I retreated to my room, frustrated that no one would divulge any information about Liam's whereabouts.
Where could Liam have gone? Was he truly that upset?
As I settled into bed, my thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door.
"The door is open," I said to whoever it was.
The door creaked open, and Diana entered, carrying a transparent box. What is that?
I slowly stood up, "Diana, what brings you here?"
She closed the door behind her, her smile warm as she approached me.
"I need to tend to that head wound," she said, gently pulling me to sit on the bed along with her.
"Uhm, Diana," I called out.
"Yeah?" She responded, opening the box she was holding to reveal an assortment of objects and liquids. The only familiar item was a pair of scissors.
"What is it Layla?" She asked again.
"Oh," I shook my head, trying to wave off the distraction.
"Diana, do you think Liam's disappearance has something to do with me?"
She pulled out a fluffy white wool from the box and began to dab it softly on my head, her gaze fixed on my injury.
"I don't think so, Layla," she replied, "His Highness couldn't stay mad at you for long."
"Are you sure?" I asked again.
She met my gaze and offered a warm smile before pulling away, "I'm positive, Layla. Don't worry too much
I nodded slightly, my eyes fixed on what she's doing. "And my mom? Where is she?"
"She just needed some time to herself. She'll be fine, don't worry," she said, returning to my head with another piece of wool that she had applied something on.
"Hsss..." I winced.
Her brows furrowed in concern. "Sorry, sorry! I'll be done soon."
I nodded again, still feeling the sting. "When do you think Liam will come back?" I asked, my gaze locked on her face.
"Probably tonight, but I'm not sure," she replied, her focus on my head.
"He has done this before, you know."
"He has? Why?"
She pulled away, her attention shifting to the box, then back at me. "Work, that's all."
"What kind of work?"
"Office work," she responded.
I furrowed my brows. "Office work? What's that?"
Her hands returned to my head, moving deftly as she wrapped a white cloth around my head.
"Liam owns very very large companies, and he makes lots and lots of money from them. He regularly visits them at a time to oversee the activities of his employees."
"Employees?" I repeated.
She pulled away and started arranging the items in the box before standing up. "Let's just say they are the people who work for him."
She placed a hand on my shoulder, "Liam would return, don't worry." She pulled away, turning to leave, then spun back around, looking concerned.
"You didn't eat your food?"
"Huh?, Uhm, I...uh..."
"I'll get you another one. You need to eat, Layla. Not just for yourself, but for Liam's sake. He would be upset if he found out you hadn't eaten."
I rose to my feet, feeling slightly guilty "I am sorry, Diana. I forgot to eat."
She nodded, her expression softening. "It is fine. I'll have someone bring you another meal."
She picked up the tray and headed towards the door, then turned back to me with a gentle smile. "Don't worry too much, okay?"
I managed a weak smile in response. "Okay."
She opened the door and walked out, gently closing it behind her, and then I collapsed onto my bed, careful not to jar my injury.
I turned onto my back, gazing up at the ceiling with a sigh.
"where could Liam be? Why didn't he come home last night or this morning? What's wrong?"
My arms splayed out to the sides, I let out another sigh, feeling my eyelids grow heavy.
I hope that when I woke up, Liam would be there.
A big yawn escaped from my mouth, and I grabbed a pillow to support my head.
With a deep breath, I closed my eyes and let sleep envelope me.
"Layla, Layla," a voice called out, piercing through my sleep.
"Get up, Layla, you need to eat." I slowly opened my heavy eyelids, squinting at the bright light.
I raised my hands to shield my face, feeling a bit groggy.
"Please, eat something," the voice urged.
As my vision adjusted, I sat up, leaning against the headboard.
The worried expression on the maid's face struck me.
She held a tray of food, with a glass cup prominently displayed.
"You've been asleep for too long," she said, setting the tray down beside me on the bed.
I rubbed my eyes, trying to clear the haze. "What's the time?"
"It's night, Layla," she replied, her expression unchanging.
My heart sank. "Liam? My mom? Are they home?"
The maid shook her head, and my heart broke a little more. "Liam isn't home yet?" I asked, my gaze dropping.
She picked up the tray and handed it to me. "You need to eat, and take your medicine. Two tablets of each."
I felt really disappointment, collecting the tray from her and settling it on my lap.
If Liam were here, he would have healed my injury by now. But he is probably too busy for me.
"What about my mom?" I asked.
"She'll be back soon. Eat now, layla."
I nodded slightly, taking the fork and piercing the egg. The food felt like dust in my mouth, but I forced myself to eat, hoping Liam would come home soon.
She still stood and watched me eat, her concerned expression unwavering, despite the fact that I was clearly almost done.
"You're concerned about Liam?" I asked, taking the final bite of the bacon.
"Why would I be? He's fine."
I raised an eyebrow. "So, you and the guards know where he is?"
She grew nervous, her eyes darting around the room. "I...I don't know, why would I?" Her voice trembled slightly.
I locked eyes with hers, my gaze piercing. "Really?" I asked, opening each medicine container. "You expect me to believe that?"
She gulped, her eyes flicking to the medicines and back to me. "W-what do you think? That I'm lying? Why would I?"
I swallowed the medicines and drank the water, my eyes never leaving hers. "You're making it obvious," I said, leaning back against the headboard.
"I'm not hiding anything, Layla! Stop it already!"
I folded my arms, a smirk playing on my lips. "I didn't say you were."
A knock Interrupted, grabbing both our attentions as we both glanced at the door.
"Layla!, Layla!" A voice came from outside.
The maid quickly took the tray off my lap and walked to the door.
I unfolded my arms, staring at her as she opened the door.
As she opened the door, I stood up, curious to know who it was. I couldn't see the person outside, but I heard hushed voices conversing.
I approached the door, and as I opened it wider, the maid quickly scurried away, leaving me with Hannah, it's been quite some time I saw her.
But why does she look so frightened?
She forced a nervous laugh. "Layla, come downstairs for a minute. I want to show you something."
I blinked, confused. "Is Liam home now?" I folded my arms.
"Uhm, no, he isn't. Just come with me."
I raised an eyebrow. "Why?"
"Just come Layla," She tugged on my wrist, pulling me away from the doorway and closing the door behind us.
She pulled me to the elevator, my gaze fixed on her as we slowly descended to the last floor in silence. She seemed to be stealing glances at me, her behavior increasingly suspicious.
What's going on with everyone? Why are they acting so strangely?
"ting!" The sound of the elevator diverted my gaze to the opening doors.
I watched as it slid open, the sight of the dark living room leaving me in curiosity.
It fully opened and we both stepped out, the only light coming from the elevator, shutting out on us.
"Uhm Hannah, why is it dark?" I asked.
I remember when I had gotten this injury on my head, and it was due to this same darkness, but there was no storm to add to the tension which I'm assuming should be a good thing.
I stretched out my arms, trying to feel the environment,
"Hannah, Hannah!" I called out, but there was no response.
Where did she go?