acid splashed onto the dirt harmlessly.

"I'll make you float!" Uraraka shouted as she reached towards Sato.

"Get back!" Sato ordered as he swung his fist in a backhand at Iida. His longer reach allowed him to get Iida before Uraraka could reach Sato.

Skiddd! Midoriya's team, weighing nothing, slid away.

"My apologies Uraraka." Iida nodded his head in shame as she released her Quirk with a sigh of relief. "I was careless."

"Don't worry about it Iida." Uraraka chimed with a weak smile.

"We don't need to beat them, kerro." Tsuyu reminded.

"As-Tsuyu is right." Midoriya nodded as he brought his fist up. "We just need to stall them."

There was a stand off between Mina's team and Midoriya's.

Sato had his teeth bared as he planted his foot, ready to charge again. Mina regained her smile as she prepared another glob of acid on her hand. Mei readied her net gun again.

Midoriya kept a steady face as he racked his brain with questions about what their next move will be. Uraraka got to work making everyone except herself weightless again. Iida revved his engines. Tsuyu let her tongue hang out to the side, draping down to her jawline.

Pewwrr! "Hu, hu." Aoyama was sweating bullets as he panted. He kept his hands clenched around the handles as he brought his hips back.

"Fire again." Todoroki ordered coldly. His voice carried a menacing authority to it.

"Haa!" Aoyama cried as he thrust his hips forward again, firing his naval laser again. Pewwrr!

"This won't last for long." Momo stated as she pushed her team closer to Tanya's. "Aoyama will overexert himself. We must help him by cutting off Tanya's team."

"No ground team, no grounding." Kaminari smirked as he realized what Momo was on to.

"Between Aoyama's laser, Bakugo, and class B's efforts, Tanya will wear herself thin and be forced to land." Momo nodded. "And with no teammates to land on, she'll be forced to be disqualified. Then we can fight the other teams with our offensive advantage to take the one million points."

"Sound plan." Another voice called out to them.

"But we'll beat you first!" Kendo shouted as she ran over, carrying her entire team on her enlarged hands. In one hand, she had Tetsutetsu grabbed by the legs. On the other hand, she held up Shoda, Awase, and a pile of dirt.

Awase was busy welding the orange arena dirt together into larger, harder clods like cannonballs. He would then hand them over to Shoda.

Shoda punched the dirt ball. He then reared back his arm to throw the ball.

"Throwing dirt is your strategy?" Todoroki asked with a blank face as the dirt ball flew towards him like a weak pitch.

" Fire ." Shoda whispered.

Fwoomph! The dirt ball burst forward with a sudden jerk. What once was a weak pitch became a blur of orange.

Cuunf! "Uack!" Todoroki gasped as the wind was knocked out of him by the dirt ball slamming into his stomach. He doubled over from the impact and had to gasp for breath.

"W-Woah!" Aoyama cried out as he grasped onto the handles even harder. He bent over and crouched to bring his knee to the platform to help balance himself. "I-I am afraid I cannot aim like this!"

"Todoroki!" Kaminari cried out. "Are you ok?!"

Todoroki grit his teeth as he raised his eyes to meet Kendo's confident glare. He stood up again and raised his right foot.

"Not this time ice boy!" Tetsutetsu turned himself into steel and crossed his arms over his face and head.

"Bring it on!" Kendo challenged as she let Tetsutetsu shift forward in her hand, grasping him by his calves and feet.

SsshrrRRRR! Todoroki planted his foot down and ice began to burst forth along the floor.

"Iron clad-!" Tetsutetsu wound up his voice as Kendo brought him back like a hammer.

" Hammer!! " He roared as Kendo slammed him into the oncoming wave of ice, shattering it.

" Fire! " Shoda whispered again as another dirt ball rocketed forwards.

Shoto stomped to his right. Ice jutted up and cracked as the dirt cannon ball slammed into it. He closed his right eye as ice shrapnel scattered.

"Oh god." Kaminari paled as he saw the ice tank the hit. "I'm next aren't I?"

Shoda nodded to Kaminari as Awase worked on another dirt ball.

"Kaminari." Momo called out to him. She maintained her calming presence and her focused determination was infectious. "We need you."

Kaminari nodded as he readied his copper pole. He calmed his breathing before shouting, "Chaarge!"

