Roxanne was alarmed. She couldn't believe her eyes. "Was Tarella truly asleep?" She wondered in panic looking from the sleeping figure to the hermaphrodite before her.
She decided to think of him as a hermaphrodite to give herself peace of mind and room for her to relax with little worries as it was near impossible to relax with no worries.
"She must have been very tired," he said too nonchalantly to pass for genuine nonchalance. He spoke like he was hiding something.
Roxanne in such a situation, had her sense organs all over the place, listening, sniffing and feeling for strange harmful sensations. Her antenna of danger was sending many signals to her brain, but she didn't adhere to them
Not that she didn't want to, it was just that she couldn't even if she wanted to. As she had no means of transporting herself home.