Chapter 2 - 1

October 2, 2021 Darren was looking into my eyes with a look that seemed devoid of hatred or any other feeling. I had refused him, but I kept thinking about how it would have been if I hadn't done it, maybe it would have been better. Darren was not a bad boy, he was actually very good. I was quiet in my room, locked in my own thoughts. When I suddenly see a figure in front of my door but in a strange way I didn't panic, I was just curious to see who it was. I open the door and in less than 2 seconds Darren has me on the bed. He was on top of me with his hands placed as if caringly on my waist. He kisses me as I try to push him away. I couldn't, he was like an animal, an animal thirsty for blood, an animal in heat. I could only accept what was happening even if part of me wanted to run away. Run away and never come back.

"I love you, Hugo! And I really think you feel the same way." He says as he kisses my neck. I wanted to scream and punch him in the face but I was overwhelmed by the situation.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" I hear a familiar voice, it was Aaron, my brother. He was shocked at what he was seeing, Darren was on top of me and I had the expression of a helpless puppy "Darren? What are you doing with Hugo? Are you crazy?"

Darren was looking from side to side as if expecting to get punched in the face at any moment. Aaron walks up to him and tries to stay calm. "For the last time... Can someone explain to me what the hell is going on here?" I look at my brother's expression, he was trying not to look angry. But the way he pronounced the words betrayed him. I decide to speak myself, to invent something. "Aaron. Darren and I were just talking and he fell and happened to fall on top of me." "Yes, of course he fell with his mouth on your neck too! It would be easier to tell me you're gay! Disgusting!"I am shocked at Aaron's reaction. I didn't expect my own brother to be homophobic. Darren was as shocked as I was. Aaron had left the room giving me a disgusted look.

October 8, 2021

Aaron continued to ignore both me and Darren. The atmosphere was increasingly tense.

"Hugo!" I hear my mother calling me.

"Hugo, I hope you don't mind but you have to go to your aunt's house. She needs to discuss something important with you." "Aunt Adele?"


"You know I don't want to talk to her. Besides why can't she call me? Didn't she make enough money selling herself to be able to get a decent phone?"

The words I uttered made my mother furious. "Hugo don't you dare say anything like that about my sister ever again! You don't know why she did what she did, it's not your job to judge her!"

"When do I have to go?" I ask ignoring my mother's words. To me Aunt Adele was just a drug addict whore who would do anything to get 1 milligram of cocaine.

"Tomorrow morning at 9:00."

March 5, 2015

"Adele!" My mother shouted as we waited outside the door of my Aunt Adele's house. The lack of a buzzer was felt by how long it took to open. Finally open. She was thinner than usual. Paler, sadder... more lifeless. Cocaine addiction was showing its fangs. She was skin and bones, she had some dark circles that she had tried to hide with some hastily applied concealer. She welcomes me in while my mother says goodbye to her, she has been doing this for about 2 years, I was staying at my aunt's house more than at home.

"Hugo. I have to tell you something. You won't be staying with me today, Two of my friends are coming here. Don't make too much noise. Don't struggle ok?" "Not struggle? Why would I struggle?"

I remain confused as he leaves. Two tall, thin men enter the living room. They looked at each other confused. "Boy, are you the escort we were promised?" "Shut up you fool can't you see he's a child?""Who are you?" I ask confused and a little scared. "Where is your aunt?"

"I don't know. He left and told me you were coming but not why you were coming."

"That Adele whore tricked us saying that she'll bring us an escort. And what did we get? A 15-year-old kid! Did we give her those drugs for nothing?

Escort? Whore? Tricked? Drugs? I couldn't believe that my own aunt could do such a thing to me. Did she really expect me to do something like this with these two? That's why she agreed to take care of me? . The two men had left, they didn't want anything to do with a child, not what my aunt had promised them. For her, a few grams of cocaine was worth more than me, than my life, than my health. She's an addicted whore.

I hate her.