Todoroki and Momo began to run with Kaminari. He aimed his pole forwards like a spear, reaching out towards Kendo.

"Don't even try it blondie!" Tetsutetsu shouted as he reached over to swipe away the blunt spear.

"Tetsutetsu, no!" Kendo cried out as she tried to lift him away.

" You all are fried! " Kaminari shouted as lightning crackled across his body. It wound and bounced along his pole before arcing over to Tetsutetsu's hand.

" AAaaaaHHH! " Kendo and her teammates cried out as they were enveloped by Kaminari's lightning. They all locked up and spasmed from the shock as they were nearly blinded by the flashing yellow.

Ssshhhrr! Todoroki stomped again to create a jagged path of ice that ran to Kendo's feet and rapidly froze up her body. He showed no emotion as she screamed out first, and then her teammates screamed as the cold ensnared their bodies.

"Next time, my opening attack will be larger." Todoroki told himself as he huffed out a puff of cold air.

"Bet that hertz , huh!" Kaminari taunted as he brought his pole back.

"W-we'll get you for th-this!" Kendo's teeth chattered. Awase and Shoda were nearly frozen solid on her hand.

"GrrrrRRRR!!" Tetsutetus rocked his head back and forth as he tried to flex and break free from the ice. " Todoroki!! " He shouted out.

Aoyama stood up and swept his hair, trying to channel his inner prince charming. "Merci team. You were amazing."

As they walked by, Aoyama reached over and plucked Shoda's band off of his shivering head. " Ah . This will look better on me. "

Todoroki looked over his shoulder and glared at Aoyama with the left side of his face. His blue eyes pierced Aoyama's fragile confidence. "Keep shooting."

"Eek!" Aoyama squeaked before he brought his hips back and thrust them up at Tanya, firing another blue laser.


Shiozaki's team pushed forwards as her vines cleared to make a path.

Shishida walked on all fours, his shoulders rocking like a bear. "Have you gotten them yet?"

"These lambs are… trickier than I had expected." Shiozaki sighed as she continued to focus her vines.

Even as her domain expanded and vines consumed an even wider sweep of the arena, Kamakiri and the Shoji tank were not going down.

"Haaaahahaha!" Kamakiri roared a laugh as he spun around, wildly slashing at the vines. He kept jumping off to be more aggressive and fight back against more vines, only for Dark Shadow to pull him back up and onto Shoji's back.

Sheer sheer sheer shink! Kamakiri sliced and diced and slashed, clashing with wave after wave of vines.

Pop opopopop. Mineta would routinely poke his head out of the Shoji tank to fire off more purple balls, sticking Shiozaki's vines together.

Not only did this annoy Shiozaki, as it created more mental effort, it made Kamakiri's slashing easier on the clumped up vines.

Kamakiri huffed angrily as he looked down at his hand blade, snarling at the purple orb stuck to it. "Watch your damn balls!" He barked as he chopped off his own blade.

"There's so many vines!" Mineta screamed back in fear.

Shink! Kamakiri flicked his hand out, creating a new blade. "Isn't this great! All the chopping I could ever ask for!"

Tokoyami poked his beak out the front of Shoji's tank arms, near his head. "It appears Shiozaki's light is more powerful than we had anticipated."

"This isn't a sporting event." Shoji said as he glanced back at Tokoyami's beak with his one exposed eye. He panted from running the entire time. His pant legs were slashed up from Shiozaki's attempts to grasp him, blood trickled down from where her thorns had shredded at him. "This is torture for entertainment."

"HAAHAHA!" Kamakiri roared as he dived off of Shoji's back and against the tide once more, spinning like a propeller and slashing wildly.

Monoma and his team desperately fought to keep Sen and Setsuna off of them while running forward as fast as they could.

To their right, Shiozaki's flood of vines came ever closer, consuming more and more space. To their left, Manga's towering Thud word cast an ominous shadow over the arena as mushrooms sprouted over it.

Monoma reached down and tapped Rin's hair while never taking his eyes off of Sen.

Sen spun up again, sliding around Monoma's team before leaping up at them. He spun his hand like a drill and stabbed it towards Monoma. "Come on smart guy!"

"Turning against your own classmates!" Monoma shouted as he brought his arm up as scales sprouted from his skin. He winced as Sen's hand clashed, taking off scales and bouncing Sen away.

" I Don't care ! I'm tired of your whining!" Sen barked as he spun like a top and rotated around their team.

Monoma's team, with good defense and a higher overall weight, kept running forwards even as Sen rotated around them like a dog chasing a bull.

Setsuna's chunks flew towards Monoma's team, attempting to batter them from odd angles. Rin continued to fire at them, but Setsuna was too tricky to hit and continued to land cheap shots on the team.

"Rin, some scales please?" Yui Kodai asked as she put out a hand for him.

"I don't know what you're planning," Rin panted from the bruises Setsuna had given him, "but make it quick!" Rin popped off some of his scales and handed them to Yui Kodai, who enlarged them.

"Bondo, glue my arm." Yui said as she put her forearm out.

"Ack!" Bondo cried as he was slapped with a blue Setsuna chunk. He shook his head before turning over and firing a glob of glue on her arm. "Bleh."

"Monoma, a hand please." Yui requested as she handed up a scale plate to him with her glue covered arm.

Thwack! Yui's head was slapped to the side by Setsuna and her vision swam. The team slowed down as she tilted awkwardly. She gulped, rebalanced herself, and contained her composure.

"We're the underdogs here!" Monoma continued his rant as he took the scale and slapped it onto Yui's arm. "We'll use our heads and come out on top!"

Yui had finished making a makeshift shield that she then raised to protect herself from another flying chunk of Setsuna. "She's relentless…"

Rin started firing more scales at the swarm of Setsuna. Even as he swept his hand, firing like a machine gun, the blue chunks kept floating out of the way of his shots. "I can't land a hi- aah!"

A chunk of Setsuna slapped at his ankle, causing him to stumble.

Bondo stopped the team and leaned over, allowing Rin to catch himself on Bondo's larger frame. "I've got you."

Rin panted in pain from Setsuna's onslaught. His body shivered. "Thanks Bondo. Aaah!"

Thwack! Another chunk of Setsuna slapped Rin in the back of the head. He began to tear up from all the bruising and beatings he'd taken.

Monoma glared at Sen as the spinner came back for another round. He tapped Bondo on the back of the head.

Monoma's head hollowed out into a dark mass covered by a skin coated glue container. Holes opened up in his face, even making his eyes disappear.

Sen stopped his approach and spun around Monoma with a green coming to his cheeks. "Uuck! What kind of a transformation is that!"

"Bondo, flood him out. Keep moving!" Monoma ordered as he began to spray glue after Sen, coating the ground to their left. He sprayed out a thick line of glue and chased Sen away.

"Right away!" Bondo called back before firing even more glue to his right. He coated the entire flank, swinging his head side to side and flinging glue everywhere.

As the team pushed forwards, they sprayed glue out to cover their flanks. Rin kept firing at Setsuna while Yui was busy reaching enlarged scales into Bondo's glue spouts and forming armor for her team, slapping them onto the gym outfits like protective patchwork.

Thunk! A chunk of Setsuna bounced off of a glued scale on Rin's back. He still winced but it wasn't as bad as before.

"Hey hey hey!" Sen shouted as he had to start jumping to avoid the hosing down. "Setsuna! Can I get hand with this?!"

Setsuna answered him by having her hand, grasping on his collar, gently knock the back of his neck for confirmation.

"That's the recommendeds for you." Sen smiled softly as he sped out in front of the team where they couldn't spray him in fear of covering their own path.

A chunk of Setsuna split into two smaller pieces and flew towards Monoma… and directly into his holes.


"Aaaa!" Monoma cried out in pain and fear as he grabbed the sides of his glue pot head.

Bapbapbapbapbap! Setsuna's two chunks bounced around, drumming the inside of his head.

His head began to return to its normal shape, forcing Setsuna out. He shook his head in pain like his funny bone had been hit.

Setsuna's two little chunks slipped up and took Monoma's band off and flew away with it, forming a donut around it as they reformed back.

"No!" Bondo called out as he tried to fire glue at the headband to make it so Monoma could grab and stick to it.

Thwuuck! A chunk slammed into Bondo's throat as he looked up.

"Uok! Gah gh!" Bondo began to cough from the hit. He had to stop and catch his breath and cough up loose glue gob.

Monoma tried to reach out for the band, only for Sen to dash up.

Sen jumped, planted his not-spinning feet onto Bondo's shoulders. He reached up and grabbed the band, causing a tug of war with Monoma.

" Sen! " Monoma cried out in anger!

"I'll be taking this for myself!" Sen taunted before he spun his hand around, causing the headband to twist out of Monoma's grasp.

"See you around Monoma !" Sen cheered as he crouched down and leapt off of Bondo's shoulders into a backflip. He twisted himself in the air and landed on his spinning feet to slide away.

" SEEEEN!!! " Monoma cried out as he had felt betrayed.

"He is doing what we had planned with the class." Yui shook her head, even as a nasty bruise formed along her cheek and up the left side of her face. "Going after small fry."

Monoma looked around and realized that the vine tide had gotten too close for comfort. "We're not done yet…" He breathed heavily as he gathered himself and copied Rin's Quirk.

"There they are!" Jiro pointed to Aoyama and his team carrying him. Jiro and her team had finally ran around Todoroki's massive ice glacier. "Ojiro, can you jump us to them?"

Ojiro stopped the groups running as he crouched down. "Alright guys, climb on."

"You first." Jiro nodded her head and stepped aside for Sero.

"It's like a double piggyback ride." Sero grinned as he hopped on and wrapped his legs around Ojiro's waist.

"Don't make this weird Sero…" Ojiro sighed as he then had to replant his foot for Jiro's weight too. "Gnn." He grunted from the weight.

"You guys are heavy on the back." Ojiro complained before flexing his tail a few times. "Now hold on tight."

Jiro reached her arms around Sero's shoulders and grabbed Ojiro's. "We just need to be high enough off the ground to avoid Todoroki freezing us. We can split up on the landing, Midnight probably won't rule it against us due to 'heroic spirit' or whatever."

Ojiro gathered himself before he slammed his tail into the ground and launched them into the air. "Haa!" He shouted from the effort.

"Huh?" Aoyama wondered aloud as he looked over at the sound of the impact. His eyes widened as he shrieked, "Incoming team!"

He turned his hips towards them but before he could aim -

"Tape in your eyes!" Sero shouted as he fired off a patch of tape onto Aoyama's face.

"Aaah! Sacre bleu!" Aoyama cried as he reached up and tried to fiddle with the tape. He then gasped and scrambled to grab back onto the handles as the balance kept shifting. "Aide! Je suis aveugle!"

Todoroki glared at the brash team before letting go with his right hand, forcing Momo to carry the extra weight. He swiftly gathered frost along his hand before sweeping his hand from the ground upwards.

ShhhrrRRRR! Ice sprouted upwards in jagged forms as it reached to batter and barricade them away.

" Heartbeat shatter! " Jiro shouted as she shot her ear jacks towards the approaching ice.

WwrWWrWRRWRRRR! TSCHH! Her jacks vibrated as ice encased them in their route of growth before shattering away.

Todoroki raised his eyebrows in anger, shocked that his ice had been beaten away.

"Uof!" Ojiro grunted as he crashed landed with his team. Their bodies sprawling and rolling wildly from the impact.

" This'll shock ya! " Kaminari shouted, still confident from his last fight, he swung his pole towards Ojiro.

Sero bounced up onto his feet and threw a line of tape to pull Kaminari's pole away. "Nice try there sparky!"

Todoroki brought his foot up to slam down more ice, a little slow from the frost growing along his right.

"Heartbeat-," Jiro shot her jack towards Todoroki's chest as she picked herself up, " Stun! "

Tink! A wire net, with a black box on the corner, came falling over Jiro, catching her jacks under their weight.

"I'm sorry Jiro." Momo said as she had thrown her latest creation out. She pitied Jiro with her jacks all tangled up in the net. "But I can't let you stop us."

"MOMO!" Jiro cried out as she knew what was coming.

"Freeze." Todoroki spoke coldly as he stomped again.

Author's notes: I promise, I've been working really hard on this fic. This chapter is 13k words, what is currently on the board is 26k, and it's not even done yet. This cavalry battle is larger than some entire fics!

I just needed to get some of this off my plate. It was becoming too big.

Going into the future, I will be avoiding mega battle events, and focus more on smaller picture stuff. Which would be nice. If anything gets this big again, I will be making the squads larger to avoid multi scene shenanigans.

I have a motto, a belief I hold dear to my heart: "Every character is someone's favorite." And I intend to hold true to that. It's too late to stop now, I'm having all of the characters shine!